Guo Jingyi raised her hand to caress Shi Lei's cheek, looked at him excitedly, opened her mouth, and wanted to say something, upon hearing that, Guo Jingyi was stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "You have been asleep for three days."

three days?It's been so long, Shi Lei thought, he got up and sat up straight, leaning against the wall, although his body was still a little weak, he was quite awake now.

Shi Lei looked at the tired woman in his eyes, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. He casually put aside the small iron box Guo Jingyi handed him just now.

"Jingyi, have you been on the boat for the past few days?" Shi Lei quietly looked at the familiar cabin, was silent for a moment, and then asked in a hoarse voice: "How about the food?"

Although I found a sea turtle before, it can temporarily solve the food problem, but after all, there are too many people, no matter how economical they are, it is not enough for a few people to feed for three days, so I only asked.

Shi Lei originally thought that with so many of them and being at the seaside, it would be impossible for them to be hungry, but when Guo Jingyi heard this, the smile on her face faded immediately.

With her expression, one could tell something was wrong at a glance, Shi Lei had been sleeping for the past few days, not knowing what was going on, so Shi Lei glanced down at his watch.

After ten o'clock in the morning, Shi Lei thought about it, and decided that it would be better to ask directly, "Jingyi, what's going on?" Thinking of the wet sand dug out, Shi Lei couldn't help but mutter in his heart, the water source is easy to solve.

Seeing that Guo Jingyi didn't speak, Shi Lei became even more anxious, hurriedly asked again, Guo Jingyi frowned and explained the situation.

After Guo Jingyi briefly talked about the situation from his coma to the time before he woke up, Shi Lei finally knew that after the emotional overturned the hill, the situation inside was no better than the beach.

Looking at the past, the surrounding area is full of emerald green low plants, not a single big tree. If this person goes in, he will get sunburned within half a day.

And the most important thing is that there are no water sources such as rivers and lakes, and there are no plants and animals to eat, and there are especially many poisonous substances such as poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Even if Guo Jingyi didn't say anything about their current situation, Shi Lei knew it well. To put it bluntly, they are looking for death if they go in now.

"Jingyi, what are you guys eating these few days?" Shi Lei thought about their current situation, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt breathless, if nothing happened to Lu Fei and Lan Mei.

At the very least, they still have a chance. It is possible to get the small island and the communication equipment with the outside world. Why did they fall to this point.

But when he thought of the beautiful, fertile and dangerous sea behind him, Shi Lei was not so worried. After all, he was next to the sea, so he could find some seafood to eat no matter what.

"Yesterday, Taya and Mingxian went into the sea once." Guo Jingyi's expression became even worse when she heard Shi Lei's words, and she didn't know what she thought of.

She gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, then raised her head and said calmly to Shi Lei: "But I met a transparent jellyfish. If Tingzhi hadn't discovered it with a telescope at that time, I'm afraid..."


Those kinds of transparent jellyfish swarms generally have deadly poison, and the lightest ones will slowly die. If people enter the jellyfish swarm and don't get out quickly, they will definitely die inside.

Thinking of this, Shi Lei shrank his pupils suddenly, and then hurriedly asked: "Are they..." Are you okay?Seeing Guo Jingyi shaking her head, Shi Lei let down his throat a little bit.

However, what did Jingyi eat these days?You can't be hungry, can you?After Shi Lei thought for a while, he finally asked Guo Jingyi.

Guo Jingyi was taken aback when she heard the words, then smiled at Shi Lei, got up and walked towards the drawer where Bai Mingxian put the tin box, opened it and took out a tin box with a third of the meat strips inside.

"Of course it depends on the turtle you got before. I can't find any other food, so I can only eat sparingly. This is reserved for you. Now that you are awake, get up and move around for a while, and then eat."

Just after waking up, eating this kind of meat that is not easy to digest when you are not energetic is simply killing yourself. Although Guo Jingyi didn't know it before, she remembered Shi Lei's words later.

Shi Lei took the tin box, glanced at the dried meat strips inside, a flash of worry quickly flashed in his eyes, no one knew better than Shi Lei that there was actually not much sea turtle meat.

But Jingyi and the others actually lasted for three days. It can be seen that there is not much food every day.

"Jingyi, I can't eat so much, save some, and use the rest as today's food." The meat strips in the tin box had already dried out and become hard.

No matter how distressed she is, she can't keep it anymore, otherwise it will be called injustice, Guo Jingyimo, she took the tin box with some hesitation, thought for a while and asked: "Shi Lei, do you have any good ideas? "

It's been several days, and it's impossible for Jingyi and the others to sit still. It would be a lie to say that they haven't gone out to investigate, but even Mo Tingzhi, who usually has the most ideas, has no ideas. What else can they do? Sample.

Guo Jingyi was also very helpless. She was powerless and wanted to help, but she disappeared in this environment. They had limited physical strength and could not rush out.

Shi Lei was able to wake up, she was really happy from the bottom of her heart, Shi Lei slept for several days without any reaction, if it wasn't for his smooth breathing, Guo Jingyi would have suspected that Shi Lei was sick.

Fortunately... Guo Jingyi secretly rejoiced in her heart, with Shi Lei here, she felt relieved. Hearing this, Shi Lei lowered his eyes to ponder, raised his hand and unconsciously stuffed a piece of diced meat into his mouth.

After biting, the diced meat didn't move at all, and his teeth felt uncomfortable. Shi Lei's expression froze, and he wanted to spit it out, so he soaked it in water before eating. Guo Jingyi was here, so he felt embarrassed.

"How about this, in the afternoon, I'll go with everyone to have a look. I haven't been there before, I don't know the situation, so don't rush..."

Shi Lei pondered for a while, and suggested, the key is that Shi Lei just woke up, he was so hungry, he had no strength at all, and his head got a headache when he thought about things that required his brain.

Helpless, Shi Lei could only choose to fill his stomach first, and adjust his messy thoughts by the way, Guo Jingyi heard the words, immediately responded and agreed.

Shi Lei threw the meat sticks into the tin box he was drinking from just now, and his name was written on it, which should have been allocated. Seeing this, Guo Jingyi reached out to pick up the tin box and said, "I'm just busy chatting, I'm not Forget about it."

As she said that, Guo Jingyi gently shook the iron box, swaying the bare strips of meat into the fresh water, then turned around and walked towards the door, as soon as she opened the door, Shi Lei felt a gust of steaming wind blowing in.

Although it felt a bit stuffy, it made Shi Lei feel more comfortable. He was lying in the room all the time, so he was naturally uncomfortable. Seeing that Guo Jingyi wanted to leave, Shi Lei quickly put his hands on the ground and stood up.

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