The severe pain made Shi Lei sure that his forehead must have turned blue. Shi Lei took advantage of the situation and crawled on the ground for a while before he felt a little more awake.

Shi Lei wanted to get up, but he couldn't use any strength in his body. The word "willing and powerless" best describes Shi Lei now.


There was another loud thunder in his ears, but Shi Lei felt his head getting more dizzy, he opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but Shi Lei suddenly felt it.

Before he passed out completely, Shi Lei vaguely heard the sound of raindrops falling on the roof of the cabin, it was very loud, it can be seen that the rain was very heavy.

Shi Lei's last thought was that it was a pity that he didn't put the iron box out to catch the rain, and then he didn't know anything.

When Shi Lei woke up again, his first feeling was that his whole body was extremely weak. Shi Lei didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

That feeling, like a mountain being pressed against him, made him breathless, his eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

"What's wrong with me?"

After Shi Lei stayed in a daze for a while, he concentrated his attention and listened to the sounds around him. The first thing he heard was the sound of rough sea waves, and faintly, he could also hear a few birdsong.

He felt extremely tired, his head felt like it was going to explode when he thought about something, Shi Lei fell asleep again in a dazed state.

When he woke up for the second time, Shi Lei felt full of energy, but he still had no strength in his body. Shi Lei didn't want to continue to sleep. He thought of Guo Jingyi and everyone.

Shi Lei was a little worried about the situation of the others. He didn't know if they woke up, did they find food and water, and where did they go?

The sound of the waves is different from the sound heard when driving in the sea. It is more like the sound of the sea. Are they docked?The doubts in Shi Lei's heart emerged one after another.

After a while, Shi Lei turned over with difficulty, rubbed his eyes, made a little mental preparation, and then slowly opened his eyes.

At first glance, the scenery in front of him was a little blurry, Shi Lei couldn't see it clearly, so he had to close his eyes, stayed there for a while, then opened them again, his eyes became focused.

As soon as he raised his head, he met Mo Tingzhi on the left, Shi Lei showed a weak smile, and asked hoarsely, "Tingzhi, are you awake too?"

Strange, why is Mo Tingzhi lying beside him?Shouldn't this be Bai Mingxian's position?Thinking about it, Shi Lei turned over and slowly sat up from the ground.

Only then did Mo Tingzhi respond in a low voice and asked, "Do you feel better?"

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, he looked back at Mo Tingzhi for some confusion, Mo Tingzhi was silent for a moment, and then he slowly talked about what happened last night.

It turned out that when Shi Lei went back, except for Mo Tingzhi who fell asleep, everyone else was unconscious. When Mo Tingzhi woke up, it was completely dark.

There was lightning and thunder outside, the sound was deafening, and the strong wind on the sea shook the boat, and in the end, the boat was almost capsized by the waves.

Mo Tingzhi also rolled to Shi Lei's side because he couldn't stand firmly, and after the wind, rain, thunder and lightning stopped, he didn't bother to crawl back, so he fell asleep here.

At that time the boat was still floating on the sea, after dark, Mo Tingzhi couldn't see what was going on outside, who would have woken up...

Shi Lei and Mo Tingzhi opened the window, lying limply by the window, looking at the beach outside, they looked at each other, relatively speechless.

Who would have imagined that the shore they were looking forward to day and night would appear in this way, and Shi Lei couldn't feel joy because of his weakness.

Even if they landed, so what, if they encountered danger, they didn't even have the ability to resist, Shi Lei looked at the flat sandy beach, feeling a little worried in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Shi Lei looked at Mo Tingzhi and said, "Tingzhi, you stay and take care of everyone, I'll get off the boat to get some water." This boat is so eye-catching on the beach.

Mo Tingzhi responded, Shi Lei leaned on the wall, slowly opened the door and walked out, but unexpectedly saw the cockpit door and it was opened.

Shi Lei paused, recalled the situation when he came back last night, subconsciously frowned, no, the door was closed at that time.

The cabin door didn't even open, how could the cockpit door open by itself? Thinking of this, Shi Lei's body tensed up instantly.

Shi Lei wanted to stand up straight, but as soon as he let go of the hand holding the wall, his legs felt limp and weak. He looked down at his legs, gritted his teeth and hated.


Behind him, there was a sudden soft sound. At first glance, it sounded like the sound of a snake spitting out a letter. It's not that Shi Lei doesn't understand snakes, so he naturally heard it.

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, then turned his head slightly, and glanced at the place where the sound came from out of the corner of his eye, Mo Tingzhi gave him a wink.

Mo Tingzhi first passed Shi Lei to look at the corner of the bow, and then glanced at the door of the cabin, Shi Lei understood what he meant at a glance, Mo Tingzhi wanted him to come back.

Shi Lei rolled his eyes, turned his head suddenly, and saw a shadow shooting from the corner at a glance... There is someone at the corner!

"No, if I confront that person head-on, there's no chance of winning at all." Thinking of this, Shi Lei hurriedly retreated towards the cabin door.

Shi Lei didn't close the door. After all, opening the door would take a waste of energy. Shi Lei didn't want to repeat it. Shi Lei used his last bit of strength, gritted his teeth, and returned to the cabin as fast as he could.

As soon as he retreated in, Shi Lei heard soft footsteps, he turned his head and looked at Mo Tingzhi who had already shrunk in from the window.

Mo Tingzhi raised his chin at Shi Lei, Shi Lei turned his head and saw a harpoon on the ground on the right, rolled his eyes, Shi Lei looked at the iron harpoon tied to the wooden stick, and curled his mouth .

Shi Lei squatted down and picked up the harpoon. The harpoon was similar to a fruit fork, and it was tied very firmly, probably to prevent the fish from escaping. It also had tiny barbs.


That person should be wearing leather shoes, stepped on the deck and made a crisp sound, Shi Lei glanced out the window on the right, it's fine, there is no one there.

Then he withdrew his gaze and focused his attention on the door on the left. Mo Tingzhi sat on the couch and closed his eyes tightly. Shi Lei only noticed at this time.

There was blood on Mo Tingzhi's face, and the positions of the others also changed, with more or less cuts on their foreheads.

Seeing this, Shi Lei also stretched out his hand to touch his forehead, he felt a tingling pain, and it really broke... Shi Lei muttered in his heart not to be disfigured, while holding his breath, he paid attention to the door.

The sound rang a few times before it disappeared, but Shi Lei didn't dare to be careless, maybe the man took off his shoes for fear of being discovered, just as he was thinking, Shi Lei felt a breathing sound appearing at the door.

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