When Shi Lei opened the door and entered the cockpit, Xi Chuyu heard the voice, turned his head and saw a Shi Lei with an expressionless face exuding low air pressure all over his body, walking in silently in the form of a ghost.

"Shi Lei, what's wrong with you?" Xi Chuyu looked Shi Lei up and down, held back for a while, and after Shi Lei closed the door and approached, he couldn't help asking.

Although the temperature outside is quite high, the cockpit is not bad, the windows are open, the wind blows in and out from the left and right windows, and it is still cool.

Hearing this, Shi Lei shook his head, expressing that it was all right, he raised his head and glanced at Xi Chuyu, and said softly, "Go and rest, I'll take care of it."

Mo Tingzhi was sitting at the side at this time, lowering his head to write and draw something on the paper. Xi Chuyu stood there for two hours, and his voice revealed a sense of fatigue.

Hearing this, Xi Chuyu nodded and agreed after thinking about it. She was really worried that if she stayed any longer, she would lose her concentration and wait for Xi Chuyu to leave.

The cockpit was completely quiet, neither Shi Lei nor Mo Tingzhi spoke, it was so quiet that even the rustle of Mo Tingzhi's painting could be faintly heard.

The boat they stay in is different from the ordinary boat that needs to be steered and rowed. The key is that in this endless sea, there is nothing to pay attention to except avoiding the waves and hidden reefs, so just turn on the switch of the propeller at the stern. .

Shi Lei and everyone took turns to come in and watch, just to avoid those dangerous places mentioned above, otherwise, why not take a rest on a hot day and come here to bask in the sun.

"Tingzhi, tell me, can we still dock?" After a long silence, Shi Lei suddenly asked in a hoarse voice: "Where will the boat drift?"

He stared fixedly at the azure blue sea in front of him, with a little confusion in his eyes, Shi Lei felt conflicted in his heart.

He wanted to convince himself that if he persevered, there would always be hope, but whenever Shi Lei wanted to make up his mind, there would always be a dark voice in his heart.

Even if Shi Lei learns to be calm in normal times, Shi Lei will still feel uneasy when he is drifting in this kind of boundless sea. People are always full of fear for the unknown.

Hearing this, Mo Tingzhi paused his writing and drawing hands, and Lu Fei carefully prepared some pens and paper on the boat. Mo Tingzhi put the notebook on his lap aside, and turned the pencil in his hand.

After being silent for a while, he said lightly, "Are these important? It's a blessing to be able to survive, why bother to think so much."

Shi Lei was stunned when he heard the words, and when Shi Lei was pondering what Mo Tingzhi said, he heard Mo Tingzhi say again: "Besides, even if you have a goal, do you think this boat can control the undercurrent in the sea?" ?”

These words are really heartbreaking, but they are also true. Back then, Shi Lei and Jingyi had not left before Xi Chupeng. They caught turtles to steer the bamboo raft in order to cross the sea.

It is because the sea is different from ordinary rivers, even under the calm sea surface, there will be undercurrents, which will push the boats to follow the direction of the current, which cannot be changed by manpower.

"I was wrong..." Shi Lei thought about what Mo Tingzhi said, and his heart suddenly became clear, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

Shi Lei raised his head and glanced at the situation in front of him, then turned around reassuringly, walked towards Mo Tingzhi who was sitting on the bench in the middle, and said with a smile: "Tingzhi, thank you."

Mo Tingzhi shook his head, reached out and handed the notebook on the side to Shi Lei, then got up and walked to the driving seat, in fact there was a chair here, Mo Tingzhi moved it aside.

Sitting on it, it is easy to lose concentration, so it is the same as driving, always pay attention to the situation above, Shi Lei flipped through what Mo Tingzhi wrote, with a surprised look on his face.

What Mo Tingzhi made was a duty schedule for everyone. Every day when everyone came to the cockpit and patrolled on the deck, there was a rotation, and the arrangement was quite reasonable.

"Tingzhi, you are really thoughtful." After Shi Lei finished reading, he couldn't help sighing, and Mo Tingzhi responded: "In the evening, I will turn off the machine that drives the boat, and the boat can only be turned off at will. Floating on the waves."

At night, the situation on the sea cannot be seen, and they cannot drive the boat forward to avoid any accidents, but they still need to be vigilant.

Shi Lei nodded in agreement, when he woke up, it was almost noon, and he stayed until now, Shi Lei lowered his head to check the time, and his stomach began to sing empty city plan.

"Tingzhi, let me watch."

Shi Lei thought for a while, put down his notebook, walked to Mo Tingzhi's side, and suggested: "Go and share the food with everyone. I haven't eaten since morning, so I must be hungry."

Hearing this, Mo Tingzhi turned his head and glanced at Shi Lei, "Aren't you going?"

When several people share food together, especially in this lonely and unaided situation, for the sake of fairness, everyone must be present and distribute food together.

Shi Lei shook his head, and said seriously: "It's okay, I believe in you, and I also believe in everyone, whether there is one or more people, what difference does it make."

Anyway, no one knows, and it is impossible for a little food to cause internal strife. After all, everyone has to survive on the same boat.

Hearing this, Mo Tingzhi didn't say anything, he turned and walked towards the door, Shi Lei continued to be vigilant, why Mo Tingzhi went back and assigned everyone without mentioning it.

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, at the beginning, Shi Lei stood with his chest folded, the boat went very smoothly, there was nothing to worry about, Shi Lei was very leisurely.

However, after a while, Shi Lei felt a little bored in a daze, so he raised his head and glanced at the sea ahead through the transparent glass.

Unexpectedly, they found that there was something wrong with the waves on the sea surface. The sea is different from the river. Even on a sunny day on weekdays, a wave may be three feet high.

It's not surprising that there are waves, because the boat that Shi Lei and the others are on is different from the one that slides with oars, it usually shakes a little, and they can't feel it at all.

"This...how did this wave bring back a spiral?"

Shi Lei looked at the sea in a daze, thought for a while, lowered his head in the cockpit, searched around, and found a telescope.

Opening the box, Shi Lei lifted it up to adjust the focus, and looked forward, his vision immediately became much clearer.

"Could it be... this is the curly wave mentioned in the post?" Shi Lei looked at it for a while, and couldn't help talking to himself. Thinking of the post, Shi Lei noticed something, and immediately froze.

However, the situation is urgent at this time, and Shi Lei can't allow Shi Lei to think about it. Shi Lei doesn't know how to sail, and God knows that the city he is in is called Tianhai.

There is also a sea nearby, a particularly developed city, but he has never sailed a boat. First, he has no such occupation, and second, he has no money or power. How can he sail a boat?

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