Shi Lei touched a dart that was half-submerged in the back of Lu Fei. He turned his head and looked behind the two of them. There was no one there. Lu Fei was attacked by surprise. who?
Shi Lei didn't even have time to think about this question, out of the corner of his eye he noticed that someone raised the bazooka on the other side of the pier.

At this time, they had exited the area where the boat was moored, and it was easy to turn around and leave, Shi Lei hurriedly shouted at the cabin: "Mo Tingzhi, hurry up and sail—quick!"

Then he stretched out his hand to cover Lu Fei's wound, but because the wound was a vital part, even if Shi Lei was a god of Da Luo, he couldn't save him.


Lu Fei showed a weak smile at Shi Lei, he shook his head lightly, signaling Shi Lei not to do this, he lowered his eyes, his eyes fell on the trembling raised hand, and with the last bit of strength in his life, he pressed the remote control device.

The red light on the remote control flashed, but the small island not far from them did not explode, nor did the bazooka launch, because the little guy who was holding it was killed by someone lurking in the dark.

Lu Fei raised his left hand that had been hanging down again, and stretched it out in front of Shi Lei, with a relieved smile on his face, his hand suddenly dropped to the ground, Shi Lei's expression froze, and he went to check Lu Fei's breath again, and there was no one left. took a breath.

Lu Fei spread his hands, and dropped a bamboo tube from his palm. Shi Lei picked it up, opened it, and there was only a short sentence.

"After I die, please let me sleep forever in the sea."

This is Luffy's last wish. Even if Shi Lei was angry with Luffy before, there was only sadness left in his heart at this moment. He took a deep breath and said calmly: "Okay, I'll see you off."

Shi Lei put away Luffy's suicide note, and then helped Luffy stand up. He supported Luffy to the bow of the boat, looked at the dark and bottomless sea, and sent Luffy inside.

Before letting go, Shi Lei pulled out the murder weapon that killed Luffy, he looked back at the gradually shrinking pier, vaguely saw the outline of this small island, it was an isolated island in the sea.

Although he has no power and power, it is difficult to fight against a group, but as long as the c group is chasing after him, he will not back down. He is not afraid, the enemy is in the dark, if the c group does not attack, he will not retreat Can't find out where he is.

"I just hope that everyone...don't leave again." Let's work together to survive and go home.

The boat was some distance away from the pier, Shi Lei stood on the deck for a while, then turned back expressionlessly, and walked towards the cabin.

Shi Lei glanced at the crowd coldly, and said nothing. Although Shi Lei didn't say anything, everyone saw what happened just now.

He was in a bad mood, Shi Lei didn't want to vent his anger, so he felt that it was best not to speak at this time, Shi Lei sighed a little tiredly, and walked towards the cabin, he had been standing outside the door just now.

Shi Lei wanted to find a place to take a good rest. What happened these few days made him really tired and tired, but before he could go in, he heard Bai Mingxian suddenly say: "There is a boat coming out of the pier .”

Everyone heard that, except for Mo Tingzhi, all of them looked towards the pier. The pier was brightly lit, and it was extraordinarily dazzling on the still dark sea.

Shi Lei took a closer look, and could vaguely see a few black shadows swaying where the boat was moored. If those people really came after them, what should they do?
Seeing this, Guo Jingyi hurriedly turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cabin, and at the same time did not forget to greet everyone, "Everyone go and look for any usable weapons."

Shi Lei also followed into the interior of the cabin. It was pitch black inside. He used an ultraviolet light to search both sides of the door, and found a flashlight and an oil lamp.

I took a picture around the cabin with a flashlight, and noticed the food inside at a glance, but everyone was not in the mood to look at it at this time.

What makes people helpless is that in the cabin on the bottom floor, apart from food and fresh water, there are only fishhooks, fishing nets, harpoons, bows and arrows, etc. These small tools and military weapons are nothing but the gun that has run out of bullets in Mo Ting's hands. that's it.

"Hey, everyone, take your bows and arrows. If people from Group C chase after them, wait until they get close before shooting arrows." That being said, Shi Lei remembered their weapons, which were all guns and large weapons, I'm afraid ...

Everyone returned to the deck with bows and arrows, but before they had time to see if the ship was chasing them, a deafening explosion sound suddenly reached their ears.

The sound could be called earth-shattering, at this time the sky was already dark, Shi Lei followed the sound, looked up, and it turned out to be that small island.

Explosions sounded one after another, and even the surrounding area of ​​the island was affected. Shi Lei felt that the ship began to shake, so he quickly reached out and grabbed the railing.

"No turned out to be a time bomb." No wonder, Luffy waited so long before pressing the button, Shi Lei felt even more uncomfortable when he thought of this.

He smiled wryly and looked at the soaring flames in the distance, "Luffy, you..." In my life, Shi Lei, meeting a brother like you is enough.

Shi Lei stood for a while, then moved his stiff body, turned around and said calmly: "The wind is blowing, go back, everything is over."

Everyone responded one after another, and no one had the desire to speak. All this happened too quickly, and it ended like a dream, which made people feel so unreal.

Shi Lei looked up at the full moon still hanging in the sky, couldn't help but murmured: "Is it really over?" Maybe it's just begun.

Shi Lei himself didn't have an answer to this question, the cabin on the deck is almost like a big room, there are cushions and bedding for everyone to lie down on and rest.

Shi Lei looked at the silent crowd, cleared his hoarse voice, and said in a low voice: "Everyone changes every hour, and help Tingzhi sail the boat. He has limited energy after all, how about it?"

Everyone responded, and Guo Jingyi stood up from the ground, and said calmly: "I'll go first, everyone rest, and at noon, let's distribute the food together."

Food and fresh water are very important for people who are floating on the sea and do not know where to dock. It is best for everyone to distribute this kind of thing together.

Shi Lei sat up for a while, then started to feel dizzy, and lay down after a while, and fell into a drowsy sleep. Everyone's nerves were too tense in the early morning, so they suddenly relaxed and were naturally tired.

I don't know how long after sleeping, Shi Lei felt more refreshed, so he opened his eyes, turned over and sat up, rubbed his eyes, and Shi Lei looked around.

He was the only one left in the cabin, Shi Lei yawned, got up and walked out of the cabin slowly, without seeing anyone.

"Strange, what about people?"

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