He originally wanted to find out if there were any traces left behind. After all, Lan Mei's throat was cut that day, and the amount of bleeding was not small, so it was impossible to clean it up.

Unexpectedly, she saw a slender figure squatting next to the small piece of dried blood, it was a woman. "You are?" Shi Lei tentatively opened his mouth to greet.

Before the words fell, the woman suddenly turned her head and stood up from the ground. Shi Lei stared at the woman opposite, and the expression on his face became a little guilty. It turned out to be Ah Yue...

"Long time no see, nurse." Because A Yue had never told him her name on the face of it, Shi Lei only called her by her profession out of caution.

Shi Lei smiled awkwardly, and then said seriously: "Before I had time to thank you for taking care of me, you went somewhere else."

This thank you has two meanings, Ah Yue is smart, knowing that Shi Lei is apologizing for the behavior of "revenging kindness and revenge" that day, Ah Yue raised his eyebrows, but his words were very gentle: "It doesn't matter, this is my job in the first place."

The sarcasm in A Yue's eyes was undisguised. Seeing this, Shi Lei became even more embarrassed. He avoided A Yue. Thinking of the bloodstain, Shi Lei glanced at A Yue suspiciously.
"Nurse, what are you doing here? Someone died here just now, aren't you afraid?" After speaking, Shi Lei walked towards the bloodstain, following the bloodstain, he recalled the general situation of that day in his mind.

Sweeping his gaze over the plants by the wall, Shi Lei looked at a fresh crease at the very edge, and guessed in his heart that this should be the place where Luffy took off his weapon that day.

According to what he saw that day, Shi Lei walked towards the place where Lan Mei's body was found. The indentation on the lawn was still obvious, and the grass was green.

Probably because it hasn't been pruned for a while, the grass is quite long, after Shi Lei stayed for a while, he turned and left, stepped on the brick floor, and took two steps.

Seeing Ayue who hadn't left yet, Shi Lei greeted him, intending to leave. As soon as he turned around, he noticed a bug on the brick floor. It was purple and black, struggling and wriggling on the ground. .

At first glance, it looks similar to ordinary earthworms, but it is actually very different, but this is grass after all, and it is normal to have bugs.

Shi Lei wasn't in the mood to care, he stomped the bug flat, and then walked away, but Ayue noticed it, she squatted down to look at the liquid coming out of the bug's body, and she could vaguely see a few transparent eggs.

Ah Yue poked it with a branch, thought of something and couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "That's right." She looked up at Shi Lei's back as he went away, a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

Shi Lei, why don't you trust him? He doesn't want anything for you, he treats you like a brother, and doesn't even care about the consequences of betraying C Group, why don't you listen to him.

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, after strolling for a long time, seeing the pool of blood, his heart became more and more confused, he returned to the room absent-mindedly, and Lu Fei was still sleeping.

After Shi Lei took the lunch box, he left. After eating, there was nothing else to do, everyone went back to their rooms.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yin came to inform Shi Lei and the others that Lan Mei would be cremated tomorrow morning. Before that, Zhou Yin only said the approximate number of days, but did not say the specific time.

After sending Zhou Yin away, Shi Lei and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Lu Fei has been sleeping in the room, unmoved by thunder, this way, it will save trouble.

After everyone was silent for a while, Shi Lei said: "The real culprit has been found, everyone should be happy, and they will be able to go home in a few days."

He said, and wrote a sentence on the paper with water, "After Lan Mei is sent away, I will act the day after tomorrow." After everyone has seen it, there are seven people except Lu Fei and Shi Lei, all present.

Bai Xuefeng looked at Shi Lei strangely, opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped by Taya beside her, she shook her head at Bai Xuefeng.

Taya said something silently. Seeing this, Bai Xuefeng showed a surprised expression on her face. She quickly covered her mouth and dared not say anything. The Tashi tribe and the Bai tribe are not far away, and there are ways to go to both places. , the language understands each other a little bit.

Shi Lei saw that Bai Xuefeng was wondering why they insisted on leaving when Zhou Yin made it clear to help them go home. After thinking about it, Shi Lei wrote on the paper again: "Stay, everyone present will die here."

Taya also can't understand Huaxia characters, she can only understand the meaning of Mandarin, Huaxia characters, anyone who has learned Huaxia characters knows that Fang Fangzheng is very beautiful, but the strokes cannot be learned overnight.

What's more, among these people, there is no translator, and there are obstacles in communication. When Shi Lei thinks of Luffy, the smile on his face fades a bit.

Feeling this quiet room, Shi Lei felt a strange emotion in his heart. After thinking for a while, he dipped his index finger in water and wrote on the paper: "Let's talk, cover up other voices."

Even if the communication is hindered, you must tell Bai Mingxian and Bai Xuefeng that the whole operation cannot be ruined because of a little problem, let alone keep the two of them here.

Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at Guo Jingyi, motioned her to tell Bai Xuefeng the situation with his eyes, Guo Jingyi nodded to signal, he and Guo Jingyi changed places.

Guo Jingyi's voice was very low, inaudible, everyone started chatting, and when Guo Jingyi sat up straight, Shi Lei knew the conversation was over.

He thought for a while, cleared his throat, and raised his voice, "Everyone, adjust your mentality. People who die can't be resurrected. Those who are alive should live better." Only those who died.

"We will be able to go home safely!" This was the first time Shi Lei said words of encouragement in these days, everyone listened and responded in unison, Xi Chuyu hurriedly echoed in order to liven up the atmosphere.

The originally tense atmosphere became more relaxed, everyone talked for a while, and Mo Tingzhi disposed of the paper.

After a while, Shi Lei lowered his head and glanced at his watch, before he knew it, half an hour had slipped away, Shi Lei couldn't sit comfortably.

"Okay, everyone should go to bed earlier, I'll go back first, good night." Shi Lei got up to say goodbye, stretched lazily, and then walked slowly towards the door.

Seeing this, other people got up one after another and said goodbye to Bai Xuefeng and Xi Chuyu. This time, everyone gathered in their room.

"I hope everything will go well in the future." Shi Lei sighed in his heart, and returned to the room where he lived. The bed where Luffy slept was already made up, and there was no one in the room.

Shi Lei raised his eyebrows, walked to the window and stood still, he looked at the sky in the distance, unexpectedly saw a flock of birds flying by, the whole body was pure white, quite beautiful.

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