Turning around, Shi Lei glanced at the coffee table inadvertently, and unexpectedly found a piece of paper on the clean and tidy table.

Vaguely, he could still see densely written words on it, and it seemed that there were pictures drawn on it, Shi Lei squinted his eyes, he thought about it, and decided to go over and see what it was.

Shi Lei sat down on the sofa, yawned, picked up the lonely letter paper on the desktop, and browsed through it at a glance.

Looking at it, Shi Lei's brows subconsciously frowned, and after he finished reading, the expression on Shi Lei's face became particularly exciting.

The letter paper was folded in half, and on the upward side, there were four big characters "Shi Lei's personal letter" written on it. After opening the letter paper, he turned the letter paper around. Shi Lei took a special look at the inscription, but there was no name.

The letter paper is the most common kind on the service desk here, Shi Lei helped Mo Tingzhi bring the letter paper, wait... what the hell!Mo Tingzhi?
Shi Lei's mind recalled scenes from when he dived out to investigate. He clearly remembered that when talking to Mo Tingzhi, Mo Tingzhi could clearly hear him.

When he came back, Mo Tingzhi continued to ask Xi Chuyu to write for him instead, and then... Thinking of this, the corners of Shi Lei's mouth twitched a few times, and he was speechless.

"When you're free, go ask Mo Tingzhi what the hell is going on." Shi Lei thought for a while, muttered to himself, and turned his attention back to the paper in his hand.

The words on it are pretty, and the content is very simple. It talks about the alert situation here, and then draws a few road maps to tell them where they can't go, but they don't say where they can go.

The situation written above is very useful to Shi Lei and the others, but who is the person who put this up?What is his purpose in doing this?
"Is it her?"

Shi Lei thought about it, and A Yue's figure immediately appeared in his mind, but when he thought about how they treated A Yue when he came out, Shi Lei immediately vetoed it.

It shouldn't be, they can be called revenge, after Ah Yue saw him, it would be good if he didn't kill him, how could it be possible to take risks...

What's more, the words above are not like what girls can write. The characters are like people. A person's personality, even gender, can be seen in the words written. When Shi Lei was in school, in order not to be ashamed, Also learned about this knowledge.

"I know this place very well, I can come and go here freely..." Shi Lei was talking to himself, and the blurry figure from last night immediately appeared in his mind.


Why did he do this?If it wasn't because of him... Shi Lei thought a little bit breathlessly, and couldn't help squeezing the paper in his hand.

Shi Lei gritted his teeth, and after sitting for a while, he still decided to discuss with Guo Jingyi and Mo Tingzhi. Now in the team, Shi Lei can only discuss with them first, and then pass the news on to others.

Lu Fei's words yesterday reminded Shi Lei that Lan Mei's death would only be the beginning. From the moment they found the body, their lives began to swim away on the edge of the cliff.

How to end, just in the c group's thought, they must leave, Shi Lei thought, and couldn't sit still, he folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

After simply washing up, he knocked on Mo Tingzhi's door. It was Bai Mingxian who opened the door. Mo Tingzhi was pretending to be deaf, so naturally he couldn't move.

"Where is Mo Tingzhi, is he here? I have something to do with him." Now it's lunch time, Shi Lei stood at the door looking at Bai Mingxian who was holding half a deep-fried dough stick, and asked with a smile.

Bai Mingxian moved away, glanced inside, and signaled Shi Lei to go in, Shi Lei raised his head and followed his gaze, and saw Mo Tingzhi was sitting and eating breakfast leisurely.

Shi Lei couldn't help but see three black lines appearing on his forehead with the look of not hearing anything outside the window. Shi Lei walked over and sat down, picked up the paper on the armrest of the chair, wrote a sentence, and then lifted the Hand, put it in front of Mo Tingzhi's eyes.

Mo Tingzhi looked at the notebook that happened to be on top of the breakfast, a crack appeared on his expressionless face for a moment, he gritted his teeth and put down the chopsticks, looked up at Shi Lei with displeasure, and said coldly: "What? thing?"

Shi Lei hooked his lips, and silently said with his lips: "Discuss how to leave." This kind of thing is not suitable for writing on paper, even if it can clean up the traces, it will make people suspicious.

Mo Tingzhi pursed his lips. He stared at the breakfast in front of him, hesitated for a while, then stood up and said expressionlessly: "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, Mo Tingzhi walked towards the door, showing an expression of displeasure all over his body, no one would be happy if he was interrupted from eating.

Shi Lei was not angry either, he packed up Mo Tingzhi's breakfast and followed him, when passing by Bai Mingxian, Shi Lei nodded as a signal.

At the same time, he said in a low voice calmly: "I have something to see you later." He and Mo Tingzhi arrived at the door of Guo Jingyi's room, Shi Lei moved his hands, unable to free his hands.

Mo Tingzhi knocked on the door, and the door was opened after only two knocks. Taya was holding the lunch box and looked like she was about to go out.

Seeing Shi Lei, Taya's eyes lit up, she couldn't help looking at him, and asked casually with a smile: "Shi Lei, why are you here?"

As she said that, without waiting for Shi Lei's answer, she shook the lunch box in her hand and said with a smile, "I'll wash it up, and we'll talk when I get back." As she spoke, Shi Lei responded, and Taya left happily.

While speaking, Mo Tingzhi had already walked in, Guo Jingyi was also having breakfast, and there was still a lunch box on the coffee table that was still covered.

Seeing the two coming, Guo Jingyi didn't look surprised at all, she seemed to have guessed that the two would come or that Shi Lei would definitely look for her.

After the two sat down, Guo Jingyi just finished her breakfast, she wiped her mouth, reached out and pushed the untouched lunch box in front of Shi Lei and said, "Eat, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"

When it comes to eating, Shi Lei really felt a little hungry, handed over Mo Tingzhi's meal, Shi Lei opened the lunch box and started to eat, after he was full, Shi Lei also felt a lot better.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of pouring water, Shi Lei quietly turned off the monitor, drank a few sips of water, and quenched his thirst, then he cleared his throat and said: "Jingyi, Tingzhi, last night..."

After briefly talking about the situation last night, he reached out and took out the piece of paper. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Shi Lei heard footsteps coming from the door, getting closer.

Shi Lei hurriedly retracted his hand, the door was opened, Shi Lei turned his head and looked over with everyone, it turned out to be Taya.

"Huh? What do you all think of me like that?"

Taya put down the lunch box, and the tableware for eating after lunch is for everyone’s personal use. The canteen is for public use, but it will be disinfected. There are no infectious diseases here. Don’t be afraid. .

"Nothing." Shi Lei withdrew his gaze, shook his head with a smile, saw Taya approaching, Shi Lei smiled and said: "It just so happens that Taya is back, I'll trouble you to be more vigilant."

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