Lu Fei glanced at Shi Lei, then narrowed his eyes slightly, the room fell silent again, after the others came in, they didn't speak.

After a while, Guo Jingyi broke the silence with a hesitant voice, "By the way...have any of you seen Lan Mei?"

In a word, it was like a thunder on the ground, waking up everyone who was in a daze. Yes, Lan Mei eats on time every day, and usually doesn't like staying in her room.

Everyone whispered, Xi Chuyu suddenly stood up from the sofa, and muttered: "When I slept at night, Lan Mei was still there. When I woke up in the morning, there was no one else, and the bed was still cold."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people present were a little strange. Even if Lan Mei went to the bathroom, it was impossible for her to disappear until now.

A bad premonition rose in everyone's hearts, but they didn't know the details, and no one spoke rashly.

After a few seconds, Shi Lei, who had been silent all this time, suddenly raised his head, frowned and said, "Jingyi, come with me to find Zhou Yin, everyone, look for it in the places you usually go, if there is no one, please let us know."

Now that's the only way, Bai Xuefeng and Bai Mingxian don't know the specific situation, and the others know it in their hearts, no matter how hard they search, they will disappear, but this has to be done.

Mo Tingzhi discussed with the others where to find someone, and said that Shi Lei's side, he and Guo Jingyi left the room in a hurry, and when they went down the stairs, Guo Jingyi and Shi Lei looked at each other.

In the duty room on the first floor, there was someone left behind by Zhou Yin. He said that if something happened, his subordinates should inform him. While walking, Shi Lei secretly adjusted the expression on his face.

After arriving at the duty room, the coldness in his face and eyes also changed to an expression of extreme anxiety, Shi Lei knocked on the door hastily, "Hello, is anyone there?"

After waiting for a few seconds, no one said anything, Shi Lei knocked vigorously a few more times, and he could guess from the sound that the people outside the door were in a hurry.

"You... what's the matter?"

As soon as Shi Lei withdrew his hand, the wooden door was opened, and a young man with fluffy hair came out, yawning, and he didn't look energetic.

Seeing this, Guo Jingyi hurriedly took a step forward, and told the young man about the fact that one of them was missing. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the young man's expression immediately became serious .

"Describe the appearance of that person, and I'll adjust the monitoring."

As the man said, he turned around and returned to the duty room in a hurry. When the door was closed, the young man pointed to the corner window and said, "Go to the small window over there."

Hearing the monitoring, Shi Lei's heart moved slightly, "Let's go in, Lan Mei is wearing a ward gown, you haven't seen anyone before, so it's hard to find."

The young man ignored Shi Lei and slammed the door shut, but Shi Lei didn't care, anyway, when he said it, he guessed that this person would definitely not let him in, so he said it casually.

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi returned to the corner. Except for a door in the duty room, there was a square window exposed. There was a radio on the window to ensure that the voices of people outside could be heard inside.

Shi Lei lay on the window, thought for a while, and said, "Petite, um...a good figure, with long hair that reaches the shoulder blades, by the way, Jingyi, what hairstyle does Lan Mei have?"

This Shi Lei really didn't pay attention, Guo Jingyi's mouth twitched, "Shoulder hair." The person inside responded without saying anything, after a while, a head suddenly came over in the small transparent window.

"The person you are looking for left the building this morning." The man said, pointing to the entrance and exit of the hall. "There is no surveillance in the garden, so I can't find it."

Shi Lei quickly thanked, and then said to Guo Jingyi: "You go and ask everyone to come down, let's go to the garden to find." Guo Jingyi didn't move, she turned her head to stare at the stairs and said: "No need to go, they are all here."

Hearing this, Shi Lei stood up straight, turned his head and took a look, and saw one of Mo Ting's group hurried down the stairs, walking straight towards this side.

After they got together, Shi Lei told everyone the news he had just received, everyone looked at each other, Xi Chuyu couldn't help but whispered: "What is Lan Mei doing in the garden in the morning? Exercise?"

Xi Chuyu herself didn't believe what she said, just Lan Mei's weak Liu Yingfeng, who was still exercising... Shi Lei always put on a very worried look, so even if his face was a little bad, no one thought about it.

Shi Lei didn't want to listen to the disputes anymore, so he said flatly: "Let's find out first and then talk about it." After hearing the words, the people didn't say anything more.

After a simple search in the garden, he didn't see Lan Mei's shadow, what Shi Lei was looking for was casual, the place where Lan Mei's accident happened was in the corner.

Ordinary people would not go there, Shi Lei couldn't rush there, just when he was thinking about how to lure everyone there, he suddenly heard a startled shout.

"Lan Mei! Come here, everyone, something happened to Lan Mei." Hearing the voice, it turned out to be Bai Xuefeng, Shi Lei was stunned, and hurriedly turned his head to look where the voice came from.

At a glance, he saw Bai Xuefeng standing on the edge of the flowers, and Bai Mingxian standing in the middle of the flowers, Shi Lei was stunned, with a worried expression on his face, and quickly walked towards Bai Mingxian.

"what happened?"

After approaching, Shi Lei asked anxiously in an ignorant tone, he said, and looked up to Bai Mingxian, the flowers blocked his sight, if he wanted to see the fallen Lan Mei, he had to Just go in.

Bai Xuefeng stopped Shi Lei, her eyes stopped talking, Shi Lei saw it clearly, he couldn't help frowning, and said in a deep voice: "Get out of the way!"

With Bai Xuefeng like this, even if Shi Lei hadn't seen that scene before, he could guess Lan Mei's situation, Bai Xuefeng gritted his teeth and stepped aside, Shi Lei looked through the flowers, and his body immediately froze in place.

"Lan... Lan Mei..." Shi Lei suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief, and after a while, he slowly squatted down and stretched out his hand to feel for Lan Mei's pulse.

At this time, other people also came here because they heard Bai Xuefeng's shout. Luffy, who was in the crowd, also followed everyone to the flowers.

When he saw what Lan Mei had stuck in his neck, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to a shocked expression, as if he didn't know about all of this.

Lan Mei was lying sideways on the ground, facing the flowers, a sword in the sleeve was stuck in her neck, and her clothes were a bit messy. At first glance, the first impression she gave was that she had attempted to moleste her, and she was so angry that she killed someone to silence her. .

Shi Lei stretched out his hand and pulled out Lan Mei's sleeve sword from Lan Mei's neck, wiped off the clotted blood, and took a few careful observations.

"Strange..." Shi Lei stood up slowly, he looked down at the picture in front of him, and couldn't help muttering.

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