Their current positions were as if they were in a circle, Shi Lei glanced again, then retracted his gaze, and reminded lightly: "Don't worry, see where there is a lot of traffic."

They couldn't be here all the time, otherwise there would be a shortage of food and medicine, Shi Lei held back his emotions, looked coldly at the two-story building they just came out of, and squinted his eyes.

"Let's go look inside the building."

Since it's not here, don't waste your time.Shi Lei called back the people who had already dispersed, and explained his thoughts.

After searching for so long, if there really was a door, they would have found out a long time ago, Shi Lei is also a clue, they can't let it go, everyone thought it over and agreed.

Seeing this, Shi Lei waved at everyone, and took the lead to return along the original path, staying in the open space with no shelter for about a quarter of an hour.

His skin was scorching hot, Shi Lei didn't want to turn into a crispy roast duck, ah bah, who the hell is a duck!Seeing this, everyone followed suit.

Guo Jingyi seemed to have something to say to Shi Lei, she quickened her pace, caught up with Shi Lei in front, and walked side by side with him, Shi Lei turned to look at Guo Jingyi, and asked what was the matter in a low voice.

He knew in his heart that if Guo Jingyi didn't say anything just now, there must be something wrong, and he wanted to tell him secretly, Guo Jingyi heard this and thought about it, then she frowned and asked.

"Shi Lei, we are looking for it with such a great fanfare, the people in the hospital must have known about it a long time ago, have you figured out what to do?"

What Guo Jingyi said was true, they acted together, if the hospital didn't pay attention, it would be a lie, after Shi Lei heard it, he was not worried at all.

Shi Lei chuckled twice, hooked the corners of his lips meaningfully, and said softly: "What we want is for them to know, anyway, our purpose is not here."

When they discussed the method, they didn't say it directly, but wrote it in the notebook. The treatment method is also very simple, soak it in water to make mud, and then flush the toilet.

"It's good that you know it in your heart." Guo Jingyi heard this, and her heart returned to her stomach.

While speaking, everyone had already entered the hall, Shi Lei turned his head and looked at the corridors on both sides, the second floor is impossible, there are too few people, the entrance and exit are on the first floor.

Shi Lei thought for a while, then turned his head and waved at the crowd. After they got together, they first looked at the floor plan, but there was no mark on it.

"Everyone is divided into two groups. If anyone finds out, send someone to report. It would be best if he can go out and have a look. If not, follow the plan."

While Shi Lei and the others were looking at the picture, he lowered his voice to speak to the crowd, and the crowd responded one after another. After gathering into two groups, they were about to separate when they were stopped by the nurse at the service desk.

"What are you guys doing? You can't wander around in the ward area, go back to the ward and rest quickly." A slightly fat nurse walked up to the crowd and said with a somewhat unsightly expression.

As she said that, she wanted to drive everyone back. It was strange to say that Shi Lei and his party were all of yellow race, and they could be seen as belonging to Dongfang Huaxia.

Seeing this, Shi Lei showed a bright smile on his face, "Thank you for your concern. We are fine, but we are a little curious. We are new here, and we are afraid that we will get lost in the wrong place. Why don't we come here today to get acquainted, and we will be back soon."

When the fat nurse heard this, her complexion improved a bit, "Well, then go back if you have nothing to do." She directly ignored the other meaning in Shi Lei's words.

Spreading his legs slightly, he arrogantly stopped in front of the crowd. Looking at that posture, he understood that if you don't go back, I will stop you from leaving.


Seeing this, Taya and Xi Chuyu's complexions instantly darkened. Xi Chuyu was still a little scrupulous, fearing that this person would disrupt their plans, and Taya would be different.

Since she was a child, whoever treated her like this, how could she bear it? Taya stared at the fat nurse a little unconvinced, and was about to speak when she was stopped by Guo Jingyi.

"Don't act rashly." Seeing that Taya was dissatisfied, Guo Jingyi hurriedly approached and reminded in a low voice, "It's Shi Lei's fault." After speaking, Guo Jingyi added something specially.

Sure enough, upon hearing Shi Lei's name, Taya immediately became honest, and she hurriedly whispered: "Don't worry, I won't tear down Shi Lei."

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, logically speaking he would be angry, but who is Shi Lei, a manly man, he chooses to go back in a civilized manner!
"Of course something has happened. I got up late today and I'm very hungry. My friend said that the cafeteria is here. I want to go there early and wait."

What Shi Lei said was very straightforward, the corners of the fat nurse's mouth twitched non-stop, she looked at Shi Lei speechlessly, gritted her teeth, feeling a little embarrassed for a while.

"Oh, by the way, my friend wants to go to the bathroom. I just looked on the map for a long time, but I didn't see it. Do you know where it is?"

However, Shi Lei acted as if he hadn't noticed, and continued to ask the fat nurse questions with a smile. Toilet."

When Shi Lei heard this, expressions of relief appeared on his face. He happily turned his head to look at Guo Jingyi in the crowd, and said with a smile, "Go, if you are alone, ask your little sister to go, we men Waiting for you in the cafeteria."

The fat nurse returned to the service desk, her eyes were inexplicably and vaguely scanning everyone's bodies, Shi Lei seemed not to notice.

After saying goodbye to Guo Jingyi, Xi Chuyu, Taya, and Bai Xuefeng, the four men and Lan Mei walked towards the cafeteria, and the two groups separated confidently.

Hearing what the fat nurse said, Shi Lei didn't find it strange at all. When he first came in, he took a special look at it, and naturally noticed the small toilet sign hanging on the top of the corridor.

"Shi Lei, I'm a little worried about Jingyi and the others, why don't you go and stay with them."

After the five of them walked for a while, Shi Lei felt someone pulling his sleeve, turned his head, and saw Lan Mei looking at him worriedly, whispering.

"No, trust Taya."

When he returned at this time, he told the fat nurse clearly that he was playing with her. Shi Lei shook his head at Lan Mei. Although Lan Mei was a little worried, she didn't say anything.

Shi Lei raised his head and stared at the end for a few seconds, and couldn't help but said to himself: "The side we're walking on has more traffic, maybe it's over here."

Everyone walked quickly past the quiet or noisy wards, and came to the end. At the end was a double door with two big red letters of the cafeteria on the transparent glass.

The door was open, and Bai Mingxian at the front pushed it open, and everyone walked in one after another. The cafeteria was empty, and there was no one there.

After everyone walked a few steps, Shi Lei stopped and looked around carefully. Shi Lei was worried about Guo Jingyi's situation, so he didn't look very carefully.

Fortunately, there are still everyone, no, Mo Tingzhi discovered the problem, Mo Tingzhi called Shi Lei, when Shi Lei turned his head, he saw Mo Tingzhi pointing in a direction, and said briefly: "Look!"

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