When Lan Mei and Xi Chuyu saw this, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly followed them. Everyone sat outside and waited to mention Shi Lei's side.

After he pushed open the door of the room, he closed the door with his backhand, striding towards Mo Tingzhi who was still in the same posture as before and hadn't changed at all.

Shi Lei stood in the center of the room, glanced around the room, and saw the paper and pens on the table at a glance.

"Hey, tell me, it's not good to hurt your ears. You have to hurt your ears. If there is any danger in the future, you won't be able to hear it."

Shi Lei walked towards the bedside table, reached out to pick up the things, muttered, and quickly walked to the sofa and sat down.

Spreading the draft paper on the coffee table, Shi Lei bent down and wrote a few lines, then reached out and placed the notebook on top of the book Mo Tingzhi was reading.

Mo Tingzhi flicked the pages of the book for a moment, he looked at the things in front of him in a daze, his body was a little stiff, Mo Tingzhi's eyes glanced lightly at the book, and then he raised his head to look diagonally opposite Shi Lei.

"Mo Tingzhi, I remember that modern technology can cure deafness due to injury, don't you know?" Shi Lei wrote this in his notebook.

Since Shi Lei gave Mo Tingzhi the notebook, he has been observing his reaction, fearing that his words would have a negative effect, he thought, first stimulate Mo Tingzhi, and see how he reacts.

If something is wrong, quickly apologize to Mo Tingzhi, and then comfort him, well, even though Mo Tingzhi's character is a bit cold, he is still a human being, and there are times when he is vulnerable, he just needs to be careful not to expose it.

"My hearing is a temporary problem. After I recover, I can hear voices." Mo Tingzhi stared at Shi Lei expressionlessly for a few seconds.

Seeing Shi Lei was very worried, just when Shi Lei was about to sing in his heart, Mo Tingzhi lowered his eyes again, and threw the notebook back into Shi Lei's arms without raising his head.

After turning over a page of the book, Mo Tingzhi asked indifferently: "Tell me, what can you do with me?" He didn't ask Shi Lei why he was here and so on.

It's simple and clear, it's very embarrassing, Shi Lei nodded secretly when he saw this, heaved a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but rejoice in his heart, as long as his mentality is alright.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei opened his mouth to say the purpose of coming, nothing more than to tell him to go to Guo Jingyi's place together, and let's get together.

"I..." Just as he uttered a word, Shi Lei suddenly remembered that Mo Tingzhi couldn't hear him, and Shi Lei felt a little embarrassed. He took a peek at Mo Tingzhi and was relieved when he saw that he didn't respond.

Shi Lei quickly turned over the notebook on his lap, and wrote down the meaning on it, concisely, and after drawing the last period, Shi Lei handed the notebook to Mo Tingzhi again.

With preparations this time, Mo Tingzhi's expression was quite calm. He glanced at Shixing for a few times, lowered his eyes to think for a while, and suddenly closed the book in his hand.

"Let's go."

As Mo Tingzhi said, he stood up from the sofa, and when he bent over to get up, Mo Tingzhi didn't forget to pick up the notebook in the book and the pen on the table.

Seeing this, Shi Lei was overjoyed, he quickly stood up, caught up with Mo Tingzhi who was walking towards the door, took a step ahead of him, stretched out his hand to open the door, then turned sideways, facing Mo Tingzhi who stopped and looked at him He raised his arm, motioning for him to go first.

After Mo Tingzhi went out, Shi Lei closed the door casually, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a group of people sitting not far away, standing up one after another, all eyes on Mo Tingzhi who was strolling past.

"Let's go. If you have something to say to Ting Zhi, you can take the notebook in his hand and write it on it." Shi Lei stepped forward, looked at each other, and was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say to Mo Mo. The people who greeted each other in the court said.

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei continued to walk quickly towards the ward where Guo Jingyi lived, he was always thinking about Guo Jingyi's situation, and the speed on his feet involuntarily accelerated.

After walking two steps, Shi Lei heard footsteps behind him, so he didn't look back, Shi Lei came to the door of the ward where Guo Jingyi lived in a short while.

There was a house number at the door, Shi Lei glanced at it deliberately, and after confirming that it was correct, he then looked into the room through the transparent window.

Guo Jingyi was sitting on the sofa, flipping through magazines. On the coffee table in front of her, there were a few scattered magazines. Shi Lei thought about it, and knocked on the door.

Guo Jingyi inside seemed to have heard the voice, and looked up towards the door. After seeing Shi Lei, Guo Jingyi quickly stood up from the sofa, dropped the magazine, hurriedly put on her shoes, and walked quickly towards the door .

"Shi Lei, why are you here? Didn't you go to eat?" Guo Jingyi asked, and walked to the door, she turned her head and looked at the corridors on both sides.

When she saw the people on the right walking towards this side, she immediately froze, Guo Jingyi opened her mouth, very shocked, after a while, Guo Jingyi suddenly came back to her senses.

"Everyone... is everyone here? Great!" Guo Jingyi grabbed Shi Lei's hand excitedly, with a big smile on her face.

"I'm not feeling well these days. I haven't been out. I didn't expect...it's really great. Is everyone okay?" Guo Jingyi said, her eyes became hot, and tears almost welled up.

Shi Lei took a deep breath, feeling rejoiced in his heart, he reached out and hugged the woman in front of him, wrapping his arms tightly around Guo Jingyi.

"Jingyi, don't worry, everyone is here, don't cry." Shi Lei said, chuckling twice, he looked down at the woman in his arms, and couldn't help joking: "Crying like a cat, Be careful that everyone laughs at you."

Guo Jingyi's body froze when she heard the words, and after a few seconds of pause, she stretched out her hand and pushed Shi Lei away, and whispered from embarrassment to anger, "I didn't cry, you are dazzled."

Shi Lei chuckled, and didn't intend to talk to Guo Jingyi, "Okay, I'm dazzled by the sea water." As he spoke, Shi Lei listened to the approaching footsteps, lowered his head slightly, and whispered in Guo Jingyi's ear for two sentence.

When Guo Jingyi heard this, an unbelievable expression flashed across her face, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Guo Jingyi nodded slightly, and gave Shi Lei an inaudible "hmm", signaling to Shi Lei that she understood.

Shi Lei told Guo Jingyi about Mo Tingzhi's situation so that she wouldn't know. After a moment of embarrassment, Shi Lei turned around, and everyone just stopped.

It's not good for them to talk in the corridor all the time, Shi Lei thought for a while, pointed to Guo Jingyi's room, and asked: "Everyone, don't stand here, come in and talk."

Guo Jingyi blinked vigorously, turned around and returned to the room first, Shi Lei and others also walked in one after another, after Bai Mingxian who came in last closed the door, everyone sat down in the room.

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