
Fresh fish, dipped in a bit of old godmother, Guo Jingyi felt a little surprised after one bite, the taste was good, far beyond her expectations.

She is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, but she never thought that Huaxia's daily sauce would have such a taste when paired with Shanghai fish.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Guo Jingyi's brow raised, Shi Lei asked strangely.

Guo Jingyi took another two mouthfuls of fish and said, "It's delicious, what kind of fish is this?"

"It doesn't matter what kind of fish, as long as it tastes good."

Shi Lei chuckled and murmured in his heart, I guess you are too hungry to eat anything.

After eating, the two sat on the beach, Guo Jingyi suddenly said a little embarrassedly: "I want to take a bath."

"Taking a bath?" Shi Lei immediately shook his head like a rattle, "No, I don't know when it will rain, just that little fresh water, don't waste it."

"But... I feel bad all over if I don't take a bath, and I can't sleep." Guo Jingyi's voice was a little low, and she knew that this request was a bit too much. After all, fresh water resources on the island are precious, and it is too wasteful to use it for bathing.

But she grew up in a superior environment since she was a child, and she has become a habit of taking a bath every day. She feels uncomfortable all day without taking a bath. Every day after work, the first thing she wants to do is to take a hot bath to relax.

I had another day of work today, and my body was sweaty and sticky.

"That doesn't work either! You have to wash it in the sea." Shi Lei pointed to the sea.

"I can drink a little less water."

After Guo Jingyi finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards the sea. Without taking off her clothes, she ran into the sea water. After rinsing, she walked towards the grove again.

Shi Lei knew that this girl was going to wash in that fresh water pit, otherwise, the salt in the sea water would be very uncomfortable on her body.

He sighed helplessly. Facing Guo Jingyi, who was stubborn to the point of death, he had no choice but to hope that it would rain soon. He hadn't showered for two days, and his whole body was so uncomfortable that he was dying.

"your clothes!"

After a while, Guo Jingyi came back, her whole body and clothes were washed clean, although the clothes were a little damp, but the island was very windy, and they dried after wearing them.

Shi Lei took his clothes and put them on, saying, "Tomorrow I plan to explore the island."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Guo Jingyi looked calm. Although she was on an isolated island and didn't know if she would be able to survive in the future, she still maintained her usual style of dealing with things, calm, strong, and rational.


Shi Lei nodded, and the two chatted without saying a word.

"Mr. Guo, have you ever thought about what if no one comes to rescue us?" Shi Lei asked with a smile.

Guo Jingyi glanced at Shi Lei and said, "A plane crash is a major event in any country in the world. It is impossible not to have a search and rescue team."

"I mean what if."

"No if."

"Okay! Let's change the subject, Mr. Guo, what kind of man do you like?"

"It's not like you anyway."

"What's wrong with me? I'm handsome too, okay?"

"Handsome but can't be eaten."

After chatting for a while, Guo Jingyi realized that it was getting late, and she was starting to feel sleepy after a hard day's work, so she said good night to Shi Lei, and got into her shed.

Shi Lei shook his head and smiled, Guo Jingyi was polite, whether it was out of habit or upbringing, in short, he was still very wary of him, he could feel it.

"Forget it, what do I want to do with these craps? He is the big president, so he should have a little temper, but I don't know when the search and rescue team will arrive..."

Shi Lei tilted his body, lay down on the ground and quickly fell asleep. From yesterday to now, he has not had a good rest. Now that the shed is built, there is a place to live, and fresh water is enough for a few days. Although there is not enough food, but Able to consume daily physical energy.

The tight string in his heart finally relaxed a little, and he fell asleep comfortably.

When I woke up the next morning, I picked up shells and sea crabs on the beach with Guo Jingyi. After grilling, it was a delicacy.

But this is just the beginning, it tastes good, if you eat these every day, you will feel bored.

After 'breakfast', Shi Lei prepared some fresh water and started climbing.

Although the island is not big, it is not easy to explore it.

Shi Lei walked ahead to open the way, Guo Jingyi followed closely behind him, the two walked in the woods, Shi Lei observed the surrounding plants while walking, to see if he could find something to eat.


As he was walking, there was a rustling sound in front of him. Shi Lei tensed up and raised his hand to signal Guo Jingyi to stop.

Guo Jingyi was taken aback by Shi Lei's sudden action, and cautiously came to Shi Lei's side, followed Shi Lei's gaze, and saw two black wild boars looking for food 30 meters ahead.

The wild boar is more than half a meter long, with tusks, and looks very ferocious.

"How come there are wild boars on the island?" Guo Jingyi asked in a low voice. She had read related books and said that wild boars are actually very ferocious animals and are easily offended.

"How do I know?" Shi Lei also knew that wild boars are ferocious and difficult to deal with, so he stepped back a little bit, "Go, go back to the beach, the forest is too dangerous."

Guo Jingyi nodded in agreement.

At least until you think of a way to deal with wild boars, it's best not to go into the woods again, otherwise once you get angry with wild boars, the consequences will be disastrous.

After all, there is no medical condition on the island, even a slight injury can cause a lot of trouble.

"We must find a way to kill wild boars. First, it can be used as a source of food. Second, we must control the island." Back on the beach, Guo Jingyi said with a cool expression.

The tone sounded flat, but there was a sense of determination.

It's something they have to do, it's important.

If the wild boars are not killed, it will be dangerous for them to enter and exit the forest, and they will not be able to move freely on the island. Moreover, the beacon towers for help must be built at high places, preferably in every direction, and they cannot freely enter and exit the forest. This is out of the question .


In fact, without Guo Jingyi's reminder, Shi Lei knew it in his heart, but the question is, what would he use to deal with wild boars?No knives, no guns, just fight with bare hands?

A simple harpoon made of bamboo, don't even think about inserting fish or wild boar.

"Don't go into the forest until you think of a way." Shi Lei said to Guo Jingyi.

"I know."

Guo Jingyi frowned slightly, obviously also thinking about how to deal with wild boars, but the two of them didn't have any tools, and after much deliberation they couldn't come up with a good solution.

Of course, traps are the most viable method of hunting, but the question is, what kind of traps to make?What to use as a trap?

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