Shi Lei raised his neck and drank the last sip of water from the wooden bowl, wiped his mouth, and put the wooden bowl aside casually, then sighed softly.

"I don't know how long we have to wait. The food here is too hard to find."

Guo Jingyi gave a "hmm", she turned her head to look at Shi Lei's profile, and said calmly: "You have already made a decision, why are you still struggling?"

Shi Lei had already figured it out, if there was no sign of the boat in a few days, they would have to leave, Guo Jingyi could think, he was not surprised at all, after all, the woman he was looking at could be so stupid.

"It's just a little reconciled."

Shi Lei raised his hand and stroked his prickly hair, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he wanted to take revenge, finally got a clue, but...

Guo Jingyi laughed lightly when he heard the words, Shi Lei was a little speechless, turned to look at Guo Jingyi, but saw her say meaningfully: "Even so, people from C Group will not let us leave and give up silence."

This sentence, like enlightenment, made Shi Lei suddenly realize, "You mean..." Waiting for the rabbit?Will it count? !
Shi Lei didn't say the latter words, but Guo Jingyi could guess the meaning, she nodded at Shi Lei, with a smile in her eyes.

Shi Lei's heart finally relaxed a little, and he thought, Guo Jingyi still has a way, she is indeed a person who is all-powerful in the business world.

He didn't mention it in his heart, but when he was thinking about Shi Lei, he heard someone exclaim: "Wow, why did you shoot so many birds?"

Shi Lei regained his senses, turned his head to look at the place where the prey was placed, and saw Xi Chuyu peeling off the backpack, looking at the prey that fell on the ground in shock.

"It's all thanks to Bai Mingxian. If he hadn't found a place where birds gather and breed, we could kill at most a dozen birds today."

Shi Lei didn't take credit for it, to be honest, Lan Mei crouched beside the crate in an awkward posture, she lowered her head and stared at the chicks inside without blinking, her eyes were sparkling.

After a while, Lan Mei turned her head to look at Shi Lei, and asked hesitantly, "Shi Lei, do these young birds also eat?"

Shi Lei nodded, seeing the unbearable expression on Lan Mei's face, to be honest, he was a little speechless, but Lan Mei had never experienced this, so Shi Lei was not surprised.

He didn't directly say anything about Lan Mei, but said quietly: "Bai Mingxian and Taya worked so hard to catch them by climbing a big tree fifteen or six meters above the ground."

If they were released, it would be a shame for the two of them to work hard without fear of danger, Shi Lei blocked Lan Mei's unspoken plea with a few words.

Lan Mei's cheeks were slightly red, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times, but she didn't say anything, she just responded with a muffled voice, her head downcast like an eggplant beaten by frost.

After resting for a while, everyone started to get busy. Shi Lei and the others brought back so many bird prey, and if they wanted to eat it, they had to dispose of the feathers and internal organs.

Shi Lei called a few men and asked Mo Tingzhi to be responsible for digging out the internal organs, and the others all plucked their hairs. Hearing this, Mo Tingzhi was so angry that he almost threw things and left.

If it wasn't for his good upbringing, Shi Lei sincerely doubted that this livid-faced man in front of him would definitely yell at him.

"Mo Tingzhi, there is nothing you can do about it, just bear with it." Shi Lei looked at Mo Tingzhi helplessly, speaking very sincerely, Mo Tingzhi took a few deep breaths, gritted his teeth and said, "You think I Didn't you see how gloating you were laughing just now?"

As he said that, Mo Tingzhi heard two puffs, he turned his head and glared at the two men who were plucking their hair, and said angrily: "And you two, shut up!"

The corners of Shi Lei's mouth curled up, he was quite proud of being able to make Mo Ting so angry, but he couldn't say that, after all, he didn't want to go hungry.

"The few of us are careless, you can't let a few women dig out the bloody internal organs, right? Unless you don't want to eat today."

Mo Tingzhi frowned, after thinking for a while, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Just this once, if you push me for this kind of thing again, I'll dissect you!" You bastard!
Shi Lei hastily responded a few times, promised a few words without pain, and then forgot after he finished speaking, Mo Tingzhi probably knew it was not credible, snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and went to dig out the internal organs with a saber.

Needless to say, Mo Tingzhi made an incision, and after reaching in with his hand, he grabbed the bird's entire viscera without breaking it.

Seeing that they were busy, the women couldn't sit still. Taya didn't care about the bloody things, she had eaten raw meat before, and Taya didn't have the patience to pluck the hair, so she went to help Mo Tingzhi bury the internal organs.

The viscera also smelled of blood, so they couldn't stay in the camp. After getting a few bird viscera, Taya carried it to the beach and found a place to bury the things.

Shi Lei plucked five or six birds in a row, his fingers were a little tired, he kept his head down, and his neck felt a little uncomfortable. Shi Lei stopped working, raised his head and moved a few times, and heard a creaking sound from his neck.

Turning his head, Shi Lei saw that Lan Mei was plucking her hair one by one, there were some small fluffs all over Lan Mei's body, seeing this, Shi Lei frowned slightly.

"Lan Mei, don't do this." There was dust on the feathers, Shi Lei saw Lan Mei pouted unhappy, thought for a while, and added: "If you want to help, use coconut shells to boil some hot water .”

Hearing this, Lan Mei raised her head and asked strangely: "Shi Lei, what are you doing with the hot water? Do you want to cook the meat?" Does this meat taste good when cooked?
Shi Lei shook his head with a smile, and said mysteriously: "You'll know later." Xi Chuyu took Lan Mei's bald bird, and then plucked it with a little effort.

Lan Mei said "Oh", she got up from the ground, looked around, everyone was busy, and the flames of the fire were almost extinguished.

She knew that in the ashes, there was a little spark buried, which would be used for the next fire, and Lan Mei would light the fire, but she couldn't do it like this.

"Chu Yu, will you accompany me to boil the water? And Sister Jingyi." One person fetches water, one person adds firewood, and another person helps.

Xi Chuyu heard the words, thought for a while and nodded, Guo Jingyi was collecting feathers blown by the breeze, Lan Mei's voice, although a little soft, but now everyone is not talking, but it can be heard clearly.

"Okay, wait until I clean up these feathers."

As Guo Jingyi said, she speeded up her hand movements, Xi Chuyu stopped plucking the feathers, handed the big bird to Shi Lei, got up and helped Guo Jingyi with it, and after a while, all the feathers were wrapped in the leaves.

The camp became quiet again, there was a slight conversation from time to time on the other side of the fire, after a while, Shi Lei suddenly heard someone calling him, and when he looked up, it turned out to be Luffy.

"Shi Lei, you boiled hot water, you don't mean to scald the prey?" Luffy asked casually while plucking the hair slowly.

Shi Lei raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Fei in surprise, "You know?"

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