Bai Xuefeng choked when she was asked, she raised her head and looked straight at Shi Lei who was diagonally opposite, after a moment of silence, she said lightly: "Whoever I like is my freedom."

Although Bai Xuefeng's tone sounded light and light, making people feel that she was joking, but Shi Lei noticed the serious look in Bai Xuefeng's eyes.

This made Shi Lei clearly realize that Bai Xuefeng was not joking, Shi Lei remained silent again, he really didn't know that he didn't answer Bai Xuefeng.

He knows best what he thinks in his heart, what Shi Lei likes is Guo Jingyi, no, he can't say he likes it, Shi Lei can only accommodate one woman in his heart, Guo Jingyi.

After thinking about it, Shi Lei began to think wrongly, he frowned, feeling a little strange in his heart, when exactly did Bai Xuefeng fall in love with him?
Could it be that Luffy didn't joke when he was in the Bai camp?If so, it would explain why Taya was angry.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard Bai Xuefeng say indifferently: "You don't need to do this, and you don't need to persuade me. Anyway, don't try to drive me away."

Shi Lei lowered his eyes, and said yes in a low voice, Bai Xuefeng had already put on a look of refusing to discuss, it would be pointless to stay any longer, Shi Lei sat for a while, said goodbye to Bai Xuefeng, and returned to the tent.

After lying down, Shi Lei didn't feel sleepy anymore, he tossed and turned in the tent, kept his eyes open and woke up when Bai Xuefeng and Xi Chuyu changed guards, sleepiness gradually came up, and after a while, Shi Lei fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up the next day, Shi Lei heard the faint voices of the crowd, feeling a little strange, crawling out of the tent, Shi Lei raised his arms and moved his slightly sore back and waist a few times, and when he turned his head, he saw that he was sitting Several people joking together.

"It's quite early today."

Seeing this, Shi Lei greeted with a smile, and walked towards the fire, he looked down at his watch, he woke up a little later than usual today.

But at this time, everyone had just woken up, everyone's mental outlook has improved a lot today, Shi Lei walked over, sat down, and heard Lu Fei and Xi Chuyu arguing about how to eat dried fish.

After sitting for a while, Shi Lei felt refreshed. He yawned, looked up at Guo Jingyi, and asked casually, "Jingyi, how do you feel? Do you still have a fever?"

Guo Jingyi put down the things in her hands, walked over to Shi Lei and smiled softly, "I'm fine, don't worry." To be honest, Guo Jingyi only smiled very few times.

Suddenly, Shi Lei was stunned. Jing Yi's smile was really beautiful. Shi Lei seemed to understand a little bit, the mood of the king in the Fenghuo drama Princes, if that beauty was Jing Yi, he would give everything to her. Smile, all willing.

Guo Jingyi was a little embarrassed by Shi Lei's hot eyes, her cheeks were slightly red, and her shy look was even more charming, Guo Jingyi walked towards the tent.

As soon as he turned around, Shi Lei woke up with a start. As soon as he came back to his senses, Shi Lei raised his head and met the eyes of Bai Xuefeng, who was smiling but not smiling.

When Shi Lei saw Bai Xuefeng, he remembered last night, he smiled awkwardly, and looked away stiffly, Bai Xuefeng curled her lips unhappily, snorted lightly, but didn't say anything.


Shi Lei was thinking about what to do today, when a piercing scream suddenly came from his ears, Shi Lei was startled, and stood up from the ground abruptly.

The voice came from behind, it sounded like Lan Mei, Shi Lei quickly turned around, and looked at the tents of several women in unison with other people's eyes.

Taking a closer look, Shi Lei saw Lan Mei crawling out of the tent in a panic, staggered forward a few steps, then raised his head and looked around in a panic, his eyes locked on Shi Lei's figure, and hurried over.

"Shi Lei!" Lan Mei started to call Shi Lei's name after more than one meter away, Shi Lei stepped forward quickly, and stretched out his arms to support Lan Mei.

Shi Lei hurriedly asked Lan Mei what was going on, what was going on, Lan Mei thought of something when she heard this, her pupils contracted violently a few times.

Lan Mei swallowed, she held Shi Lei's arm tightly with both hands, and said incoherently: "There is something over there, poisonous insects."

Um?Could it be that poisonous insects entered the tent?It shouldn't be... Shi Lei turned his head subconsciously, and glanced at Bai Xuefeng, but saw Bai Xuefeng was looking at the tent, wondering what he was thinking.

"Lan Mei, don't be afraid if I'm with you." Shi Lei searched the crowd, but didn't see Taya and Jingyi.

Shi Lei was worried about the situation of the two of them, so he calmed Lan Mei with a soft voice, and when Lan Mei's mood stabilized a bit, he hurriedly asked: "Where are the poisonous bugs? Take me there to see."

Said, Shi Lei supported Lan Mei, and was about to walk towards the tent, Lan Mei quickly grabbed Shi Lei, and reminded: "Shi Lei, you should bring a long wooden stick."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lei heard someone calling his name behind him, Shi Lei and Lan Mei looked back, and saw Mo Tingzhi handing him a wooden stick, it was the fire stick that he had been using before.

Shi Lei nodded, reached out to take the wooden stick, Lan Mei's tense body relaxed a bit, and the two came to the entrance of the girl's tent.

But they only saw Guo Jingyi who was squatting on the ground, her body was stiff, and she didn't dare to move, and there was no Taya in the tent.

"Where is the poisonous bug? Did you see what it looks like?" Shi Lei turned his head to look at Lan Mei and asked, Lan Mei must be accompanied by someone, and she became more courageous.

She pointed at her tent, recalled what she saw just now, while gesticulating, she described the appearance of the bug to Shi Lei.

According to Lan Mei, when she woke up, she heard everyone talking, and she lost her sleepiness. She wanted to go out and do some activities, but she just sat up in the tent.

Lan Mei felt that something touched her calf. The skin of that thing was very soft. When it touched the skin, it was very itchy. Observing through the light coming in through the gap, Lan Mei felt that the guy was quite big and round. slippery.

I don't know if it's coiled together or a beast. When sleeping, Lan Mei covered the mouth of the tent with something. It was kind of dark inside, and I couldn't see what it looked like inside. Lan Mei didn't dare to stay inside, so she came out.

"Shi Lei, don't go in yet, it's too dark inside and the place is small, if it attacks you, it will be too late to run." Seeing Shi Lei walking towards the tent, Lan Mei hurriedly caught up and made a suggestion.

"Sharpen the wooden stick, and poke it outside first, it's best to kill it." At the end of speaking, Lan Mei's cheeks puffed up, and a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

If it wasn't for it, why would I be so ashamed?In Shi Lei's heart now, he must look down on her very much, right?As Lan Mei thought about it, her eyes dimmed a lot.

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