After all, men and women are different, no matter how happy Shi Lei is in his heart, he still thinks about it, when Xi Chuyu talks, his eyelids start to fight, like this, there is no way to take care of the two of them.

Guo Jingyi and Lan Mei drank the medicine, tonight was the key, Xi Chuyu had another busy day, and he didn't even have a good meal, Shi Lei didn't want to fall down again.

"But..." Xi Chuyu looked at Shi Lei with some disapproval, opened his mouth to say something, but finally swallowed the words and nodded slowly.

Xi Chuyu was also aware of her current situation, "Well, I will continue to take care of sister Jingyi and the others during the day tomorrow." She stood up from the ground, thought for a while and quickly added.

As she said that, Xi Chuyu sighed a little dejectedly, and muttered, "That's why I can't help you much." She knows taekwondo and self-defense, but here, she is useless.

Seeing Chu Yu's disappointment, Shi Lei laughed, "Idiot, look at us, who else can take care of Jingyi and Lan Mei so well besides you?"

Hearing this, Xi Chuyu looked at Shi Lei with sparkling eyes and a smile in her eyes, she was a little sleepy, rubbed her eyes, and yawned.

"Don't think too much, go to sleep." Seeing this, Shi Lei quickly stood up, supported Xi Chuyu's shoulders with both hands, and pushed her towards the tent.

Xi Chuyu responded, and walked away. Shi Lei slept all day. Although it was already night, he was not sleepy, but it should be because he was too anxious today.

The head that had been healed began to ache again. Shi Lei stood up abruptly just now, feeling a little dizzy. He stood there for a while before he felt a lot more comfortable.

Shi Lei thought about it, and felt that he would not be able to sleep in the tent anyway, so it would be better to come to guard, just to let everyone rest for a while, the person responsible for arranging the guard has always been Taya, so Shi Lei had no choice but to go to her.

"Taya, who will be the first to alert today?" When Shi Lei walked over, Taya had just come over from the fire, and the two were standing on the beach.

The cold sea breeze drifted by, making Shi Lei's exposed skin feel a bit chilly, the temperature difference between day and night is quite large, it seems that he has to pay attention to keep warm at night.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard Taya reply, "It's me." After speaking, Taya looked at Shi Lei strangely, and asked, "Shi Lei, why are you asking this? What's wrong?"

Shi Lei shook his head, saying it's okay, "I can't sleep, add me tonight's alert." Taya thought for a while, and agreed.

Everyone went to rest, and a fire was left under the coconut tree. On the pitch-black beach, the orange fire light was extraordinarily heart-warming.

Shi Lei sat beside the fire in a daze, adding a handful of firewood from time to time, the branches were wrapped in flames, and there was a sound of sparks splashing from time to time, not far from the seaside, the sound of the waves, making this dark night destined not to be peaceful.

"I hope everything goes well in the future."

Shi Lei was awakened by a loud splashing sound, he came back to his senses, glanced back at the pitch-black sea, and sighed deeply.

Although they came here, the diary did not specify where the ship docked, nor did they know how long they would have to wait here.

And after such a long time, they don't know whether the ship will come here again, and there is no source of information, which makes Shi Lei feel very uneasy.

"No, I'm a little dizzy, I'd better go drink some water."

Shi Lei supported his forehead, stood up while talking to himself, walked to the place where things were placed, Shi Lei picked up the iron box by the faint light of the fire, and took two big gulps.

There are now seven of them taking turns to guard, Shi Lei sat back, felt that after staying there for a while, he changed guard with Taya, as soon as Taya walked over, Shi Lei's tense nerves relaxed, and sleepiness immediately surged up.

Shi Lei said vaguely to Taya, "I didn't find anything unusual." Then he walked towards the tent, which was two big tents built against two coconut trees.

The middle of the tent was separated one by one, where Shi Lei lived was on one side, he got in and didn't bother to turn around, just lay his head on his side, and fell asleep after a while.

When Shi Lei woke up again, the sky had just dawned, but the sun hadn't risen from the horizon yet, Shi Lei was a little sleepy, he forgot that it was a low tent, turned over, sat up on the ground with his eyes closed up.

The consequences can be imagined, there was only a loud bang, and the men's tents dangled on the beach a few times, but there was no movement.

Shi Lei was startled, he slipped his hands, leaned back, and lay back down again, Shi Lei opened his eyes, was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly woke up.

"It's almost five o'clock." Shi Lei raised his arm and looked at his watch. The time has a luminous function, and Shi Lei could see it clearly, "Huh—don't sleep."

Shi Lei crawled out of the tent, and when he raised his head, he happened to meet the eyes of several men on the other side. Their heads poked out in unison, staring at Shi Lei faintly, which shocked Shi Lei.

"Ahem." Shi Lei felt the sight of the murderer, and knew he was wrong. He coughed twice, stood up slowly, and greeted the three men with a smile: "Good morning, are you awake? Then get up."

Bai Mingxian snorted coldly, retracted his head, and continued to sleep, Mo Tingzhi came out, Shi Lei greeted him, and then walked towards the fire.

At this time, Xi Chuyu was on guard, Shi Lei passed by the place where things were placed, took out the bamboo tube from his backpack, drank a couple of sips of water, and then walked over.

"Chu Yu, how are Jingyi and the others doing? Has the fever subsided?" Shi Lei cleared his throat and asked in a low voice.

Xi Chuyu nodded, but the expression on his face was very dignified, "It's retreated a little, but it's still a bit hot, Shi Lei, go and see for yourself, I have to be careful, I can't walk away."

Shi Lei turned his head, glanced around the tents of several women, responded, turned around and strode over, there were two things blocking the tents, Shi Lei recalled last night, the place where the two were put down should be here.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei stretched out his hand to open the curtain, then turned sideways and took advantage of the fire not far away to look at the people inside, the woman on the edge was Guo Jingyi.

Shi Lei bent down and put his upper body in, Guo Jingyi's head was facing inside, the inside was pitch black, and she couldn't see clearly, Shi Lei supported the sand with one hand, and stuck the other hand against the tent, and stretched towards the inside.

There was a stretcher on the ground, and the layer next to the ground was covered with a thick layer of dry leaves, every time Shi Lei moved, the leaves would rustle.

"Hmm——Why did Jingyi's forehead become soft?" Shi Lei moved a few times, feeling that the distance was almost there, and stretched out his hand towards Guo Jingyi's head.

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