"Cough cough..."

This method really worked, Xi Chupeng woke up leisurely, opened his eyes and saw Shi Lei leaning in front of him, he expressed that he was frightened.

"Hey! What do you mean by that disgusting look of yours? I saved you, okay?" Shi Lei asked very dissatisfied with veins popping out of his forehead.

Seeing her brother woke up, Xi Chuyu snorted coldly at Guo Jingyi, knelt down and supported Xi Chupeng again, "Brother, how do you feel?"

"It's okay Xiaoyu, you'll be by my side from now on. When I opened my eyes, I saw a smelly man's face. My brother's heart is full."

"Hey, I'm right here, speak ill of me, so justified, okay?" Shi Lei couldn't help reminding.

Xi Chuyu sniffed, looked at Xi Chupeng with red eyes and said, "Brother, don't do this in the future."

"Okay, okay, brother will definitely protect you next time, and won't give the stinky man a chance."

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, it seems that these two people are not talking about the same question, right?But is it really okay for you to ignore me like this? "I ride a horse..."

"So who, thank you for saving me, I will repay you in the future, but don't think about it, find a chance to get close to my sister!" Xi Chupeng suddenly looked at Shi Lei and threatened.

Before Shi Lei could speak, Xi Chuyu became angry, "Brother! Shut up! You have injuries on your body and you still talk so much. Besides, they saved us in the first place."

"Okay, brother, listen to you..."

"Shi Lei, do you want the two of them to join? Are you sure they are pig teammates?" Guo Jingyi endured and endured, and finally couldn't help it, she walked aside with Shi Lei.

Shi Lei said: "Jingyi, what's the situation with you and Xi Chuyu?"

"Don't worry about women's affairs." Guo Jingyi snorted coldly, but didn't answer.

"Well, that Xi Chupeng is a man who can last for so long despite being seriously injured! This woman... tsk tsk."

"Smelly rascal! Superficial!" Guo Jingyi saw Shi Lei's expression, and knew that he had no good intentions.

"The two of them are brothers and sisters. I can't just invite one person."

"In other words, his injury needs herbal medicine, otherwise it will be infected and inflamed. If it festers, it will be dangerous." Shi Lei rubbed his chin, frowning and thinking about where to find the herbal medicine.

"Do you know herbs?" Guo Jingyi raised her eyebrows and glanced at Shi Lei. Unexpectedly, this person knows a lot.

Shi Lei waved his hand, "Hey, how can I do it? I only know a few common herbal medicines. That's from a buddy in the Survival Circle. A friend who studies Chinese medicine taught me."

"Have you seen herbs before?" Guo Jingyi frowned.

Shi Lei shook his head: "No, it's strange to say that I haven't seen even the most common herbal medicine for treating trauma."

"The wound on Xi Chupeng needs a lot of herbs to heal." Shi Lei frowned.

Guo Jingyi suggested: "Go and ask the Xi brothers and sisters."

Shi Lei walked to Xi Chupeng's side, sat down on the beach, and told the two of them about the matter. Xi Chuyu frowned and looked at Xi Chupeng, "Brother, do we have to go back?"

What he said was a bit inexplicable, making people puzzled. Xi Chupeng seemed to have thought of something, and smiled a few times, "Is this fate?"

"What are you guys talking about?" Seeing that the two of them were still playing charades, Shi Lei couldn't help interrupting their conversation, "Who can explain to me? Do you know where there are herbs?"

"Well, there are a lot of herbs on that small island." Xi Chupeng had already restrained his idle look, looked at Shi Lei with a serious face, raised his finger and pointed to the small island opposite, and said, "Xiao Yu, me, and the bald people , came from the island.”

"There's food over there, why do you have to risk your life?" Shi Lei raised his eyebrows and asked, looking at Guo Jingyi at the same time, thinking that there must be something hidden here.

"My brother is afraid of snakes." The Xi brothers and sisters were silent for a while, and Xi Chuyu said, "That small island has a lot of snakes, venomous and non-venomous, all kinds of snakes."

"What?" Shi Lei was dumbfounded, he is not afraid that it is not poisonous, but if it is poisonous, there is no serum here, one bite and it will be over.

"But...it's strange," Xi Chuyu hesitated, and then continued: "The snakes are only concentrated in the center of the island, and they don't come out."

"Beauty, can you stop panting when you speak in the future?" Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, this herb is not a rare treasure, he has to choose a guardian beast, and he will definitely find it.

"Xi Chuyu, Xi Chupeng, maybe we can form a team to survive? You think about it, after all, there is strength in numbers."

Xi Chuyu and Xi Chupeng looked at Shi Lei, and after mumbling a few words, Xi Chuyu nodded and said, "We agree."

"Then I have to say a few rules, okay?"

"Well, tell me." Xi Chupeng nodded.

"Since we are going to form a team, we are on the same boat. No matter what happens, we must not betray. We are just acquainted. It doesn't matter if we don't trust. Time will prove everything. However, we can't engage in individualism, or we won't pay."

"I, Xi Chupeng, am not that kind of villain. Since you, Shi Lei, are happy people, I am not hypocritical. We will share happiness and adversity together in the future. Isn't everything for living?" Xi Chupeng paused, and added in a low voice: "But you Don't hit my little sister!"

"Pfft—" Shi Lei raised his fist, looked at the three of them and said, "Come on! We will be able to go back safely!"

The four of them clashed fists, and the survival team was formally formed.

The bald body was carried by Shi Lei, and Guo Jingyi and Guo Jingyi found a place to dig a pit and bury it. Xi Chupeng's injury could not be delayed, so Shi Lei caught a few fish and ate dinner hastily.

Xi Chupeng was injured, Shi Lei made broth for him to drink, it was the first time he ate meat after being on the island for so long, he had been fishing before.

During the conversation at night, Shi Lei learned that the reason for the fallout between the Xi brothers and sisters and the bald head was that the Xi brothers and sisters were injured when they fell down on that small island, and were later rescued by the bald head.

Shi Lei felt that the bald head should have regarded the two of them as food. Later, he saw the strength of Xi Chupeng and Xi Chuyu, so he didn't attack.

Xi Chupeng is sensitive to the bald head, so he has been relying on his previous survival knowledge to help find food, but he accidentally saw that the bald head actually cut and ate meat from the dead body.

The bald head explained that it was because there was no food to eat, but then he intensified and wanted to kill living people to eat meat, and was repeatedly destroyed by the Xi brothers and sisters who still had human nature.

Xi Chupeng wanted to prove that he could fight wild beasts without eating human flesh. However, the bald head was a backstabber. The Xi brothers and sisters were injured, and Shi Lei and the others saw it next.

Shi Lei tore off a lot of palm leaves, used them as mats and spread them on the ground as a bed, he had nothing to say all night, the next morning, after a hasty breakfast, Shi Lei asked Xi Chuyu to take care of Xi Chupeng.

He and Guo Jingyi went to the forest to chop wood to make a raft, Guo Jingyi was silent for a long while and said, "Is that why you trust them?"

"Jingyi, we just met them, who knows what will happen in the future, now we just cooperate to cross the sea." Shi Lei said with a smile.

Guo Jingyi understands that what is needed for cooperation is to achieve the goal, and it doesn't matter what the other party is like, as long as they don't have to be a capricious villain.

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