After walking forward for about 50 meters, I came to the front of a bush as tall as a person. The bush was like a wall, which tightly blocked the situation behind.

Everyone carried the stretcher, Xi Chuyu took care of the two women, Shi Lei was the only one who could open the way, and he didn't go forward directly.

Instead, he went to the side to pick and choose, and then used a saber to cut off the tree branch that was in the way. With a bare wooden stick under his body, Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction, and used the wooden stick to push the bushes aside.

He tilted his head and looked through the gap, looking towards the opposite side, feeling the slightly salty sea breeze blowing over, Shi Lei was really relieved.

"The beach is in front of us. I got rid of the things that are in the way, so we can stop to rest and find a place to camp."

As Shi Lei said, he raised his arms and wiped the sweat off his face with his clothes. The climate here is not low, but because of the high humidity, especially around noon, when the temperature rises, the sweltering heat in the forest makes people breathless. I can't breathe.

It's okay to not move normally, but this sudden movement for so long, Shi Lei's body was already dripping with sweat, he was worried about the situation of the two women, Shi Lei didn't dare to delay.

With the fastest speed, he scratched out a hole that one person could pass through, and was the first to bury it. As soon as his foot touched the ground, Shi Lei felt soft, not the same as the wet ground in the forest.

Shi Lei first looked around vigilantly, the beach has its advantages, for example, although the sun above his head is very hot, but the sea breeze is very cool, which makes people feel more comfortable.

Another example is that the field of vision is wide, compared with the dense bushes in the misty forest, dozens of people will not find it if it is hidden. Compared with the bushes, it is more reassuring, but there are also disadvantages.

"Everyone come here, there is no danger."

Shi Lei scanned Hai Langzi carefully, and after making sure that he didn't see any dangerous creatures, he was really relieved, and turned his head to greet everyone.

Because of the threat of the C Group's boat, they couldn't camp on the beach, or under the big trees at the edge of the forest, and other places. They had to find a relatively secluded place.

While thinking about it, Shi Lei searched for something on the beach, when two lonely coconut trees came into view, Shi Lei's eyes lit up, he had a solution.

What is the most indispensable plant on the beach?Coconuts, of course. What's so strange about having such a bush under a big tree?As long as they are well disguised.

"Let's go and camp under the coconut trees over there."

Shi Lei explained what he meant, it was in the center of the beach, with a wide view, if there was a boat coming from the distant sea, he would be able to spot it immediately.

"Shi Lei, I think it's better not to go there." After speaking, everyone thought about it and expressed their agreement, except Xi Chuyu, with a look of hesitation on his brow.

Xi Chuyu always supported what Shi Lei said, and this scene of opposition was rare in a hundred years. Everyone looked at Xi Chuyu with a trace of surprise in their eyes.

"Aren't you afraid that the coconut will fall in the middle of the night and hit you?" Xi Chuyu looked a little embarrassed, she looked at Shi Lei with reddish cheeks, with a smile in her eyes.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but Shi Lei burst out laughing. He walked over and pinched Xi Chuyu's cheek, seeing Xi Chuyu glaring at him angrily, Shi Lei couldn't help laughing and said: "Fool, look at the coconuts on it." Well, it's been a few months now."

It has been more than two months since I checked the date last time. It is now mid-January, almost February. If it is in modern times, it should be almost Chinese New Year.

Shi Lei thought about it, his expression became a little emotional, it's been almost nine months since he came here, the time has passed so fast, but now he still has things to do, so he can't think so much.

Everyone walked under the coconut tree, there was a large piece of shade on one side of the ground, the leaves of the coconut tree were very lush, and the sea breeze blew over from time to time, Shi Lei took a deep breath, feeling very peaceful in his heart.

Putting the two women in the shade, Shi Lei walked over to check the temperature of the two of them. The continuous physical cooling made the temperature of the two of them drop, but this can only solve the problem for a lifetime, but cannot eradicate the root cause.

After everyone put down their things and sat down to rest for a while, Shi Lei cleared his throat and expressed his thoughts.

"Shi Lei, do you know what herbal medicine can cure fever?" After hearing Shi Lei's words, everyone was silent. Shi Lei didn't rush, and patiently waited for everyone's reply. It was Taya who asked this question.

Hearing this, Shi Lei thought for a while, nodded hesitantly and said, "I know a little bit about this, but I don't know if I can find it."

Speaking of this, Shi Lei felt a little depressed, he thought that his medical skills were not bad, at least he could understand a little bit of common diseases.

But when it came to an emergency, Shi Lei realized how useless his mediocre level was, but fortunately, among them, there were quite a few who knew medical skills, such as the Bai family and Taya.

"If it's on the small island where I live, I can help a little bit. Here... I don't know the situation. That kind of herb is only available in the forbidden area of ​​the Tashi tribe."

Sensing Shi Lei's gaze, Taya looked a little evasive, lowered her head, and whispered guiltily: "Shi Lei, I'm sorry, I can't help you..."

Seeing this, Shi Lei smiled, saying that it's all right, he also knows that some herbs can only grow in a fixed environment, Shi Lei is not surprised at this situation.

He said in his heart that he was not disappointed, it was a lie, but he couldn't blame Taya, Taya glanced at Shi Lei, Shi Lei smiled at her.

Then I can only ask Bai Xuefeng and Bai Mingxian, I hope they can know a little bit, otherwise I can only use my luck to enter the forest, Shi Lei thought, feeling a little uneasy.

Ask Bai Mingxian?Hmm... let's say goodbye, this guy is not very old, he looks soft and innocent like a little milk dog, but he is actually a miniature version of a big wolf dog.

"Bai Xuefeng, I remember that when Taya was in a coma, she also had some fever. You gave her pills." Shi Lei made up his mind, turned to look at Bai Xuefeng, he paused, and asked, "In the foggy forest , can you find that herbal medicine?"

When Bai Xuefeng heard the words, she raised her head and met Shi Lei's shining eyes. For some reason, she lost the confidence and arrogance in her eyes.

She closed her eyes slightly, and said lightly: "You should ask Bai Mingxian, his occupation in the clan is to collect herbs." When Bai Mingxian heard this, a trace of obvious surprise flashed across his face.

A strange feeling came to Shi Lei's heart again, "Bai Xuefeng, are you feeling unwell? I don't think you can cheer up these two days."

When Bai Xuefeng heard the words, she closed her eyes, and an inexplicable look quickly flashed in her eyes. She concealed it so well that no one noticed.

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