Shi Lei quickly let go of Guo Jingyi, raised his hand and put the back of his hand on Guo Jingyi's forehead, it felt like sticking to a stove, Guo Jingyi had a fever.

He took two steps back and took a closer look at Guo Jingyi, only then did he notice the abnormal flush on Guo Jingyi's cheeks, Shi Lei put down his hand, and felt a soreness in his shoulder blades.

He must have been lying down all night, caught cold and caught the wind. After all, other than soaking in the water this day, he was unconscious in wet clothes by the water, so he was lucky not to get sick like Jingyi.

"I'm fine, Shi Lei, don't worry." Guo Jingyi slowly shook her head, smiled at Shi Lei, and when she raised her head, she met the solemn Shi Lei.

Shi Lei frowned, and looked at Guo Jingyi disapprovingly, "Can I not worry, there is a lack of medical care here, do you know the consequences of fever?" The more Shi Lei said, the angrier he became.

He glanced at the wet clothes. Although it stopped dripping, it was still different from wearing dry clothes. "You're still wearing wet clothes. It's no wonder you don't get sick."

The women were all wearing Bai clothes, and the men were all wearing modern clothes. There were clean clothes in their backpacks. Fortunately, the old clothes were not lost, and they are useful now.

Although Shi Lei's tone was a bit harsh, Guo Jingyi felt very sweet when she heard it. Shi Lei was concerned about her, and Guo Jingyi was a little hesitant, but Shi Lei understood it after thinking about it.

He turned his head and glanced around the camp and around, but he didn't see Taya and Luffy, probably they hadn't come back yet, so he had to find other women and Jingyi to change clothes, which happened to be him too.

"Bai Xuefeng, what's wrong with Lan Mei?" Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi returned to the camp, Shi Lei noticed Lan Mei lying on the ground with her eyes closed.

Bai Xuefeng asked Lan Mei to pillow her leg. This scene happened to Bai Xuefeng, was really rare. Mo Tingzhi, who was forcibly fed a mouthful of dog food, remained silent. When he returned to the camp, he went to see There was a fire.

"Lan Mei also has a fever." Bai Xuefeng didn't say a word, she kept her head down, her face was a little ugly, she didn't know what she was thinking, and standing behind her was Bai Mingxian, who answered for Bai Xuefeng.

Shi Lei was startled when he heard that, he quickly walked to the place where Lan Mei had a wound, squatted down to check the situation, the bandage on Lan Mei's leg had already been removed, and it was placed on a large plant leaf.

"Bai Xuefeng, Lan Mei, let me watch first. You and Jingyi, go find a place to change your clothes. Wearing wet clothes all the time will make you sick and your fever will get worse."

Lan Mei's wound had already begun to heal, but when she was chased by the killer bee, all her previous efforts were wasted. At this time, the wound was already swollen, and if it was not treated, it would fester. If it was serious, the old girl would die Danger.

The clothes on Bai Xuefeng's body were not much better, Shi Lei was worried that she would also fall down, so he hurriedly said, Bai Xuefeng responded lightly, opened the backpack, took out the clothes and walked towards a bush with Guo Jingyi.

Shi Lei was a little surprised. Bai Xuefeng's actions just now seemed to be very familiar with modern things, but he didn't think much about it. Seeing the figures of the two disappear into the bushes, he quickly reminded loudly: "Remember to put the hair on your hair. Dry off the water."

After a while, the two women came out. Just as they walked over, Shi Lei heard two footsteps getting closer. He looked up and saw that it was Lu Fei and Taya who had returned.

The two probably looked a little listless because they couldn't find anyone, and they looked up at the camp when they got close to crossing the water.

When Taya saw Shi Lei, the depression on her face instantly changed to ecstasy. She raised her leg, regardless of the water flow, and ran through the water, splashing in all directions. She rushed all the way to Shi Lei, hugged Shi Lei, Leaves a series of wet footprints.

"Shi Lei, are you injured?" Taya leaned forward and hugged Shi Lei, she didn't dislike the awkward posture, her chin rested on Shi Lei's shoulder, her voice choked up.

Saying that, Taya let go of Shi Lei, watched carefully for a while, and finally felt relieved, and laughed through tears, "I've been searching for a long time, but I couldn't find you. I was so worried about you. Fortunately, you are fine. Already!"

Shi Lei supported the back of Lan Mei's head, carefully let her rest on his legs, his hands were freed, Shi Lei smiled at Taya and said: "Taya, I don't die so easily."

As soon as Taya heard it, she immediately became happy. Seeing that Taya hadn't changed, Shi Lei urged her to go. Bai Xuefeng came to replace Shi Lei, and continued to support the unconscious Lan Mei.

Guo Jingyi and Xi Chuyu took dry clothes to change for Lan Mei, Shi Lei and the men had no choice but to leave, but Bai Mingxian insisted on staying by Bai Xuefeng's side, Shi Lei dragged him away in anger.

After all changed clothes, Shi Lei also sat down to rest, although he didn't catch a cold, but lying in the open all night, blowing the cold wind all night, anyone would feel uncomfortable.

Shi Lei supported his drowsy head, felt that his neck was hurting, he must have been suffering from the wind, if there is medicine, take a few, even if there is no medicine, just sleep and he will be fine.

"Oh! It's so uncomfortable..."

When Shi Lei and the others were sitting relatively silent, a weak groan suddenly sounded in the silent camp, Shi Lei looked up, it turned out to be Lan Mei, she was not awake, just talking in a dream.

But thinking of Lan Mei's situation, Shi Lei couldn't help but frowned. Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei heard Xi Chuyu say worriedly: "Lan Mei's wound, we can't stay any longer, or it will get worse."

Hearing this, Shi Lei nodded in agreement, he also meant the same thing, "But we have nothing to do to Lan Mei right now." Guo Jingyi reminded.

The scalpel has long been lost, it is true that they have sabers, but after all it is different from the special ones, the wounds can be large or small, Shi Lei's previous situation was different, he could bear it, but Lan Mei might not.

"Everyone took out all the first-aid kits they were carrying, and gathered what medicines they had. Just do it like this. Use a single-edged saber. If there is no alcohol, boil it with water. Prepare with both hands."

Upon hearing this, Lu Fei agreed and said: "It's just a matter of time to get some hot water, everyone drink some to keep warm." The fingers were wrinkled from the cold water soaking, and everyone's body temperature was also thanks to the wet clothes, and it was not much higher. .

Although the climate here is quite hot, relatively speaking, it is relatively humid. Didn’t you see the moss that can be seen everywhere on the rocks and trees on the ground?

Shi Lei walked to a nearby bush, pulled off a few leaves, washed them with water from a stream, brought them back, wiped them dry with a cloth, and put a first aid kit on them.

"Shi Lei, let me help you."

Shi Lei opened the first-aid kits one by one, checked the contents, and while doing so, Guo Jingyi walked over, Shi Lei turned his head, saw that the blush on Guo Jingyi's face was getting more and more red, he couldn't help but frowned and said: "Go back and rest, drink more Get some hot water to sweat."

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