"There is no one in the camp." Shi Lei sighed, and told the two of them what he saw, then he borrowed the binoculars and looked around in other directions, from far to near, carefully sizing up with.

According to the position of the sun, where they are staying is the north of the camp, and the swamp is in the south of the camp. When Shi Lei looked to the north, he unexpectedly found that the bushes and trees here are particularly sparse?
After careful observation, Shi Lei actually saw a bunch of moving vines, no, it was snakes!Shi Lei looked carefully for a while, and then noticed a series of black shadows in the distance, couldn't help squinting his eyes, handed the binoculars to Lan Mei beside him, and said, "Lan Mei, look in the direction of twelve o'clock."

"Ah! It's the snake cave, there must be snake guts over there." After two or three seconds, he heard Lan Mei's surprised voice, Shi Lei responded, narrowing his eyes and said: "Continue to look into the distance."

"Huh?" Lan Mei put down the binoculars, looked at Shi Lei with some confusion, and Lu Fei at the side saw this, and quickly said: "Lan Mei, give me the binoculars, let me have a look!"

Lan Mei nodded quickly, and looked at the two of them a little embarrassedly. Lu Fei followed the direction Shi Lei said, looked at it for a while, then rolled his eyes to both sides, then turned to look at Shi Lei, raised his eyebrows and said: "The men in black you mean?"

"Yes." Shi Lei raised his head, stared coldly into the distance, and said in a cold tone: "The number of people they carried happened to be five people. Although they were covered and they couldn't see clearly, the backpacks of those people belonged to us. Human."

At first, Shi Lei actually didn't notice, his attention was only focused on looking at the snake cave, Shi Lei planned to go back later and investigate the situation of the camp.

They had to be careful, who knew if those unknown creatures who snatched away Guo Jingyi's group would set up an ambush, but who knew, they happened to see this scene.

"What should I do?" Lan Mei looked at Shi Lei at a loss, while Lu Fei frowned and said, "Shi Lei, even if we chase now, we won't be able to catch up with those people. Their speed is too fast."

Shi Lei raised his hand, touched his chin and stared at the black shadow gradually disappearing behind the trees in the distance, after a long silence, Shi Lei pursed his lips and said: "It doesn't matter if we can't find it, just let those people take us there."

"Ah?" Lan Mei and Lu Fei looked at Shi Lei with some confusion, Shi Lei's mouth curled up into a playful smile, and he looked into the distance meaningfully.

"Is this possible?" Lan Mei followed Shi Lei's voice in a low voice, and asked cautiously. Shi Lei shook his head, signaling Lan Mei not to speak.

The three of them walked quickly towards the snake cave, and after a while they came to a pile of snakes. They said that it was a snake cave. It was a one-meter-high hole, and it was densely packed with snakes.

With the light of the fire, Shi Lei looked inside, but he didn't see the Ling Snake Gallbladder, the plant that resembles Ganoderma lucidum, he couldn't help muttering, could it be that the Ling Snake Gallbladder is in the innermost part of the snake cave?

"Lan Mei, where does the snake gall grow?" Shi Lei couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he couldn't help asking. Lan Mei was bending over to search for something in the bushes on both sides of the snake cave. He replied without raising his voice: "It should be right here."

Shi Lei and Lu Fei didn't understand this, so they had to stand aside. After 2 minutes, Lan Mei raised her leg and ran over, and said excitedly, "I found it." She lifted the thing in her hand, He motioned to the two of them to watch.

Milky ganoderma?After seeing the real thing, Shi Lei immediately flashed this sentence in his mind, but before he could speak, he heard Luffy suddenly shout: "Be careful! The snake over there is coming!"

Shi Lei turned his head and looked, although he was not afraid of snakes, he was still a little creepy when he saw this scene. A group of small snakes were crawling on the ground and wandering towards the place where the three of them were standing.

The battle was so dense that it seemed as if all the snakes in the snake cave had been dispatched. In the middle, there was a dark poisonous snake with thick arms.


Seeing those snake eyes staring at him, Shi Lei came over, quickly roared, then raised his legs and ran towards the north, which is the direction where the group of men in black disappeared, followed by Lu Fei and Lan Mei.

After running for 5 minutes, Shi Lei finally had the mood to turn his head and cast a glance behind him, seeing that it didn't matter, Shi Lei was so frightened that he staggered, so he didn't fall to the ground.

The group of little snakes had disappeared, leaving only the black snake, which was still chasing after the three of them. Shi Lei saw that the black snake was about to attack, so he knew he couldn't run any longer, and he had to solve the problem. guy.

What's more, the three of Shi Lei and the others planned to use this opportunity to let those guys who arrested Guo Jingyi and the others take them away as well.

In the binoculars, Shi Lei saw this group of people passing by the snake cave, and stayed there for a while. He probably knew this group of snakes. If they killed the snakes, those people would definitely catch them, and then they would be able to meet Guo Jingyi and the others. ,

But doing this is very risky, no one can be sure, will those people become angry and kill them directly, and... Will they be eaten by poisonous snakes?

"You guys wait here." After running two steps, Shi Lei said to the two of them, "Lu Fei, remember to watch my gestures." Then he stopped abruptly, and while turning around, he took the torch in Lu Fei's hand with his left hand, The right hand turned the saber in his hand and clenched it tightly.

"Hiss——" The black snake must have sensed the danger, and its writhing body suddenly stopped. After a pause of less than three seconds, it opened its bloody mouth, revealing the two fangs in its mouth, and turned towards it. Shi Lei pounced on him.

Shi Lei didn't dare to be head-on, so he quickly moved aside, glanced unintentionally, and saw two streams of venom about one meter long sprayed out from the black snake's fangs, if Shi Lei didn't hide quickly, he would have Bye.

"It seems that I have to go behind your back, or..." Thinking about it, Shi Lei couldn't help but sighed, and muttered a little depressed: "If there are crossbow arrows, why is this so?"

Thinking about it, Shi Lei lifted his foot and moved to one side, attracting the attention of Black Snake, and then gestured to Luffy, seeing Luffy nodding, Shi Lei didn't relax.

He wants to bet this time whether Luffy will take this opportunity to kill him. Although he and Luffy haven't exchanged any plans, Shi Lei believes that after Luffy takes the dart he handed him, he will definitely be able to kill him. clear.

Shi Lei now hopes that he is not mistaken, that even if Luffy is a spy, he is not the kind of despicable villain who is behind the scenes.

Shi Lei kept turning his figure, and while attracting the eyes of the black snake, he used the torch in his hand to scare the black snake so that it would not dare to approach easily. After a while, the black snake became impatient and made a gesture to attack Shi Lei.

"Luffy, hurry up!"

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