But the danger on the shore is not less than that in the water. Their current situation can be called a dilemma. No matter where they are, they are looking for death.

The more Shi Lei thought about it, the more depressed he became, he turned his head and glanced at Guo Jingyi, seeing that she just lowered her head and said nothing, Shi Lei didn't bother, but turned to ask Taya.

"Taya, is there any way to avoid this situation?" Although Shi Lei asked, he didn't hold any hope in his heart.

Taya denied it as expected, Shi Lei didn't feel lost, Ji Lanlan kept silent, hugged Guo Jingyi by one side, the five of them stayed in the cold pool like this for about four hours, Shi Lei already felt uncomfortable To the existence of the legs.

The temperature of the whole body is like ice when you touch it with your hands. Even Shi Lei is like this, let alone Guo Jingyi. When Shi Lei stretched out his hand to pull Guo Jingyi, he felt that her arm was extremely stiff and shivering constantly. .

"Taya, Tatu, how do you feel? Can you still move?" Shi Lei hugged the trembling Guo Jingyi into his arms, turned to ask the two people opposite, and after two or three seconds of silence, he heard the two people Responding one after the other.

Needless to say, Shi Lei could guess the current situation, Shi Lei sighed, and reached out to take out the flashlight from his backpack, but he forgot, because of the cold, his fingers were no longer as flexible as usual.

With a subconscious shake of his arm and a slip of his hand, the flashlight fell into the water with a plop, and slowly fell towards the bottom of the pool. Shi Lei looked at the faint light in the water, feeling very annoyed in his heart.

"Taya, you help Jingyi, I'll go find the flashlight." Shi Lei couldn't see the light, and was very anxious in his heart. He quickly rowed to Taya's side, handed Taya over, and hurriedly Said.

After Tatu heard the voice, he quickly said: "Shi Lei, I'll go." Shi Lei only learned how to swim so as not to drown, let alone diving.

"Don't worry." Before Shi Lei had time to say anything, he plunged into the water, and as soon as his head went in, Shi Lei felt cold water rushing into his ears and nostrils.

Shi Lei closed his eyes tightly, his hands kept scrambling in the water, but he didn't grab anything, Shi Lei had no choice but to think about how other people dive, and slowly opened his eyes.

Don't mention the taste, opened his eyes without even wearing diving goggles, it was the first time, Shi Lei went back without feeling uncomfortable.

After a while, Shi Lei felt that he had adapted a lot, he looked around the bottom of the water, the water didn't look too muddy, but Shi Lei could only see the situation not far away.

"There is light over there!"

Shi Lei looked at it for a long time, holding his breath and feeling like his lungs were about to explode, he hurriedly dragged the float that he made unintentionally when he was floating on the water before, there was a lot of air in it, it was just usable at this time.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Lei turned his head in the water and swam towards the bright light that he had just glimpsed inadvertently. The water in the pool is not too deep. Although diving made Shi Lei's lungs feel a little uncomfortable, but not As for being too uncomfortable.

After swimming in, Shi Lei carefully looked at the position of the bright light. It didn't matter, he was so frightened that he almost flew out of his wits. It wasn't the light of a flashlight at all, but the green fluorescent light emitted from the inside of a skull.

"Ahem——hmm!" Shi Lei opened his mouth wide subconsciously, but forgot that it was the bottom of the water, water poured into his mouth suddenly, Shi Lei looked at the human bones in front of him, and almost vomited from nausea.

Shi Lei spat out the water and pulled out the saber from his waist. It was Shi Lei's luck that he didn't lose the saber after tossing around for so long.

After putting on the clothes at that time, Shi Lei almost subconsciously brought the weapon with him, which was the aftereffect of the devil training by that fellow Xi Chupeng.

"Why do I feel that the things on this person are so familiar?" After experiencing the first shock, Shi Lei also calmed down a lot. He carefully looked at the whole body of the bones with the faint light, and his eyes finally fell on on his neck.

Shi Lei was thinking about the flashlight, and at the same time he was annoyed. Although the flashlight is waterproof, it is an electronic product after all, so how could it be intact if it fell into the water.

Just as he was thinking, Shi Lei stepped on the bottom of the pool slowly with his toes, subconsciously stepped on it, and felt something hard that made people subconsciously think it was particularly strong, and it turned out to be very soft.

Shi Lei staggered, but fortunately he was in the water so he didn't fall down, Shi Lei hurriedly took two steps back, but suddenly felt a chill in his waist.

Immediately thinking of the things on the shore, Shi Lei's figure froze, and couldn't help but curse in his heart, "Fuck, I can't be this small, can I? Can we still meet underwater?"

Thinking about it, Shi Lei turned his head slowly, and then his eyes met a skull with empty eye sockets, Shi Lei was so frightened that he almost jumped up, and quickly took two steps back.

Taking a closer look, he saw clearly that it was also a pair of white bones, but there was something like a rope hanging on his feet, which was deeply embedded in the soil, which made the white bones float in the water. up.

"The same accessory, could it be an aboriginal?" Shi Lei stared at the necklace for a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help muttering.

This time Shi Lei was prepared, he turned around in a circle, looked around carefully, although he already had some guesses in his heart, but when he saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked , which is more serious than the magnitude [-] earthquake.

The entire bottom of the pool is full of white bones, the skeleton is complete, and the configuration on the neck is almost the same style, but the types are different, and the skeletons are also large and small.

"Why are their skeletons all intact?" Shi Lei suddenly noticed something, and just as he was thinking, Shi Lei felt the discomfort caused by the lack of oxygen in his brain.

Shi Lei wasn't in the mood to stay any longer, he thought about going up first, but getting down was easy but going up was hard, Shi Lei thumped a few times at the bottom of the water, standing still at the bottom.


Shi Lei felt that his physical strength was gradually disappearing, and he knew that he could no longer do unnecessary struggles, so he quickly swam towards the edge, thinking about stabbing his saber into the wall and getting up little by little.

As soon as he moved two steps, Shi Lei heard a crisp sound. He felt something was wrong, so he quickly stopped his movements. One can imagine the volume of the sound in the water.

Almost subconsciously looking down, Shi Lei saw the fluorescent green bones in the eyes, turned around and fell down... The most frightening thing was that he stood up by himself, turned around and looked at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei's hands shook, his previous efforts were all in vain, and he fell back to the bottom of the water again, Shi Lei felt dizzy for a while, quickly took the last two breaths of air, took another deep breath, and glanced at the place where Bone was sitting just now.

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