After reaching Tatu, the wall had already moved behind him, Tatu's back was tightly against the wall, and he was squeezed down by the wall without jumping.

Let's talk about Shi Lei's side, after jumping, the feeling of weightlessness immediately hit his whole body, Shi Lei was thinking about the movements he should do when diving, and he struggled to get into a good posture.

But I forgot that there was a backpack on my back. Although it usually doesn't show much, when I fell, it felt uncomfortable. It was like carrying a weight behind my back, which accelerated the speed of the fall.

"Plop—" With a sound, Shi Lei landed directly on his face, no, it should be water, fortunately Shi Lei protected his face with his arms, otherwise the ice cubes floating on the water would have been disfigured long ago.

The bandage on the arm was soaked by the cold pool water in a short while, and the wound clearly felt the icy touch, and the clothes all over his body, from the original warmth, became an accomplice to speed up Shi Lei's body temperature drop.

"It's so cold!" Shi Lei muttered subconsciously, holding the light stick tightly in his hand, he took off the backpack on his back with great difficulty, and tied it on his arm.

Shi Lei adjusted his movements, although he didn't know how to swim, but at least he didn't struggle, so he accelerated the falling speed, turned his head, and Shi Lei looked behind him.

Looking at the dots of fluorescent sticks, Shi Lei silently counted the number of people in his heart, adding him, exactly ten people, Shi Lei was relieved.

Shi Lei originally thought to wait for them at the same place, but his feet in the water thumped for a long time, but he didn't feel the ground.

"I hope they're all right." Shi Lei sighed and muttered weakly, following the current, he drifted towards the front where he didn't know where the end was.

On the way, Shi Lei was rushed by the current and hit the rock wall several times. Shi Lei estimated that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Although the water was not sea water, the wound was soaked and still very uncomfortable.

He put his left arm on the backpack. He wanted to untie the bandage before, but he was worried that foreign objects or other dirty things would get in, so he could only stay.


Shi Lei was thinking, with the help of the rock wall, to stop and wait for the people behind him, but after groping on the rock wall for a while, he touched a hard object before he found a place to fasten it.

"What is this stuff?"

Thinking about it, Shi Lei opened his hand vigorously, took that round thing over, groped with both hands, his body became stiff subconsciously.

Outlining the shape of the object in his mind, Shi Lei immediately thought of the weird "person" he saw in the telescope.

Shi Lei felt a chill down his back, he quickly waved his hand, threw the thing out, then quickly turned out of the rock wall, and continued to float along the water.

I don't know how long it took, Shi Lei has gradually adapted to the darkness, and he can see the situation in front of him vaguely, it's very blurry, but it's better than opening his eyes and being blind.

Turning his head, Shi Lei glanced behind him, his face immediately changed, what about the others?It was pitch black behind him, the glow stick light from before disappeared without a trace, and only Shi Lei's hand was left, still emitting a faint light.

"Jingyi—Taya! Luffy?"

Shi Lei called out everyone's names in turn, and listened attentively, but only heard an echo, which seemed extremely strange in this empty and dark place.

Is something wrong with them?Or am a fork in the road?No, I remember when I was floating, it was just this current.

Shi Lei was anxious in his heart, he thought wildly for a while, but he didn't have any thoughts, his thoughts were in a mess, at this moment, Shi Lei felt the water flow under his body, suddenly speeding up.

"Fuck, where the fuck is this taking me?"

Shi Lei cursed secretly, before he could react, Shi Lei felt his body was empty, and the sense of weightlessness struck again, Shi Lei opened his eyes, just as he was about to check what was going on, a burst of waves hit his face.

"Hmm——" Shi Lei was dizzy from being hit by the waves, couldn't help but snorted coldly, reached out and touched the water on his face, Shi Lei felt a little irritable in his heart, and cursed angrily, "Damn his grandma!"

Shi Lei slid down the water, and after a while, he felt his speed slow down, but the temperature of the water became even more icy cold.

After splashing twice in the water, Shi Lei stuck his head out of the water with his backpack, shook the cold water off his head, and looked around.

It was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. Shi Lei was thinking whether to turn on the flashlight, but when he subconsciously turned around, he saw a little fluorescent light flickering on the water.

Seeing this, Shi Lei swam over quickly, not to mention the posture, it was uglier than a dog planer, but fortunately, he swiped over and got close to the fluorescent light, Shi Lei stretched out his hand to hold the fluorescent light, and felt a cold human hand.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Shi Lei shook his hand, and along his arm, stroked the man's neck. Shi Lei pulled him up from the water and patted his cheek, "Who are you?" ?”

After a while, Shi Lei heard a violent coughing sound, and when the voice died down, a weak female voice sounded in the silent darkness, "Shi Lei? Is that you?"

It was Guo Jingyi. Hearing the voice, Shi Lei quickly reached out to turn on the flashlight, and looked at the woman who had put her arm on his neck, and saw Guo Jingyi's pale, bloodless face, which was still slightly blue.

Feeling the body of the woman in his arms, Shi Lei shivered slightly, presumably because of the cold, he quickly comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, let's go ashore first."

Guo Jingyi tightly hooked Shi Lei's neck with her arms, and responded in a low voice. Shi Lei took advantage of the light to look into the distance, and then saw that the right side was closer to the shore, so he swam to that side quickly. past.

However, Shi Lei didn't know how to swim in the first place, and secondly, he brought a person with him, so the speed can be imagined. Seeing this, Guo Jingyi held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Shi Lei gritted his teeth in a bit of embarrassment and asked, "What are you laughing at?" Guo Jingyi said "nothing", then let go of her arm, took Shi Lei's arm with one hand, and swam towards the shore.

After landing on the shore, Shi Lei untied the backpacks of the two of them, and then hurriedly asked: "Jingyi, what happened just now, why didn't I see you."

Guo Jingyi twisted the water on her clothes, and when she heard this, she paused, "I lost them at a bend."

"What happened before that?" Shi Lei thought for a while, and couldn't help asking again, Guo Jingyi jumped down at the same time as the others, and the distance is close, so she must have noticed it.

Guo Jingyi paused and said: "Shi Lei, before I turned the corner, I couldn't see the light of your fluorescent stick. We all thought you were missing."

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