"I also despise myself, but I hate it. I want to avenge Qiangzi. I can't die. After I die, who will raise Qiangzi's parents and my parents?"

As Xiaorou said, she covered her face with her hands in dismay, but the tears had already dried up, and her sobbing voice was desperate and powerless.

"I didn't look down on you," Shi Lei said seriously, he could feel that Xiao Rou's mental state was not very good, and now he had to appease her.

"Xiao Rou, then work hard to live. No matter what happens, you must remember that there are people who love you in this world, waiting for you to go home."

He really didn't expect that Sun Jun and Lin Ziqiang were such beasts. No wonder the three women refused to eat the prey every time Sun Jun got it back. Got it.

"Is there no other way?" Shi Lei muttered, for example...kill him!Shi Lei was taken aback by his own thoughts, and quickly denied it.

Xiaorou could hear Shi Lei's anger and unwillingness, she looked up at Shi Lei, bit her lips and warned, "Don't think about what to do to Sun Jun, you also know that Sun Jun is a gangster, but you don't know, Sun Jun Jun once sat in prison for intentionally hurting people."

"What..." Shi Lei was startled, but just as he was about to open his mouth to ask about other things about Sun Jun, he heard a voice not far away, calling Xiao Rou's name, it was Sun Jun.

Shi Lei narrowed his eyes, analyzed the situation, and whispered to Xiaorou: "Don't move, I'll leave from here." Sun Jun's character is suspicious, he couldn't let Sun Jun see that he had been with Xiaorou before.

Seeing that Shi Lei had left, Xiao Rou came out of the small hill. Seeing Xiao Rou hiding here, Sun Jun looked a little ugly, raised his hand to give Xiao Rou a slap, thought for a while, and put it down again.

"Smelly bitch, do you want to run away? You will stay in the camp from now on, let me find out that you have other ideas, you know the consequences, huh!"

Xiaorou lowered her head timidly, without saying a word, she bit her lip and looked at the ground.

Shi Lei didn't go back to the camp, but came to the upper reaches of the creek, where there were rocks, now he knew how fierce Sun Jun was, and he was even more worried, he had to fix the bone knife first, to defend the two women.

With the power, the speed also increased, Shi Lei polished the bone knife all morning, and finally finished the bone knife, and carved the details with the saber.

Shi Lei looked at the two bone knives in his hand and shook his head: "It still won't work, although it can pierce the skin, but girls are weak, if..."

He suddenly remembered that he had seen before that the aborigines used bows and arrows as weapons. In order to increase the death rate of the enemy, they deliberately smeared poison on the arrows.

For example, the venom he just extracted from the poisonous snake today, if the tip of the bone knife is drilled into tiny holes to allow the venom to melt into the bone knife, it will be ready.

Although I don't know how powerful the venom is, but it's better than nothing, just in case, thinking, Shi Lei immediately started. There are many small depressions.

Shi Lei smeared the venom on the bone knife, then wrapped it with leaves, put it in his pocket, and returned to the camp with the plant. Seeing Sun Jun and his party catching fish by the sea, Shi Lei sat with the two women calmly, whispering Said the matter again.

"Actually, I thought that Xiaorou could be our breakthrough point. Who knows, Sun Jun is so perverted. We can't wait any longer. Let's leave tomorrow."

Su Feifei nodded in agreement, and Guo Jingyi was also pondering, and after a while she said: "Could it be that Sun Jun came here on purpose for a double reed?"

Shi Lei shook his head: "Xiaorou is not pretending, but I don't know if Sun Jun follows the trend, I will find an opportunity to test it out later."

"Brother Shi Lei, sister Jingyi, Sun Jun and the others are going back." Su Feifei reminded in a low voice.

The three of them stopped the topic and chatted casually, Sun Jun held the fishing gear that Shi Lei made before, laughed and said: "Brother Shi Lei, the method you said really works, brother, I really admire you. "

As Sun Jun said, he patted Shi Lei's shoulder vigorously. Shi Lei's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and said with a smile: "That's natural. Let's eat fish soup tonight."

Sun Jun saw Shi Lei's reaction, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and he glanced at Lin Ziqiang meaningfully, Lin Ziqiang quickly smiled ingratiatingly, this scene made Guo Jingyi's heart skip a beat.

It was night, the night by the sea, the breeze was blowing, the sky was full of stars, the moon was shining brightly, Shi Lei sat on the beach, couldn't help sighing, thinking about Xiaorou's words, he searched for all the people he knew in his heart.

But I found that it seems that I won’t go, no one will worry, my colleagues will be happy, there will be no competitors, my parents will be relieved, their stains will disappear completely, and he is actually the one who is not expected... …

Shi Lei covered his face, depressed, the low air pressure made Su Feifei, who was jogging all the way, stop in fright, and called out cautiously: "Brother Shi Lei?"

After several times, Shi Lei finally came back to his senses, put aside distracting thoughts, Shi Lei got up and looked at Su Feifei, "What's the matter?"

Su Feifei leaned close to Shi Lei's ear and murmured something, Shi Lei's expression changed, and he quickly said, "Go back."

Guo Jingyi was sitting in the tent, and Xiaorou was beside her. As soon as Shi Lei got into the tent, Xiaorou said anxiously: "Shi Lei, hurry up, Sun Jun is going to attack you. I just heard them talking in the tent. I No kidding."


"Tomorrow you should go out to collect food." After Xiaorou finished speaking, she stood up and looked around vigilantly, and then walked out of the tent cautiously. She took a detour and returned to the tent. Pain, in a trance, Xiao Rou saw Sun Jun with a ferocious face.There are also two women who are gloating...

The atmosphere on Shi Lei's side was solemn.

"Let's go tonight..." Su Feifei became even more scared, complaining in her heart, why didn't they leave early, otherwise there would be no such thing.

Guo Jingyi sighed, now, there is no need to hide it anymore, sometimes human nature is like this, the weaker you are, the more darkness wants to swallow you up and make you struggle in hell.

"It is estimated that this is not a temporary idea, we must be under surveillance." Guo Jingyi quickly analyzed the situation, it is possible that Xiaorou and Shi Lei had a conversation before, and Sun Jun noticed it...

"Tomorrow, let's go out with the trend and use our strategy," Shi Lei gritted his teeth, took out the wrapped bone knife, and handed it to the two women, "Hold it for self-defense, if there is danger, remember to find a place with less clothes." Shi Lei said the purpose for a moment.

Now that things were going on, regretting was of no use. Fortunately, they came down from the mountain, and it was not difficult to leave without leaving a trace, as long as they could get rid of Sun Jun and the others.

That night, Su Feifei and Guo Jingyi slept in a tent, life and death were at stake, and they cared about the details.

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