"Shi Lei, thank you." After a while, Lan Mei lowered her head slightly, gritted her teeth, said, Lan Mei puffed out her chest, and said firmly: "I don't want to be a waste of idle time, I can help everyone. "

Lan Mei stood up from the ground and said in a low voice, "I've rested, you guys talk." Then she took her weapon and walked into the cave.

The soil can actually be poured in any place, but there is too much soil blocking the entrance of the cave, and the space in the cave is limited. There are so many of them, and the space is small and inconvenient.

Shi Lei leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, sitting cross-legged, after a long silence, when Lan Mei turned to leave, he slowly raised his head and looked at Lan Mei's back.

He stared at it for three seconds, then withdrew it expressionlessly, the smile on his face had turned into a cold look, "Jingyi, don't you think this is strange?"

Guo Jingyi didn't say a word, Shi Lei felt a little strange, turned his head to see Guo Jingyi's face was pensive, Shi Lei waited for a while, and heard Guo Jingyi's faint answer.

"Are you trying to talk about Mo Tingzhi?"

Not long after Mo Tingzhi left, the entrance of the cave was blocked by the mud rolling down from above. This incident was too coincidental. Also, if it was an ordinary mudslide, it should not be so tightly blocked.

But there are also many things, just a coincidence, although Shi Lei doubted Mo Tingzhi in his heart, he dared not say that it was him who did it, after all there was Lan Mei in it.

"If you want to harm someone, you shouldn't die together, right? Unless... it's a death order." Guo Jingyi kept looking at Shi Lei, and she could guess what Shi Lei was thinking from the expression on Shi Lei's face.

The voices of the two were very low, they could be heard in this cave with a slightly louder voice, so they had to be careful, Shi Lei listened attentively.

"If it wasn't for him, would he have rescued him when he came back?" Shi Lei asked uncertainly, although Mo Tingzhi was a bit cold, but he had helped him a lot before, and Shi Lei had a good sense of him.

On the contrary, it was Lan Mei, if it was normal, Shi Lei might still have a good impression of Lan Mei, a soft and coquettish girl.

But he has stayed here for more than half a year, and what he admires even more is that kind of strong and independent woman, for example, Guo Jingyi who is sitting beside him.

In Shi Lei's mind, pictures of getting along with Lan Mei and Mo Tingzhi these days kept flashing, like a slide show.

"Shi Lei, no matter what, let's talk about it after we go out." I'm afraid that there may be other people outside, so they won't be allowed to go out.Guo Jingyi didn't say the next few words, but Shi Lei's heart trembled when he heard it.

That's right, if the C group sees several times and fails to send people to stop them, and wants to deal with them, and after confirming the location, kill them all, then outside...

Shi Lei thought about it, and just as he opened his mouth to speak, he heard Luffy's voice. "Shi Lei, Jingyi, what are you whispering about? I'll be a light bulb, sir."

Said, Lu Fei used his hand as a fan, fanned himself, while moving his body, walked over by the way, sat on the ground, Lu Fei winked at Shi Lei, his eyes were full of jokes.

Shi Lei rolled his eyes at Lu Fei, turned his head to look at the cave, and asked calmly, "What's going on?" His face was shocked, but Shi Lei's heart subconsciously tensed up.

"Well, to put it bluntly, it's the same as not digging. You don't know. Just to try how much more I needed to dig, it worked. I purposely found a place, dug a little bit outward, and then poked it with a spear. Let’s go, I don’t feel anything at all.”

Hearing Shi Lei's words, Luffy opened up the chatterbox, blah blah blah, and complained to Shi Lei. Shi Lei directly ignored the bunch of nonsense that Luffy added, and extracted the main points, which made his heart sink.

"It's still that kind of wet mud?" Mudslides are different from normal mud, Shi Lei thought about it, and asked with a frown.

Lu Fei nodded, and looked at Shi Lei inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Shi Lei didn't make a sound, stood up from the ground, looked down at the time, and said lightly: "Three hours are enough. I'll change people."

Seeing this, Guo Jingyi also got up and followed. The rest of the people also got up one after another when they saw this. For a while, the place where Lu Fei was staying suddenly became silent.

Lu Fei turned his head to look at Shi Lei's back, his eyes were deep, like a pool of stagnant water in a cold pool, so deep that people couldn't understand what he was thinking, and there was a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Turning his head inadvertently, he saw Lan Mei standing not far away. Luffy didn't hide it, and smiled silently at Lan Mei. Lan Mei blinked, lowered her head, and concealed the expression on her face.

"Shi Lei, let everyone rest for a while."

Shi Lei and his group were busy for a while, Guo Jingyi saw that everyone slowed down, their gestures were stiff, she knew she must be tired, so she quickly reminded Shi Lei.

When Tian Mier heard this, she immediately dropped the spear in her hand, ran to Shi Lei's side, hugged Shi Lei's arm, and asked in a cute voice: "Shi Lei, what time is it? "

"According to the weather in the past, it's almost dusk." Shi Lei raised his arms, took a look, and then frowned. He looked at the big hole he had dug, pursed his lips and didn't know what to say.

I don't know what's going on outside. The length of the soil they dug can cover the large area of ​​the open space outside the entrance of the mountain cave, but there is no sign of digging through it.

Shi Lei was worried about their current situation, even if he felt the soft touch on his arm, he was not in the mood to pay attention.

"Hey, Shi Lei, why don't we eat first, the labor class has been so long, I'm so hungry." Tian Mier pouted, looked at Shi Lei, and waited for her answer. Before she finished speaking, Tian Mier raised her hand and rubbed Shriveled stomach, stomach made a sound.

Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at everyone's faces, seeing the tired looks on their brows, Shi Lei thought for a while, cleared his throat and said loudly: "Okay, let's go here first today, let's continue digging tomorrow, everyone Rest and cook."

Tian Mier responded happily, turned her head and walked towards Ji Lanlan. Cooking has always been the responsibility of the two of them and Tian Mier.

Although Ji Lanlan doesn't know kung fu, she has been working hard to help dig the soil, and she gritted her teeth to support herself when she was tired, and she was kneading her wrists at this time.

"I know how to cook." Tian Mier had just stood still and hadn't turned around when a weak voice suddenly sounded from the corner. You didn't need to look, but you could tell it was Lan Mei.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Lan Mei said with an apologetic face: "I didn't help much before, I'm really sorry, just let me come, everyone has been tired for so long, you should take a good rest."

There was apprehension and uneasiness in the voice, Tian Mier's eyes lit up when she heard it, she was so tired, let alone cooking, she didn't want to move even one step, Lan Mei came to fix it.

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