If he hadn't dodged just now, even if the bow and arrow couldn't come over, the poisonous snake would have bitten him. There is no advanced medical equipment or detoxification serum here, so the consequences can be imagined.

Who saved him?Did that person want to save him, or did he miss when he wanted to kill him?No, it should be to save him, Shi Lei thought, slowly raised his head, and stole his eyes towards the direction of the bow and arrow.

Outside the cave, diagonally opposite, in the heavy rain, a person was walking towards this side without any haste. When he took a closer look, he had a crossbow in his hand, which was similar in appearance to Chang Jieqiu.

But judging from the bow and arrow just now, the lethality is stronger than what Chang Jieqiu left behind. If that person wanted to kill Shi Lei at this time, he would have no time to run.

"Alas, trouble has finally come." Shi Lei was not surprised at all, he had expected this to happen a long time ago, Shi Lei put his hand on his waist, held the handle of the saber, and slowly withdrew it, The blade is against the wrist.

Shi Lei quietly looked at the man who was getting closer and closer, and moved his body slightly towards the cave, and when he got closer, Shi Lei could see clearly that the man was carrying a large travel bag behind him.

"Stop!" After the man walked into the cave, Shi Lei immediately scolded him coldly, looked at him vigilantly, and warned in a faint voice: "Just stay there!"

The man on the opposite side shook his head, shook off the rain from his hair, and brushed aside the bangs that blocked his view. The man slowly raised his head and looked at Shi Lei calmly.

"Just now you also saw my ability, let's make a deal." The man's voice was very young, Huaxia's Mandarin was very standard, and his voice was cold and clear, although he had just walked in from the heavy rain, his whole body was very the embarrassment.

However, he still couldn't hide the elegance and calmness of the man from the bottom of his heart. Seeing this, Shi Lei showed him a smile that was not a smile, and said lightly: "Are you threatening me?"

Shi Lei said, seeing the man's expression unchanged, he became more and more curious about this man in his heart, the man opposite him had half-length hair, it looked as if he had just shaved it, Shi Lei reckoned that the man had a knife.

"I want to stay in the cave to shelter from the rain. I will go out to look for food every one or two days. I can share a quarter with you. My request is very simple. Don't interfere with each other. What do you agree with?" The man rushed Seeing Shi Lei show a smile.

Shi Lei also smiled, spread his hands and said, "Is there any reason for me to refuse?"

Let alone whether Shi Lei agrees or not, firstly, this cave does not belong to Shi Lei, the man opposite him is not low in ability, Shi Lei does not want to conflict.

Second, what do people say, Shi Lei can't be ungrateful for saving him just now?

"There's a newly made screen over there. It's a good time for you to come. I'll put it up for you later. This cave isn't too long, so feel wronged and stay here."

Shi Lei pointed to a spot inside the entrance of the cave, he wanted to ask Lan Mei to move her position towards the inside, Shi Lei looked at the man's expression, he was a little entangled, would he dislike him?

If the plane crashed this person and came here, at first glance, compared to Lan Mei's appearance before, he was too clean, and he didn't look malnourished at all.

"Yes, thank you." The man glanced at the place Shi Lei pointed at calmly, said in a soft voice, raised his legs and walked over, and put the things on the ground casually.

The man seemed to have the same temper as Guo Jingyi, and Shi Lei didn't care much about his words, so he casually reminded him, "I'll ask someone to make room for you, there are some picked branches over there, you can make them into wooden planks on the ground."

After Shi Lei finished speaking, he walked towards the inside of the cave. He saw a few women peeking in this direction through the screen just now. Everyone knew about it, and they kept holding back. Scratching his liver and waiting for himself to pass.

The man responded, and walked towards the direction Shi Lei was pointing at, while Shi Lei walked around the screen, as soon as he turned around, everyone gathered together, lowered their voices and asked the man what was going on.

"Hush!" Shi Lei pressed his index finger on his lips, signaling to everyone not to speak, then pointed to the seat by the fire, and said in a low voice, "Go ahead and talk about it."

Everyone looked at Shi Lei in confusion. They didn't understand why Shi Lei became so cautious, but they all followed. After sitting down, Shi Lei told everyone about the poisonous snake with lingering fear, and then told the rest of the matter Son, simply told everyone.

"Shi Lei, that man doesn't look simple. Is it really okay for us to keep him?" Xi Chuyu asked anxiously.

When Tian Mier heard this, she quickly echoed, "That's right, the previous one was fine, but this... What if there are other people behind him?" She meant something.

Everyone present knew that she was referring to Lan Mei before, Shi Lei looked at Tian Mier speechlessly, and asked without answering: "If you don't stay, what else can I do?"

Looking at that man's appearance, he didn't intend to leave when he came. It's not that Shi Lei can't fight with him, but if he disagrees with him, it's okay to fight without using his brain?

Tian Mier was at a loss for words, after thinking for a long time, she couldn't find a reason to refute Shi Lei, so she could only curl her lips and fell silent unwillingly.

"Lu Fei, Mier, you guys move a screen for that guy in a while, Lan Lan, Chu Yu, you go and help Lan Mei pack up." Shi Lei told everyone in a low voice, "What the rest of you should do as usual, Just be vigilant in the dark."

There is no good way now, you can't just do nothing because of doubts, after finishing speaking, Shi Lei waved his hand at the crowd, indicating that everyone should leave.

Taya got up and walked to the cave, while Guo Jingyi took off a bamboo tube from the wooden stand and handed it to Shi Lei, "Here, it's specially reserved for you, eat it quickly."

Shi Lei hummed, and after smelling the aroma, he swallowed subconsciously, feeling hungry in his stomach, blew on the hot air, took a sip, and finished eating in a short while.

There is no need to do anything in the cave, and everyone has nothing to do every day, sitting in it, bored, except for vigilance, the rest of the time, they just sit in a daze.

Shi Lei looked at the man at the entrance of the cave, who was making crossbow bolts with newly collected branches, he suddenly remembered that Chang Jieqiu had left the crossbow bolt behind because of his injuries during the surprise attack, and Deng Hong's time also left behind A crossbow bolt.

This kind of weapon is kept by Luffy, Shi Lei thought, if they can also use crossbow arrows, the combat effectiveness will definitely be improved to a higher level.

"Lu Fei, do you still keep the crossbow you captured earlier?" With this thought, Shi Lei immediately began to analyze the pros and cons, and the image of him being invincible appeared in his mind, and he immediately couldn't sit still.

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