Tatu stood at the entrance of the tomb, acting as a guard, while Shi Lei and the three gathered around the coffin, looking carefully, looking for something wrong.

After searching for a long time, he found nothing. Shi Lei looked at the coffin without interest, and muttered with a depressed face, "Could it be that you really think too much?"

"Taya, I just read what you said, and it seems that you have a plan in mind. Are you sure you have something in the past few years?" At this moment, Guo Jingyi suddenly said.

Hearing this, Shi Lei raised his head to look at Taya, and also felt that something was wrong, thinking a little depressed, it's too fucking embarrassing, it's still Jingyi who is meticulous.

"Well, the mural tells me that under the coffin, there are things that will be buried with the patriarchs after death. I don't know what she loves the most."

Shi Lei felt a little weird, why the pattern on the chair was the same as the one on the coffin, could it be that Taya's grandma knew that her death was approaching, so she used local materials?

He was thinking wildly in his mind, but he didn't ask Taya, Shi Lei reckoned that Taya didn't know, or maybe it was a secret, why bother.

"Well, let's try the way we found the map last time. Although it's a stupid way, it's better than sitting still." Shi Lei thought for a while, and suddenly suggested.

Although Shi Lei himself is not sure whether this method will work, but there is no clue anyway, so let's try it. Shi Lei walked to Tatu's side, took the torch, and took pictures of the surroundings of the coffin, even the small ones on it. Fine lines can be seen clearly.

Taya and Guo Jingyi pushed around the coffin together, while Shi Lei carefully searched for different places, knocking with his knuckles from time to time to let Taya listen to the sound.

Shi Lei didn't bother to look at the time anymore, he estimated that he had been tinkering for about an hour, his fingers hurt from knocking, and he knocked around the coffin, but he didn't find it yet, Shi Lei had given up hope in his heart, thinking of hurrying up Knock the last point and pull it down.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei speeded up his hand, just knocked twice, Taya suddenly said: "Wait!" Shi Lei paused, blinked, looked up at Taya, and asked nervously: "Is there any question?"

Taya nodded, Shi Lei saw this, pulled out the saber from his waist, and pulled the tip of the knife at the place where he hit it just now, within two clicks, the tip of the knife got stuck in a gap, Shi Lei inserted the tip of the knife, trying to pry it open , was stopped by Guo Jingyi.

"Don't move, the stone slab is being pressed by the coffin!" Strange to say, the floor of this tomb is all paved with polished stone slabs.

Taya and Guo Jingyi pushed the coffin here just now, and the coffin did not move at all, so this method was directly crossed out, Shi Lei looked at the coffin thoughtfully and said: "Taya, you are watching from behind Jingyi, you have injuries , Let Jingyi look for it, you observe, there must be a mechanism here, and I will look for it together."

"Okay." Taya's abdominal injury moved slightly, and she could still move it. She knew that Shi Lei was concerned about him, so she didn't refute.

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi groped the coffin little by little, and pressed twice from time to time. The place Shi Lei groped was the front facing the stone slab, and Guo Jingyi was opposite. Shi Lei pressed the whole side without any response.

On the contrary, Guo Jingyi and Taya seemed to have thought of the mechanism, Shi Lei hurried over after hearing Guo Jingyi's words, Guo Jingyi reached out to press, but Shi Lei stopped him.

"Let me come, let's stab it with a saber, don't do it." Shi Lei motioned Guo Jingyi to get up, then squatted in Guo Jingyi's position, pointed the saber tip at a bulge on the pattern, and slowly pushed it in.

Hearing only a "click" sound, Shi Lei clearly felt the coffin moving towards the direction where he was squatting. Shi Lei was startled, and subconsciously took two steps backwards, but forgot that there were two coffins standing behind him. The woman, with her shoulder bumped into the knees of both of them, sat down on the ground.

"The coffin is moving, run!" Guo Jingyi said urgently, she bent down and reached out, grabbing Shi Lei's arm with all her strength, pulling Shi Lei towards Tatu?
Before Shi Lei could react, Taya also joined in dragging him. Shi Lei stared at the opposite coffin with some hopelessness. Seeing that the two women were still dragging him, Shi Lei couldn't help but interrupted: "The coffin is not If you move it, if you pull me again, I will become a ramen."

"You're so thick, are you called ramen?" Guo Jingyi rolled her eyes, and let go of Shi Lei's arm, while Taya walked anxiously to the stone slab where the problem was found, Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi followed.

Prying open the stone slab with a saber, what came into view was a wooden box, with the lesson from last time, Taya didn't dare to reach out to take it directly, it was Shi Lei who picked up the box with a saber.

There was a trap on the box, so it couldn't be opened directly, Shi Lei looked around the wooden box carefully by the light of the torch, but there was nothing, it was a very ordinary thing.

At this moment, Shi Lei suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and the surrounding scenery suddenly darkened, leaving only the light of the torch in Guo Jingyi's hand, dutifully illuminating the tomb.

"Tatu, what's going on?" Taya asked with a frown, and Tatu, who was guarding the entrance, was also a little at a loss, "I don't know, Your Royal Highness, let's go quickly."

Guo Jingyi reached out and grabbed Shi Lei's sleeve, looked around nervously, her body subconsciously moved towards Shi Lei's direction.

Seeing this, Shi Lei held Guo Jingyi's small hand behind his back, and gently squeezed it, signaling her to rest assured. In the silent tomb, footsteps suddenly sounded.

Following the sound, looking forward, it was Tatu, walking towards this side, what made Shi Lei's face change was not because of this, but because a door slowly fell down from the entrance and exit, and when it was at the same time as the entrance of the cave, The scene is the same, silently.

"Everyone, hurry up! The exit is going to be blocked!" Shi Lei quickly shouted loudly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Taya's wrist, raised his leg and ran towards the exit.

When Tatu heard the sound, he turned around and looked behind him. Seeing this, he quickly raised his legs and ran towards the outside. He stretched out his hand to hold the stone door that was slowly falling.

Tatu's face turned livid, and the veins on his forehead popped out. The three of Shi Lei and the others were not too far from the exit. While talking, they ran to Tatu's side.

Shi Lei thought for a while, pushed the two women out one after the other, and then stretched out his hand to catch Tatu's movement. Only now did Shi Lei realize how heavy Shi Lei was, and he almost vomited blood.

"Go!" Shi Lei squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth, turned his head with difficulty, looked at Tatu, and urged him anxiously, Tatu shook his head in disapproval, "Shi Lei, relax first, I can do it, don't worry .”

Shi Lei's nose almost crooked in anger, knowing that it would be impossible for Tatu to let go first, he rolled his eyes and yelled in Tatu's direction: "I'll count one, two, three, let's let go together!"

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