I have been squatting in the tent, my legs feel numb and uncomfortable, what can I do, if there is a wooden pier, I can sit down and rest for a while.

Shi Lei sighed in his heart, moved his body with his waist bent, moved his ankles slightly, and reached out from his backpack to take out the watch Wu Cha left for him.

Glancing at the time, it was twelve noon in two hours, Shi Lei put his watch in his backpack, then raised his head, staring intently at the scenery outside the tent, praying in his heart that the rain would stop as soon as possible.

However, sometimes, things are always so unsatisfactory, such as now, Shi Lei looked at the puddle in front of him with a depressed face, feeling depressed for a while.

It was noon, but the rain didn't stop, and it was getting bigger and bigger. To describe it as pouring rain, it was light. Every time he saw the tent above his head, it was smashed open by the rain, and it rained sporadically. .

"Shi Lei! Why don't we just go and go to the cave you mentioned, I don't want to wait here anymore, I'm soaked all over! If I stay overnight, I'll definitely catch a cold!"

When Shi Lei was debating whether to ask everyone, a complaining female voice suddenly entered Shi Lei's ears, and the little milk voice should be Tian Mi'er.

"What happened to the others!" After thinking about it, she didn't return to Tian Mier, but said loudly.

"I'm also starting to leak the rain, the tent can't stop the rain!" Xi Chuyu's cry came before the words were finished.

When the others heard it, they also echoed. Shi Lei looked up at Taya, thought for a while, dragged the tent, and walked towards Taya.

As soon as Shi Lei squatted down, he met Taya's eyes, "Taya, what do you think..."?Before Shi Lei could utter the last word, his voice stopped abruptly. He stared at Taya with wide eyes, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

Taya's clothes were also wet, and the tips of her hair had been soaked by the rain in strands, hanging behind her back, and a playful strand hanging on her chest, matching her wheat-colored skin , forming a strong contrast.

The tip of the hair pierced through the delicate collarbone and broke into the deep gully between the two peaks. Shi Lei felt jealous when he saw it, wishing to turn himself into a tip of hair to find out.

Shi Lei felt his nose was slightly hot, and subconsciously reached out to wipe it, huh?Hot?Why is the rain still hot?Shi Lei muttered something in his heart, looked down, and couldn't help covering his face.

He actually got a nosebleed, what a fucking shame!Shi Lei was in a hurry to destroy the corpse, but the busier he was, the more mistakes he made, the blood was not wiped clean, instead it was everywhere.

Just when Shi Lei was about to turn into anger, a small hand stretched out and gently wiped away the red marks on Shi Lei's face.

Shi Lei looked up, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, "Taya, you..." Before Shi Lei could speak, Taya hugged Shi Lei's arm, leaned against Shi Lei's side, and said with a smile: "Shi Lei, you If you have feelings for me, does it mean that you like me?"

"Taya, I'm here to ask you, do you have any opinions or suggestions on going to the cave? If not, then leave as soon as possible before it gets dark."

As Shi Lei said, he laughed awkwardly, reached out and pulled Taya's hand off his arm. To be honest, with a beautiful woman like Taya as his wife, he couldn't be bubbling with joy every day. Shi Lei also likes beautiful women, but this And love are two different things.

"Taya?" Seeing that Taya was silent, Shi Lei called out tentatively.

Taya suddenly raised her head, looked at Shi Lei angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm pretty big too! Why don't you like me!"

"Taya, you haven't answered my question yet." Shi Lei ignored Taya's words and repeated with raised eyebrows.

Taya is like this, he has to go through it every half a month, until now, Shi Lei is numb, is it reasonable?If it doesn't exist, Shi Lei would be mad at himself to death.

"Okay." Seeing that Shi Lei avoided answering and didn't pester him, Taya responded straightforwardly: "Anyway, it's raining if you stay here, let's go, hurry up, maybe we can arrive tonight."

Shi Lei nodded, got up and dragged the tent, and said casually: "Then I'll inform everyone."

The people didn't know where the cave was, so they had to let Shi Lei lead the way, and hurried on. The problem came, it was raining heavily outside, how could they hurry on without being drowned?

It’s too late to make a coir raincoat. It’s easy to make a coir raincoat. Use palm leaves and vines or bark, tie them into a rectangle layer by layer, and then put them on the body, and the rain will fall along the leaves.

Everyone thought about it, but they couldn't come up with a good solution. In the end, Shi Lei could only let everyone carry the tent on top of their heads for the time being, or leave only the wooden stick in the middle of the tent. become.

The feeling of driving in the rain is uncomfortable, not to mention being rained, but the road under your feet is very dry when it rains.

It's stiff, and it's fine to walk and jump however you want, but now... the steps are too big, and if you're not careful, you'll fall over.

"Ah—" Just as Shi Lei was thinking of turning around to remind everyone to walk carefully, he heard a scream, followed by a muffled sound, and the sound of a wooden frame falling to the ground.

Shi Lei led the way at the front, everyone followed Shi Lei, lined up in a row, the last people were Taya and Tatu, Shi Lei followed Tian Mier, and the others were in the middle.

"What's going on?" Upon hearing this, Shi Lei stopped quickly, turned around, and looked behind. Shi Lei wove palm leaves from the top of the tent into a big hat, and put it on top of his head, just covering his shoulders.

Looking back, Shi Lei saw Ji Lanlan lying on the ground, struggling to get up from the ground. Seeing this, Shi Lei hurriedly walked over, and when passing by Tian Mier, he said: "Notify everyone, I'll see you later." Walk."

The news was passed on one by one, Shi Lei walked to Ji Lanlan's side, reached out to hold Ji Lanlan's arm, and pulled her up from the ground. In just a short while, Ji Lanlan's whole body was wet by the rain Thoroughly.

The clothes were tightly attached to her body, revealing her curvaceous figure, which was very attractive, but Shi Lei was not in the mood to care about these now, what time is it now, he is not a beast.

"Lanlan, can you still go?" Shi Lei asked loudly, but Ji Lanlan didn't hear clearly, "What?" As she spoke, Ji Lanlan reached out to touch the rainwater on her face, Shi Lei repeated it again, raising her hand. Turn up the volume.

"Yes!" Ji Lanlan gritted her teeth and replied, Shi Lei helped Ji Lanlan to the entrance of the tent on one side, and when she looked up, it was Xi Chuyu.

"Hide here now and wait for me." After saying that, Shi Lei turned and walked towards the place where Ji Lanlan fell. Before leaving, Shi Lei accidentally touched Xi Chuyu's trembling arm.

Shi Lei thought for a while, walked to the broken tent, removed the wooden frame, picked out the palm leaves, and quickly wove them into a big straw hat. Shi Lei stroked the hat on his head, turned and came back.

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