Seeing that the prey was hooked, Shi Lei didn't dare to delay, he quickly handed over the rope to Su Feifei, and said to Guo Jingyi: "In a moment, you can use your fangs to stab the wild goat's neck."

Guo Jingyi clenched the wild boar's tusks in her hand, and nodded seriously, while Shi Lei quickly walked over to the struggling wild goat. The wild goat's three legs could move, and it ran wild around the trap, trying to break free from the rope on its legs. .

However, it was futile, Shi Lei had thought of this situation long ago, and made preparations to deal with it, the knot of the trap is a small mechanism, the more he struggles, the stronger it becomes.

However, this is an adult wild goat after all, if it is bumped, it will vomit blood, although Shi Lei is anxious to subdue the wild goat, but he will definitely not play with his own safety.

Seeing Shi Lei approaching, the wild goat rushed towards Shi Lei, lowered its head and was about to push Shi Lei, but Shi Lei quickly took two steps back, the wild goat failed to move.

Seeing this scene, Shi Lei came up with a plan in his mind. Since the wild goat knew to attack him, he would use his plan to lure the wild goat to circle around the tree, and then wrap the rope around the tree. When the time comes... "Hey! "

Just doing what he said, Shi Lei deliberately made a provocative gesture to the wild goat, and after a while, the wild goat was trapped under the tree, struggling to bleat.

Shi Lei looked at the right time, raised the saber in his hand, and aimed at the wild goat's neck with a slash, blood spurted out, the wild goat made a final struggle, Guo Jingyi took the opportunity to make up the knife, and the fangs completely pierced the wild goat's neck through.

After a while, the wild goat's twitching body didn't move, Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, wiped the blood from his face with his sleeve, then turned his head and said to Su Feifei who had come out of the bush, "Feifei, come here. "

"Let's dig a hole and bury the blood deep. Although it won't do much, at least it can attract less beasts. After all, there is the water source we need."

Su Feifei and Guo Jingyi dug a hole with their fangs, Shi Lei helped the wild goat to let the blood out, after the blood was drained, the two women filled the hole, the goat was very heavy, although Shi Lei wanted to act like the heroine of the novel he had read before He picked up the sheep and walked, but in order not to be tired and collapsed, only three people could carry them and walk back.

After returning to the campsite, Shi Lei began to dissect the wild goat. Goat skin is a good thing, different from wild boar, it is easier to handle.

After skinning, Shi Lei put the wild goat on top of the sheepskin, first took out the fat separately, put it aside, then removed the two legs of the goat, and separated the head from the neck.

The internal organs are buried in pits as usual. Although the internal organs of sheep are particularly delicious, they are not domesticated after all, so they dare not take risks. The meat is divided into pieces, and the skeleton is useless.

Shi Lei felt a little regretful, if he had a container, he could still make bone soup, thinking, he planned to keep the sheep bones, thought about breaking up the small bones, boiling them, and making them into condensed bone soup, which could be eaten for a day.

The mutton was handled by Guo Jingyi and Su Feifei. The mutton legs were skewered on wooden sticks and roasted at night. This is their dinner today. Shi Lei's main focus now is on making soap. Following the way he recalled, Shi Lei began to tinker .

On the way to simmer the fat, in order not to dry out the water, Shi Lei stared at the bamboo tube with full attention. When all the fat floated up, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and skimmed the fat out with a wooden spoon. This spoon was suddenly thought of by Shi Lei, It was chipped out of wood bit by bit, although it looked ugly.

Then Shi Lei put in the plant ash, stirred it evenly with a spoon, then poured it into the semicircular coconut shell, the pulp inside was completely wiped out, and the rest was waiting for trial.

The "soap" was left overnight, and the next day, Shi Lei, Guo Jingyi, and Su Feifei went to check the result, and it really solidified. Shi Lei cut it into pieces with a saber, then took out two pieces, and handed them to Guo Jingyi and Su Feifei, "Go to the fire." Try it next to the heap, there is hot water prepared there, wash your hands and eat."

Guo Jingyi and Su Feifei tried it half-believingly, and the effect was surprising. Shi Lei also heaved a sigh of relief. Now that the cleaning supplies are gone, all that remains is how to clean the body...

"Jingyi, Feifei, after we finish eating, let's go wash up by the stream." Shi Lei said while eating mutton soup in a good mood.

The sheep's head was disassembled by him, and the tongue inside was made into a piece of soup, with some sheep oil added, it was delicious, but lacked salt, and the mouth was bland.

Shi Lei's suggestion was originally well-meaning, but he got two rolls of eyes, Shi Lei felt wronged, Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei with mentally retarded eyes, and explained helplessly: "Are you stupid? Feifei and I are both on our period, so we can't catch a cold. "

"Okay..." Shi Lei spread his hands and said, "Then I'll wash it off first."

"Go, go, brother Shi Lei, you remember to go downstream to wash." Su Feifei quickly reminded.

Shi Lei looked at the two, "Aren't you going with me?"

"You're a man, why are we going?" Guo Jingyi said coldly, Su Feifei's eyes widened in disbelief, shocked by Shi Lei's shameless request.

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, and he said weakly: "I went to the forest alone?"

"Then what should we do? Brother Shi Lei, you're a boy, people don't want to watch you take a bath."

"It's fine if you turn your back on it, I believe in you, and I will definitely not tarnish my innocence." Shi Lei bit the word "innocent" very hard, and specially reminded someone of something.

Guo Jingyi's face froze, she gave Shi Lei a cool smile, gritted her teeth and said to Su Feifei, "Go, if Shi Lei has something to do, the two of us will run away."

The two women's periods were short, but within three days, Su Feifei told Shi Lei shyly that they were gone, and Shi Lei instantly understood.

After arriving at the forest creek, Sophie embarrassedly held the soap, lowered her head with flushed cheeks, and said nothing, while Guo Jingyi warned Shi Lei with sharp eyes, and at the same time said word by word: "That's troublesome." is you."

After finishing speaking, he silently added "If you dare to peek, I'll shoot you to death", Shi Lei hastily raised three fingers to promise again and again.

Hearing the rustling voices behind him, Shi Lei closed his eyes, and couldn't help imagining that Guo Jingyi and Su Feifei, two big beauties, stood naked in front of him, and said coquettishly, "Brother Shi Lei, come on".

Shi Lei's heart was itching, and he wondered whether he should look back, anyway, he would not lose a piece of meat, but if Guo Jingyi saw it, she would definitely go crazy...

After struggling for a while, Shi Lei gritted his teeth, he is a big man, so is he still afraid of two women?Shi Lei thought about it, and slowly moved to the side of the bushes as a cover, as soon as he turned around, Shi Lei couldn't help but widen his eyes...

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