"You said just now, I heard it, and I heard crying. It sounded like Ji Lanlan, and Shi Lei had a fight with that Deng Hong, yes, it was him." Wu Cha didn't say anything to himself have no idea.

Chang Jieqiu narrowed his eyes, looked at Wu Cha dangerously, and asked with a smile, "Didn't you just sleep?" Chang Jieqiu looked at Wu Cha again, thinking, the folds of his clothes seemed to be asleep After a while, is Wu Cha lying?

"Brother Jieqiu, there are not many men in our group. It is impossible for Lu Fei and Tatu to bully Ji Lanlan, and it is even more impossible for Shi Lei. I believe in you, Brother Jieqiu. The only one left is Deng Hong La."

Wu Cha's heart was beating very fast, Wu Cha was a little nervous, but anyway, she had also been in the army, and the place where she stayed was the communication team. Although she didn't know kung fu, she had also undergone torture training.

"Even if I don't go out, don't look, I can guess it by listening to the voice." Wu Cha said calmly, without fear in the face of danger.

When Chang Jieqiu heard this, he responded and gave Wu Cha a thumbs up, "Sister Wu Cha, I admire you!"

"Hold and let, hehe, Brother Jieqiu, I'll go see Shi Lei first." Seeing that she was fine, Wu Cha wanted to run away, she smiled at Chang Jieqiu, and was about to leave as soon as she moved her footsteps.

Chang Jieqiu didn't say anything, and turned to let Wu Cha pass, and when Wu Cha was two or three steps away from Chang Jieqiu, Chang Jieqiu suddenly asked: "Oh, by the way, I was in the open space just now, why didn't I see you? "

After asking, Chang Jieqiu turned his head and observed Wu Cha's every move with a smile. There was no smile in his eyes, but a sense of oppression, and he rushed towards Wu Cha.

Wu Cha's footsteps paused, and he thought to himself, as expected of an old fox!How fucking cunning, hmph, fortunately he was prepared, Wu Cha lowered his head and sighed a little disappointed.

"Brother Jieqiu, tell me, what did I do in the past? To be honest, I'm not very familiar with them." After speaking, Wu Cha turned around, smiled bitterly at Changjieqiu and said, "And because the pack of wolves Regarding the attack on the camp, everyone feels estranged from me, so if I go over, don’t I just ask for trouble?”

Chang Jieqiu thought for a while, and it was true. Although the group of people would not treat him and Wu Cha coldly, they were not much better. They were polite on the surface, but in fact they didn't have such trust between them. each other.

"Oh, sister Wu Cha, don't be sad, if they misunderstand, they will misunderstand, as long as Shi Lei believes in you." Chang Jieqiu rolled his eyes and comforted Wu Cha with a smile.

Wu Cha nodded, and responded with a gloomy face. Wu Cha raised his head and glanced at Chang Jieqiu, pouted a little unhappy, and said in a low voice, "I'm going."

Chang Jieqiu smiled, did not speak, and watched Wu Cha leave. Chang Jieqiu suppressed the smile on his face and relaxed in his heart. It seemed that Wu Cha didn't know, so what if he knew, heh, what could he do.

Wu Cha stopped when she walked outside Shi Lei's tent. She stared at the tent hesitantly, hesitated for a moment, and finally made up her mind, went to the tent entrance and squatted down, took out a piece of cloth from her pocket, Put it in the corner of the tent and cover it with leaves.

"Shi Lei, whether you can see it depends on God's will. Don't worry, I will never make a mistake again." Wu Cha said, her eyes were red, she had never regretted it before.

Wu Cha heard Ji Lanlan's words, she regretted, she regretted pleading for Shi Lei to save Chang Jieqiu, a poisonous snake, and regretted listening to Chang Jieqiu's rhetoric, hurting Shi Lei again and again.

The reason why Wu Cha was in the tent was because after Deng Hong went back to find Chang Jieqiu, before Chang Jieqiu and Deng Hong returned to the camp, Wu Cha got in the tent before everyone had time to pay attention.

"Wu Cha, why are you here?" Shi Lei walked out from the bushes on one side, feeling comfortable all over, he was in a hurry, he couldn't wait, it was true.

As soon as he walked back to the tent, Shi Lei caught sight of Wu Cha who was sitting at the entrance of the tent, asked a little strangely, and said, Shi Lei stepped forward.

"Shi Lei, I came to look for you just now. I saw that you were not in the tent, so I was waiting for you here." Wu Cha said, looking at Shi Lei carefully, with a look of relief on his face. smile.

After a day of recuperation, Shi Lei's body has recovered more than half. Although it can't be compared with when he was healthy, his face is pale compared to when he saw it.

It really improved a lot, Shi Lei's face also turned red, his chapped lips also healed, he looked in good condition and energetic.

Wu Cha looked at it, but still asked a little worriedly: "Shi Lei, how is your health?"

"It's okay. I'm eating delicious food now. I'm as strong as a cow." When Shi Lei heard this, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand and hammered his chest, and said in a low voice, "Look at this muscle."

The corner of Wu Cha's mouth twitched, and after a long silence, he asked, "Are you sure it's not fat?"

"You don't need to talk, you can still be a quiet and beautiful girl if you don't talk." Shi Lei gritted his teeth.

Wu Cha pursed his lips and smiled, "I'm relieved that you're fine. I'm leaving. It's almost noon. I have to help pick up firewood. Shi Lei, remember to have a good rest."

"Understood, you are really long-winded." Shi Lei cut out.

Neither of the two of them thought that this conversation would be the last time in this life. When they met again, it was already a yin and yang separation.

The wind blew past gently, shaking the dead leaves on the ground, Shi Lei squatted down, and just as he was about to get the backpack in the tent, he heard the leaves beside him fluttering by the wind, and the sound kept ringing, Shi Lei Distraught to hear.

He stretched out his hand to pull the dead leaves aside, but as soon as he turned his head and stretched out his hand, he saw the dead leaves on the inside of the tent next to the edge of the tent, blown up by the wind, and then exposed inside, tied into a bowknot of cloth.

Shi Lei turned over and sat down, stretched out his hand to untie the bow, and what caught his eye was a few words, small script, with beautiful fonts, Shi Lei looked directly at the inscription, it turned out to be Wu Cha.

"Shi Lei, I'm leaving. I will protect you in secret. I will personally make up for my fault. In the camp, Chang will notice me. It's not convenient to protect you. Don't look for me. I won't let you find me. "

"Wu Cha...you fool, stupid woman, do I allow you to go?" Shi Lei slowly tightened his fists clenched with cloth strips, and murmured in a trembling voice.

Shi Lei got out of the tent, raised his legs and ran towards Wu Cha, his figure flustered, attracting the attention of several people in the open space.

No one in the tent!

Shi Lei got up, turned his head and looked around the camp, very anxious in his heart, raised his legs and ran towards the bushes, halfway, was stopped by Luffy.

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