Shi Lei's expression froze, he raised his eyes to look at Guo Jingyi gnashing his teeth, and said word by word: "No need!" The voice came out from between his teeth.

Xi Chuyu, you stupid woman, can you pinch that?However, it seems to feel good?After thinking about it, Shi Lei changed the subject.

Thinking back on what happened just now, Shi Lei still felt a little regretful, how nice it would be if he didn't wear a small coat?The steel wire is really tight, which affects the touch.

"Jingyi, let me go out." Shi Lei turned over and got up from the ground. After getting out of the tent, Shi Lei stretched his arms and kicked his legs, moving his sore limbs. When he turned his head, he saw the embarrassing expression Xi Chuyu.

Shi Lei chuckled, a smirk curled up on the corner of his mouth, before Xi Chuyu could run away, he quickly walked over and whispered to Xi Chuyu: "Female rascal!"

Every word, Xi Chuyu heard it clearly, she stared at Shi Lei, her expression changed from shyness and embarrassment to anger, she raised her hand to shine on Shi Lei's abdomen, and punched him, "You are the stinky rascal!"

"Hmm—" Shi Lei let out a muffled snort, covered his stomach and bent down, accusing him a little like crying: "Chu Yu, are you embarrassed to bully the injured? Ah!"

Xi Chuyu snorted, pouted, turned around and left, feeling angry, Xi Chuyu took two steps, turned her head to remind Shi Lei, "I'll bring you half a bamboo tube of hot water, remember to drink it."

Shi Lei drank the hot water, and after a while his chilled body warmed up. He sat on the ground side by side with Guo Jingyi, relatively speechless, but he could understand each other's meaning with just one look. Everyone, tell me about Shi Lei.

Guo Jingyi didn't have a good rest all night, and after sitting down for a while, she started yawning again and again. Seeing this, Shi Lei frowned and said, "Jingyi, go to sleep, it's dawn now, I'm here to look at the camp, what's the matter?" Son, I call you, anyway, they will wake up in a while."

"Okay." Guo Jingyi thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and when she got up, Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei worriedly, and said seriously: "Shi Lei, you should also pay attention."

Both sides knew what they were referring to, and Chang Jieqiu and Deng Hong had to be careful not to sneak up on them secretly. Shi Lei nodded with a smile and watched Guo Jingyi leave. Staring at the ground, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he thought: If they dare to come, I will kill them even if I die together!

After a while, as expected by Shi Lei, except for Guo Jingyi who went to catch up on sleep, everyone else got out of the tent one after another. Tatu was the last one to come out. people.

"Shi Lei, you scared the baby to death. They thought they would never see you again. I'm so worried about you, eh~" Tian Mier saw Shi Lei sitting next to the tent, raised her legs and ran over, hugging Shi Lei Neck, whimpered tenderly.

Shi Lei patted Tian Mier's back lightly, and Tian Mier's voice made goosebumps all over the floor, "Mier, am I fine? .”

Tian Mier withdrew from Shi Lei's arms, raised her hand to cover Shi Lei's mouth, looked at him disapprovingly, and before she could speak, Xi Chuyu on the side quit.

"Bah, bah, bah! What are you talking about, you are not allowed to mention the word 'death', it's unlucky." Seeing that Shi Lei hadn't moved, Xi Chuyu stomped his feet anxiously, and urged: "Shi Lei, hurry up and say three times, hurry up!" point!"

Tian Mi'er also withdrew her hand, and looked at Shi Lei with burning eyes. Shi Lei was uncomfortable being stared at by the two, and hurriedly stared at them. The two were relieved, and Shi Lei felt ashamed.

"Shi Lei, wherever you are in the future, I will be there. I will protect you all the time, and I will never let anyone hurt you again." Ta Mo looked at Shi Lei and said with a guilty expression. She didn't dare to look at Shi Lei. Seeing Shi Lei's reproachful eyes.

Ta Mo spoke seriously, and the women present and the people who just walked up behind could hear her seriousness from Ta Mo's voice.

"I, Tamo, swear to the gods with my own life. If you break the oath, you will die!" Tamo said, turned to look west, raised three fingers, and said solemnly.

Taya squinted at Tamer, "Are you serious?"

"If it wasn't for Shi Lei, I would have died a long time ago." Ta Mo looked at Taya calmly for the first time, and Ta Mo whispered with a sincere smile on his face.

What Ta Mo said, anyone who has lived in the Tashi tribe knows that without Shi Lei's obstruction, Ta Mo would have died a long time ago. Ta Mo said that she likes Shi Lei, let alone that she regards Shi Lei as the leader and admires him .

In the tower tribe, only those who are willing to give their lives to the other party will make such a poisonous oath. The aborigines believe in the gods in the forest, and their souls will reincarnate after death.

"Ta Mo, I don't deserve you to do this." Lu Fei secretly talked to Shi Lei about the rules, and Shi Lei finally understood that Ta Mo would put him in such an important position.

You know, in the Tas tribe, the patriarchs cannot force the natives to take such an oath.

Ta Mo turned around, smiled sweetly at Shi Lei, and said softly and firmly, "I think it's worth it." Ta Mo seldom smiles, and when she smiles, it's so sweet that Shi Lei is stunned.

"Brother, I admire." Lu Fei patted Shi Lei's shoulder, gave him a thumbs up, paused and Lu Fei couldn't help joking, "There are so many beauties, you boy is very lucky."

Shi Lei gave Lu Fei a blank look, "Go, go, what are you talking about!"

"Taya, do you know where we are now?" Shi Lei collected his thoughts, looked back at Taya, and asked sternly. When he turned his head, he saw Chang Jieqiu and Deng Hong standing behind the crowd. Shi Lei pressed The anger in my heart calmed down.

"Not yet, wait a minute, Tatu and I will go up the tree to have a look." Taya shook her head and asked casually, "When do you want to leave?"

Taya's words were a pun, she already knew about Shi Lei's plan, so she actually wanted to ask when Shi Lei would do it.

Shi Lei sighed, smiled helplessly and said, "Let's talk about it when I'm in better health." As he spoke, Shi Lei's eyes scanned the crowd.

"Everyone don't surround me, just go and do what you need to do, I'm fine, I'm just a little weak from hunger." Shi Lei thought for a while and said: "After dinner, everyone sit together, I have something to tell you. "

Shi Lei remembered the backpack he brought out. He placed the backpack on the tip of the tail of the tent, and it was in the innermost part of the tent. Maybe he didn't find it?Shi Lei was a little uncertain.

Everyone dispersed in response, Shi Lei got up and got into the tent, groped twice, pulled out the backpack with all his strength, checked it, and found that there was nothing missing.

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