After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, Shi Lei stopped again and listened to his surroundings, then Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, and started to continue walking.

Unexpectedly, he heard a "squeak" sound again, the sound should be rats, and there were quite a lot of them, Shi Lei's figure froze in place, and he immediately thought of Tiaoshao in his mind.

However, he can't turn back now, he can only continue to move forward, if Shi Lei doesn't give up, he doesn't believe that he can't get out!The air here is not stuffy at all.

Explain that there must be a place connected to the ground for ventilation, why should he be trapped here, even if he dies, he must die in a worthy place.

"It doesn't matter, don't fucking talk about mice..." Shi Lei originally wanted to say something harsh, but after thinking about it, he swallowed the words, don't be a crow, or don't say anything, it's best not to encounter anything, Getting out quickly is what matters.

"Ahem, come on! I will definitely get out alive!" Shi Lei cheered himself up softly.

Gritting his teeth and walking past the rats, Shi Lei finally realized the feeling that the world is quiet. The surroundings are too quiet, and Shi Lei still feels uncomfortable.

After standing still for a while, Shi Lei felt blackness in front of his eyes... No, dizziness, it was quite dark in the first place, there was no difference.

Holding on to the wall and moving forward slowly, something suddenly blocked the way under his feet, Shi Lei raised his leg and kicked the thing in front, the sound was very crisp, like a skeleton.

In Shi Lei's mind, a possibility came to mind, "Could it be that this is a person who fell like him?" Thinking that Shi Lei boldly stretched out his hand, and then touched a skull.

Don't ask him how he knew, it's okay to accidentally break off a tooth, Shi Lei sighed, and sat down on the ground, but he sat on something more than fifty centimeters high, limp Yes, package?

Shi Lei stretched out his hand to feel under his buttocks, and found a zipper, and then touched something soft, subconsciously squeezed it, raised his hand and subconsciously threw it out.

"Fuck! The one just now looked like a snake? I lost it to the rats. I'm sorry, my hand slipped." Shi Lei said with a chuckle, without any apologies.

Fumbling to open the package, Shi Lei learned to be smart this time, instead of reaching out to touch it, he turned the package around, mouth down, and poured out all the contents, as expected, he heard several "squeaks".

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, thinking, if he had put his hand in just now, he wouldn't have been bitten by a mouse. The thing fell on the ground and made various noises, among them was the sound of a rock hitting metal, which made Shi Lei's heart skip a beat.

Following the direction of the sound, he pulled out the saber. Well, the saber was honored to accompany him and fell down, and it has not been thrown out yet.

Swipe twice with the saber, the sound of metal colliding, Shi Lei picked up the thing, groped for a while, couldn't help laughing, "Great, it's a flashlight!"

As he spoke, he lightly pressed a switch, and a light of closed eyes suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, Shi Lei closed his eyes subconsciously?
After waiting for a long time, Shi Lei gradually got used to the bright light.First, he used a flashlight to take a picture of the things that were poured out just now, Shi Lei was ecstatic to see it.

There are a lot of survival equipment here, but they are not very professional, and there are also survival equipment that only those who are new to the circle or outside the circle will buy, which are expensive and impractical.

But something is better than nothing, Shi Lei comforted himself in his heart, checked the backpack, shook out all the things inside, and then Shi Lei packed all the things that can be used, there is no food, probably the owner of these things, Let's finish eating.

"Yeah." Shi Lei nodded in satisfaction, put his backpack on his back, couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and muttered: "I want to see what happened to the place I passed by just now, making such weird noises."

As he said that, Shi Lei directly pointed his flashlight towards the way he came. Seeing the scene in front of him, the flashlight in Shi Lei's hand seemed to hang there.

It's not that he didn't know that something was wrong with the situation just now, but how did he know that this would be the case?The white mice huddled together and kept "squeaking" must have been albino after not seeing the sun for a long time?Who knows.

I saw them, some were biting the snake that Shi Lei had just thrown, and some were killing each other, the one that was biting together was the mouse that Shi Lei had just trampled on.

"Fuck, what the hell kind of place is this?"

Shi Lei raised his hand to wipe off the unnecessary sweat, couldn't help swallowing, and the flashlight shone in the distance, probably because there was no light, the light was very clear.

At this moment, Shi Lei really regretted his damn curiosity, the sound of stepping on it before was all the sound of trampling on dead bugs, Shi Lei quickly looked away.

The light inadvertently flashed across the corpse of the owner of the thing, Shi Lei finally saw clearly that there were two people, and Shi Lei was not a medical student, so he couldn't distinguish between a man and a woman from the bones.

There were a few pieces of cloth hanging on the white bone, the bitten ones could not see clearly, there were obvious gnawing marks on the bone, it was bitten by a rat, probably the group that Shi Lei passed by just now.

"I'd better go quickly." Shi Lei bowed three times to the two bones, then turned and walked towards the unknown end.

To be honest, when he was on his way, Shi Lei really regretted getting the flashlight, he could see things clearly, and it was because of the clarity that Shi Lei almost threw up, and encountered several times along the way.

Sometimes while walking, bugs would fall on the top of his head, poisonous or not, known names, unknown, all kinds, along the way, Shi Lei swore that from now on, he would be a die-hard fan of insecticides .

Shi Lei didn't know how long he had been walking, but when he was exhausted from walking and was about to collapse, Shi Lei finally saw the light ahead.

"Am I blinded?"

Shi Lei murmured hoarsely, the moss here is getting less and less, and it is still small, Shi Lei dare not speak, he wants to save his energy and hurry.

Turning off the flashlight, Shi Lei moved forward step by step in a staggering voice, staring at the front for a long time, Shi Lei suddenly burst out laughing, "I'm finally here, finally..."

Shi Lei suddenly fell to the ground, there were no bugs here, Shi Lei put the flashlight in his backpack, pressed his body against the ground, and crawled toward the bright light.

"No, I can't fall down, I want to go out, I must go out! There are still people waiting for me, I can't..." Shi Lei's voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end, he couldn't connect a word.

His mind was blank, and he only had one thought, which was to crawl forward and get out even if he died!With this belief, Shi Lei felt that it took him a century to see the light of day again.

Shi Lei lay on the ground, grinning, then passed out when his eyes went dark, when Shi Lei woke up again, it was dusk.

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