Xi Chuyu made a "yeah" gesture, and ran towards the front excitedly, just two steps away, Xi Chuyu screamed in shock, the sound pierced Shi Lei's eardrums.

"Chu Yu, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Xi Chuyu's figure was frozen in place, Shi Lei felt that something was wrong, he and Guo Jingyi looked at each other, and hurriedly asked.

Saying that, Shi Lei, Guo Jingyi, and Ta Mo walked towards Xi Chuyu quickly, and stopped beside Xi Chuyu, and Xi Chuyu suddenly regained his senses.

"Shi...Shi Lei, come and take a look..." Xi Chuyu trembled, her voice was intermittent because of fear, she didn't know what she saw, Xi Chuyu bent over and retched, "Ugh—"

Shi Lei followed the direction of Xi Chuyu's finger and saw a relatively fresh corpse, um...is it a corpse?Shi Lei thought with some uncertainty.

The limbs were torn off from the body, the clothes were torn, and a wooden stick was nailed to the head between the eyebrows, and it was probably inserted quite deep.

Judging from the expression on the man's face, he died unexpectedly. A large piece of flesh was forcibly torn off from his body. Judging from the wound, it was ripped off by a sharp-toothed animal.

"Don't be afraid, I'll go and have a look."

Shi Lei raised his hand and patted Xi Chuyu's shoulder, and comforted him softly. As he spoke, Shi Lei pulled out the saber from his waist, turned his head and looked at Xi Chuyu, signaling Guo Jingyi to pay attention to Xi Chuyu, Guo Jingyi nodded, signaling Shi Lei to be worried.

Ta Mo also raised the spear in her hand. She took off the bow and arrow on her back with her left hand and handed it to Guo Jingyi. Xi Chuyu's heart warmed up, and she quickly said to Shi Lei who was walking forward: "Be careful!"

Shi Lei gestured an "OK" gesture, and he looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no movement, Shi Lei walked slowly to the corpse, squatted down to check, and his expression became serious.

Standing up and checking around again, Shi Lei saw a paw print on a piece of moss, it was very big, from the shape, it looked like a cat, like a lion?

"Jingyi, let's hurry up, it's dangerous here." Shi Lei didn't dare to be careless, he quickly walked to the side of the three women, and said in a low voice.

On the way back, Shi Lei told them what he saw. Xi Chuyu was still a little dazed by the body fragmentation, but Guo Jingyi asked calmly, "Shi Lei, do we need to move the camp?" Although she also felt very uncomfortable .

"Go back and discuss it, it looks like we have to leave early." Shi Lei was also a little undecided, he had never dealt with this kind of animal, in the world, these are protected animals.

It was you who killed him, Shi Lei thought of Luffy, and felt a little more at ease, Luffy has been to so many places, maybe he knows something, anyway, he can't afford to be provoked and hide.

"Huh? Shi Lei, you...why are you back so soon? Chu Yu, didn't you keep yelling that you wanted to go out?"

As soon as he got back to the camp, Lu Fei came up to him and joked with a smile. Xi Chuyu didn't say a word, and the images in his mind were all about that dismembered corpse.

"Why is your face so ugly? Could it be that guy Shi Lei who bullied you, don't be afraid, tell me, I will scold him for you!"

At first, Lu Fei thought that Xi Chuyu was unhappy, but after talking for a long time, Xi Chuyu still didn't make a sound, and then Lu Fei felt that something was wrong, and quickly turned his head to ask Guo Jingyi: "Jingyi, what's wrong with her?"

"There are ferocious beasts nearby. I just saw a torn corpse with a large piece of flesh gone." Guo Jingyi told Lu Fei what she saw with a serious expression.

Lu Fei was stunned in shock, after a while, Lu Fei finally closed his mouth, Shi Lei frowned and said: "Ta Mo, Lu Fei, go and inform everyone, come here to gather, let's discuss what to do, hurry up. "

"Okay, I got it." Knowing this, Luffy didn't dare to be careless, so he turned around quickly and ran towards the tent. Tamo nodded, responded, and followed closely behind.

"Chu Yu, it's just a corpse, don't be afraid, I'm here." Shi Lei watched the two leave, and when he turned his head, he saw Xi Chuyu with a pale face, and quickly comforted him, "Besides, there are so many of you, you must be fine."

Xi Chuyu gave a "hmm" and sniffed. Guo Jingyi patted Xi Chuyu's back lightly, silently comforting her. Xi Chuyu hugged Guo Jingyi, and the atmosphere was warm.

Shi Lei at the side suddenly had a feeling that he was a light bulb. After everyone came over one after another, the two separated, and Shi Lei's strange feeling disappeared.

Xi Chuyu also calmed down. It's not that she has never seen a corpse, and she has killed people before. What she is afraid of is being torn to pieces by the beast, how painful it is.

"It's urgent, so I won't say much. I think Luffy should have told you all about the specific matter. Just one question. Do you think we should leave or stay?" Shi Lei and the others formed a circle and sat On the ground, Shi Lei looked serious.

Everyone looked at each other, and after two or three seconds of silence, Guo Jingyi took the lead and said: "Shi Lei, I have to leave tomorrow. It's afternoon, and it's almost dusk. If we leave now, we won't be able to go far, and it will be dark. Walking at night is more dangerous than staying here."

"Where are the others?" Shi Lei didn't say whether he agreed or supported, his eyes swept over everyone's faces, and he already had a guess in his heart.

"Shi Lei, I think it's better to leave quickly. Lu Fei told me that it's a feline animal, that is, animals like lions, tigers, and leopards. They can see at night. Let's..."

Chang Jieqiu looked embarrassed, but what he said was a bit contemptuous, "To put it bluntly, if there are a few people, if there are a group of people, it won't even be enough to plug the teeth."

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable when they heard his words, but because of face, no one could say anything, Shi Lei looked at the silent people with a blank face.

"Shi Lei, I support Sister Jingyi, isn't it just a few animals, and it's not like I haven't killed them before, so I'm not afraid, cut." Tian Mier said, looking at Chang Jieqiu with some dissatisfaction.

Except for Wu Cha who had been secretly staring at Chang Jieqiu, no one noticed that the sly smile flashed across Chang Jieqiu's mouth, and it was a trick!
After hearing what Lu Fei said, Chang Jieqiu thought of an idea. This was another good opportunity, so he went to Deng Hong and lobbied for cooperation with him.

Although Deng Hong didn't agree, Chang Jieqiu didn't care, he was just borrowing Deng Hong's name, Chang Jieqiu said this on purpose to make everyone unconvinced, and then stayed.

Most people supported staying, everyone couldn't stop arguing, they all stared at Shi Lei, waiting for his decision, Shi Lei pondered for a while, and then agreed to stay.

He didn't care about Chang Jieqiu's words, but he didn't want to go out at night, Guo Jingyi's worry was reasonable, the corpse reminded Shi Lei.

There are other people surviving, in order to obtain food, there will be various traps and traps, not to mention the difficulty of walking at night, if you fall into the trap, it is okay to say that it is not dangerous, otherwise, it is not worth it.

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