Ji Lanlan seemed to have thought of something, she paused, turned around and said softly to Shi Lei: "Shi Lei, Jingyi has been doing this for you for a long time, and she hasn't had a good rest."

Shi Lei was stunned, Ji Lanlan walked away, Shi Lei then turned his head to look at the woman beside him carefully by the light of the fire, only then did he realize that Guo Jingyi had faint dark circles under her eyes, Shi Lei's heart felt hot.

The two looked at each other and smiled, everything was in their eyes, Shi Lei didn't say anything, thank you is too light to express Shi Lei's thoughts, Guo Jingyi smiled and shook her head at Shi Lei.

Everyone else was busy in the camp. The camp was originally only a few square meters, and Shi Lei, Wu Cha, and Chang Jieqiu lived there. There was not enough space, but eight more people came all of a sudden, and the place was very crowded, so, Started to expand the camp again, set up tents, and when it was done, the sky was already bright.

Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi were sitting by the tent, the atmosphere was very warm, the picture was so warm that people couldn't bear to break it, Taya looked at Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi, snorted, but didn't go over.

"Hey, didn't you say that Shi Lei is your man? Why don't you go and declare your sovereignty?" Xi Chuyu saw that Taya was sullen, and smiled and approached Taya to joke.

Taya pursed her lips, gritted her teeth and said, "Shut up! So what, I'm Shi Lei's wife, and he is marrying me!"

If Guo Jingyi hadn't been so anxious for Shi Lei before watching, she wouldn't have let that woman be so arrogant!Bastard, why is the picture so beautiful?

"Jingyi, what happened to that group of people? How did you find me?" Shi Lei had thousands of questions in his mind, but when the words came to his lips, Shi Lei only asked the two most curious questions.

Guo Jingyi then told Shi Lei what happened after Shi Lei fell off the cliff. It turned out that the signal on the cliff was really sent by Guo Jingyi and the others. After seeing the fire that Shi Lei lit on the beach, he guessed it should be Shi Lei.

Fatty Li and his group did not end well, except for the little ones who were dealt with by them. Fatty Li was Lingchied by Taya himself. The real Lingchi lasted three days and three nights.

They originally wanted to go to the place where Shi Lei sent the signal to look for Shi Lei, but they encountered some problems on the way, and then they directly diverted to the direction of their destination. After walking for two or three days, they found an inhabited place on the way. trace.

"Where is it? Are there any notable features around?" Hearing the traces of other people, Shi Lei immediately thought of the person who followed him and Wu Cha before, and hurriedly asked.

Guo Jingyi thought about it for a while, and then described it intermittently. At first glance, the surrounding plants looked similar, but with Luffy, it was different.

The more it said, the more it looked like the place where Shi Lei felt peeped before, that is, the place where Shi Lei camped by the sea, Shi Lei asked again what he found.

"Judging from the remaining things, it was a person who lived alone, male, and the sex was determined because he saw some indescribable liquid, and then he couldn't survive. There were no traces of fires or food residues."

He didn't even know how to deal with the traces of life, let alone deal with these two things alone, Shi Lei thought about something thoughtfully, and only listened to Guo Jingyi continue to tell what happened before.

Then they came across the tent that Shi Lei built. Shi Lei built a tent with special features. Guo Jingyi and the others recognized it immediately. They guessed that Shi Lei was going to the destination, so they walked all the way.

Finally, last night, when they saw the flames, they wanted to go up to see if it was Shi Lei. Shi Lei knew what happened next.

"Shi Lei, what did you think of?" Seeing that Shi Lei's expression was not right, Guo Jingyi quickly asked, Shi Lei shook her head, frowned and said, "I have an idea, but I'm not sure yet." Guo Jingyi stopped asking after hearing that.

He didn't sleep all night, he was injured in a battle with wolves before, after sitting for a while, Shi Lei felt sleepy, "Jingyi, I'm going to rest for a while, call me if I need something."

"Don't worry." Guo Jingyi helped Shi Lei into the tent, then sat at the entrance of the tent, turned her head to Shi Lei and said, "I'll just stay here and not go anywhere, go to sleep."

Shi Lei responded, and soon fell into a deep sleep. After Shi Lei woke up again, he suddenly sat up from the ground, using too much force, his head bumped into the roof of the tent. Fortunately, the tent was very strong. Otherwise it would have fallen apart.

Before the muffled sound subsided, Guo Jingyi's anxious inquiry sounded from the entrance of the tent: "Shi Lei, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Lei stared blankly at the end of the tent, and when he heard Guo Jingyi's question after question, a big smile appeared on his somewhat bewildered face, so it wasn't a dream.

"Shi Lei, you are talking, if you don't talk, I'll go in..." Guo Jingyi hurriedly paced back and forth at the entrance of the tent, and just as she turned around, she was hugged by the man who just got out of the tent.

Shi Lei bent down slightly, resting his chin on Guo Jingyi's shoulder, he whispered next to Guo Jingyi's ear: "Jingyi, I wasn't dreaming."

Guo Jingyi paused the hand that was pushing Shi Lei's chest, she was silent for a while, then smiled and said: "Fool!" It feels so good to meet again.

"Shi Lei, this time, I won't hesitate anymore." Guo Jingyi said in a low voice, but Shi Lei didn't hear clearly, he was startled, "What?" Tell him intuitively, he seems to have missed a very important sentence.

Guo Jingyi shook her head, withdrew from Shi Lei's embrace, pointed to the center of the open space and said, "Let's go, everyone is waiting for you." Saying that, she supported Shi Lei's arm.

Shi Lei chuckled, raised his hand to hook Guo Jingyi's shoulder, and then put his whole weight on Guo Jingyi's body, resting his head on Guo Jingyi's shoulder.

"Shi Lei, come down for me!"

Scoundrel!Why on earth should she like this guy!Guo Jingyi blushed angrily, her neck was thick, and she looked at the air in front of her and growled in a rough voice. She was a little stiff, and she didn't dare to turn her head. The heat hit her earlobe, and Guo Jingyi's heart trembled.

"Jingyi, my leg is hurt and I can't walk, please help me." Shi Lei said with a grin.

Guo Jingyi sneered twice, and said in a cool voice: "Really?" Before Shi Lei could react, he stepped on Shi Lei's foot, and then twitched.

"Aww—" Shi Lei screamed, quickly got up from Guo Jingyi's body, raised his leg to hug the trampled foot, and jumped on the ground with one leg, Guo Jingyi snorted, and walked forward.

Shi Lei quickly chased after her, and asked the woman in front of her in confusion, "I haven't seen you in half a month, Jing Yi, why did you hit me so hard, it hurts so much, you know you're bullying me, a wounded patient."

"Didn't your legs hurt? Do you want me to do it a few more times?" Guo Jingyi turned to look at Shi Lei, raised her eyebrows and asked with a half-smile.

Shi Lei quickly shook his head, smirked and put his hand on Guo Jingyi's shoulder, but Guo Jingyi didn't push Shi Lei away, "Shi Lei, for the past half month, are you... all right?"

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