My life on a deserted island with a beautiful president

Chapter 300 Calling Flowers and Birds?

"Rolling Log." Shi Lei looked up, with a meaningful smile on his face, seeing Wu Cha still looking at Shi Lei inexplicably, Shi Lei couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, "Wu Cha, have you ever studied physics?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Cha asked cautiously, she always felt that there was something in Shi Lei's words.

Shi Lei didn't say a word, shook his head with a smile, and told Wu Cha the method, "Chop down two more thigh-thick trees, make logs and put them under this log, and you can pull them away, understand?"

As he said that, Shi Lei couldn't help but miss in his heart, when he was with Jingyi and the others, Shi Lei could understand Shi Lei's meaning without saying much.

"Oh~" After listening to Shi Lei's words, Wu Cha's face suddenly realized, "I see, it's a good idea, it's like putting wheels on a log."

After finishing speaking, Wu Cha realized belatedly, "Shi Lei, you asked me to come here to move the wooden stick underneath for you, right?"

Although it is a bit convoluted, but the meaning is the same, Shi Lei nodded, and said as a matter of course: "Of course, what else do you think? You can lift a log that I can't even lift? Is there any way, of course, there is no need to waste energy .”

Wu Cha rolled his eyes, and thought to himself, this idiot, can she say that she thought Shi Lei asked her to come to the forest because he had a knife and had evil intentions?

"Shi Lei, why don't you rest and I'll cut down the small tree?" Wu Cha asked tentatively after thinking about it.

Shi Lei shook his head subconsciously. Wu Cha felt very uncomfortable. Shi Lei didn't trust her. Wu Cha pursed his lips and suppressed his dissatisfaction. Only if it is given to her, will she doubt whether Shi Lei is mentally ill.

Shi Lei didn't think so much, he was more worried about Wu Cha's body, Shi Lei looked at Wu Cha seriously, and said seriously: "Let me do it, I have mastered the skill of cutting trees now, saving time and effort, you Just stay here and help me be alert to the motivation around me."

"Okay," Wu Cha shrugged, sat down on the wood, waved at Shi Lei, and confidently patted his chest, "Don't worry, I'll warn you, it's definitely fine."

When you say that, I feel worried... Shi Lei complained silently, and walked towards the small tree that had been cut down before. With the experience of cutting down big trees before, this kind of small tree will not felt it.

After cutting it off, Shi Lei felt as if he hadn't done it, "Isn't this too easy?" Shi Lei subconsciously complained, and then laughed at himself, thinking, cutting down a big tree made me feel stupid.

Cut the two small trees into two round wooden stakes, and Shi Lei also tied the remaining branches and branches with bark, so as not to waste them as much as possible.

Two bundles of tree branches, Shi Lei handed them to Wu Cha, and he went on the way back, as two rolling logs, Shi Lei hugged the thicker end of the big tree, lifted it up slightly, and turned [-] degrees towards the camp corner.

This way, it really saves energy and time. It took an hour and a half to drag the wood to the camp.

Shi Lei was not interested in chopping things up, so he simply put the wood in the middle of the fire, burned it piece by piece with the fire, and then Shi Lei polished it with a saber.

With the previous experience of making bamboo tubes, Shi Lei finished the four wooden bowls in the afternoon of the second day, and for the remaining wooden stakes, Shi Lei straightened them up and used them as seats, chopping boards and tables.

"Shi Lei, what are you going to do with this bird?"

Yesterday Shi Lei only cared about making wooden bowls, and Wu Cha didn't want to eat greasy food, so the bird was still sitting on the campsite. Today, Wu Cha's body has almost recovered and he has an appetite, so he came here Ask Shi Lei what he means.

"Let's burn it like a beggar's chicken." Shi Lei blew on the sawdust in the wooden bowl on his leg, and after smoothing the places where there were cut hands on it, he thought for a moment, and suggested.

Wu Cha pouted, and muttered with some dissatisfaction, "But we don't have any seasoning, how can it be delicious like this."

Hearing this, Shi Lei looked at Wu Cha with a half-smile, and reminded: "Wu Cha, don't forget, we are stranded on a deserted island, we are not here for vacation, it would be nice to have something to eat, the most important thing now is , to fill the stomach, not to say whether it is delicious or not."

"Understood." Wu Cha looked at Shi Lei's gaze with a somewhat unnatural expression, snorted, and gave Shi Lei a blank look, "What are you doing so seriously all of a sudden, it makes people feel uncomfortable."

Although Shi Lei reminded her out of good intentions, but when Shi Lei said this, Wu Cha still felt a little uncomfortable when he heard it. She was the one who rescued her, and when he arrived at Shi Lei's place, he felt like he was the boss.

Shi Lei shrugged his shoulders, and stopped nagging and hating people, thinking, Wu Cha still hasn't adjusted his mentality, meeting him, I don't know if it's a good thing, I haven't experienced any kind of starvation or cold, alas.

It's useless to say more, when Wu Cha really suffers, he will understand what he means, Shi Lei sighed, put the wooden bowl aside, got up and walked to the muddy land that intersects with the beach, squatted down, and swung his saber A hole was dug.

"Wu Cha, bring that bird here." Shi Lei twirled the excavated soil with his fingers, turned his head to look at Wu Cha who was sitting by the fire and plucked the bird, and said loudly.

Taking out the viscera, Shi Lei also saw a few yolks that were the same as eggs. This is a hen laying eggs. The yolks are placed in a bowl. Shi Lei doesn't want the viscera. The internal organs are poisonous.

After the internal treatment was completed, Shi Lei began to pluck the hairs. Wu Cha saw Shi Lei throw all the feathers into the pit, mixing them with the internal organs, and a twinge of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Shi Lei, keep the feathers, I want it." Wu Cha looked at the white feathers on the bird's body, and liked it so much that the girl's heart was moved.

Shi Lei handed the plucked feathers to Wu Cha, with a speechless expression on his face, now even food is a problem, this woman actually cares about these things, really drunk.

After mixing the sea water and the soil, Shi Lei picked some clean leaves from the branches that he dragged back, thinking about using them to wrap the bird.

Unexpectedly, she was disgusted by Wu Cha, Wu Cha collected some leaves from the bushes, the taste was quite fragrant, Shi Lei saw that the leaves were not poisonous, so he let her go.

Wrap it with a thick layer of soil and throw it directly into the fire. Shi Lei didn't care about it. He went to the beach to wash his hands, and when he came back, he sat at the mouth of the tent to rest.

However, Wu Cha waited anxiously by the fire, and when she saw that the soil wrapped outside was burnt and cracked, she quickly waved at Shi Lei, "Shi Lei, come here, it's done!"

Prying open the soil with a saber, the heat inside immediately came out, Shi Lei used the tip of the saber to pry the leaves apart, the smell of meat overflowed.

"Shi Lei, I want to go to the beach to wash my clothes tonight," Shi Lei and Wu Cha, each holding a leg, began to chew. Wu Cha had eaten half of it, and suddenly said.

"Uh, let's go." Shi Lei was silent for a moment, and gave Wu Cha a strange look. Seeing Wu Cha staring at him hesitantly, Shi Lei raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

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