Beaches are collections of garbage.

Shi Lei walked along the beach and picked up a lot of rubbish, plastic bottles, ropes and so on.

Plastic bottles can be used to collect rainwater, and rope can be used as traps, but there are very few things that are really useful today.


Suddenly, Shi Lei's eyes lit up. He saw a small black backpack not far in front of him. He hurried over, picked it up and opened it. In addition, there are some messy snacks.


Shi Lei couldn't help but want to laugh three times, there is no end to the road, after being hungry for a long time, he finally found something to eat.

This backpack probably fell from the crashed plane. The only pity is that apart from these foods, there are no tools for survival in the wild, such as Swiss army knives, flint and the like.

As the sky gradually darkened, Shi Lei picked up his backpack and returned to the beach where Guo Jingyi was with a pile of rubbish in his arms.

"What about people?"

Back on the beach, Shi Lei didn't find Guo Jingyi, he couldn't help being taken aback, on this smokeless desert island, where can this girl go?Could it be that she was afraid that he might have some unruly thoughts, so she avoided him on purpose?

Thinking of this, Shi Lei originally planned to let her go, but after thinking about it, no matter what, it's better to ask her face to face.

If this girl is afraid of what he might think and wants to live apart from him, he has no objection, and if she finds these things, he will eat them all alone.

"Deliberately avoiding me, but still can't think about it, and committed suicide by jumping into the sea?"

Thinking about it, it's not impossible, so Shi Lei had no choice but to put down the things in his hands, and looked around for Guo Jingyi.

The beach has a wide field of vision, and Guo Jingyi is nowhere to be seen as far as the eye can see. As a result, she can only be in the small forest.


Suddenly, a scream came from the woods.

'Sure enough, it's in the woods! '

Shi Lei thought in his heart, hearing Guo Jingyi's cry, he ran over there in a hurry, something must have happened, right?

"what happened?"

As soon as the words finished, Shi Lei was dumbfounded. He saw Guo Jingyi wearing very little clothes, with her arms folded, covering the infinite scenery, her body half squatted and half shrunk, trembling there.

But even so, the perfect figure was almost completely exposed in front of Shi Lei.

"I was taking a bath just now, and suddenly a mouse-like animal ran over." Guo Jingyi was still in shock, her voice trembling slightly.

Shi Lei finally regained his normal thinking ability, this girl will not deliberately seduce him or test him, right?The clothes are all taken off, and I don’t look at nothing.

"Bath? Mice?"

Shi Lei looked around and found that there happened to be a one-meter-square rock pit with a puddle of clear water, which must be accumulated rainwater. It was not evaporated because it was covered by trees, and there was a lot of heavy rain at sea.

Next to the puddle, there were Guo Jingyi's clothes.

Seeing this, Shi Lei finally understood what was going on.

Dare to love this aunt to take a bath here.


Shi Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, pointed at Guo Jingyi, angry and furious, fresh water is a very precious resource for their current situation, it was used to save lives, but it was used by this aunt for bathing.

Ten thousand beasts rushed past his heart, Shi Lei really wanted to punish this girl on the spot.


Suddenly, Guo Jingyi screamed again, grabbed the clothes on the ground, and ran away.

Only at this moment did she realize that she was only wearing a pair of underwear, and ran away in shame.

And Shi Lei was not in the mood to admire Guo Jingyi's beautiful figure, what made him depressed was, how can he drink this water?Do you really need to drink the bath water?
Although Guo Jingyi is a beauty, the bath water of a beauty is also bath water!
Beautiful women can also shit and fart, and the bath water doesn't smell good.

"I really don't know what this woman thinks? Use this water to take a bath, thanks to her thinking of it."

Shi Lei secretly wrote down the location of the puddle, and then returned to the beach.

On the beach, Guo Jingyi was sitting on the beach looking at the sea, she seemed to have recovered from the shock just now, her face was cold, and she had an aura of repelling people thousands of miles away.

"Mr. Guo, are you comfortable after taking a shower?" Shi Lei teased with a half-smile.

"You peeked at my affairs, I don't have to pursue it, but it's not an example." Guo Jingyi sat on the beach motionless, and her tone was calm, but if you look closely, you can find that her face is slightly red.

"Let's take this as an example?"

Shi Lei laughed out of anger, this stupid woman still doesn't know what she did?Why does it sound like she's being reasonable?

After a pause, Shi Lei said seriously: "Miss Guo, there are only two of us on the island now, the plane crashed, and we don't know when rescue will come, in other words, we don't know how long we will live on this island, so we must Make a plan for the future so that we can survive better."

"Well, I agree." Guo Jingyi thought for a while, then nodded.

"Okay, since you agreed, let me talk about the plan. There are six or seven coconut trees on the beach. This coconut is only enough for us for three or four days, so fresh water is very important to us. Please come down." When you find fresh water for the first time, don't use it for bathing, otherwise, we will have to drink your bath water." When Shi Lei mentioned this, he felt very pained, with a helpless expression on his face.

Drink my bath water?
Guo Jingyi was startled for a moment, then came to her senses, gave Shi Lei a cold look, and said, "I didn't go down, I just wiped my body with water on my clothes."


After Shi Lei heard the words, he breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, the fresh water problem was temporarily solved. Although the puddle was not big, the rainwater stored there was enough for the two of them to drink for a few days.

"Finally, please don't insult my IQ. Although I don't have much experience in surviving in the wild, I still understand the most basic common sense." Guo Jingyi said indifferently, very arrogantly.

"Okay, I misunderstood you just now, and I apologize to you."

Shi Lei shrugged, and said indifferently, he would rather apologize than drink the bath water.

Anyway, an apology is just lip service, and it won't lose a piece of meat.

But his attitude made Guo Jingyi very upset, but in the current situation, she couldn't get angry, so she could only grit her teeth secretly and endured it.

"Next, let's talk about the next problem. In addition to fresh water, we also need to solve the problem of food and sleep." Shi Lei said, taking out his harvest just now, "I picked this backpack from the beach. It was something from the crashed plane, and there were some snacks and beef jerky in it, but if you let it go, you can finish it in two meals, so we have to save a little, and we must find the source of food as soon as possible.”

"I agree, starting tomorrow, we can hunt and fish." Guo Jingyi nodded, looking at the food, her stomach let out a growl.


The sound of the waves on the beach is loud, but the stomach growls are also very clear.

When Shi Lei heard this, he smiled slightly, took two packs of snacks and a piece of beef jerky and handed them to Guo Jingyi. Let's build a shed together."

"Yes, but we need to build two sheds." Guo Jingyi nodded.

Shi Lei shook his head and smiled, jokingly said: "Are you so worried about me? If I want to mistreat you, I could have acted long ago."

Guo Jingyi remained silent. After eating snacks and beef jerky, she stood up and said, "Good night!"

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