Shi Lei observed the surrounding situation vigilantly, and after making sure that there was no danger, Shi Lei walked through the bushes, walked to the small tree of unknown species, and chopped off the branches as thick as a finger with a saber. It was all cut down.

For this seemingly insignificant action, Shi Lei spent half an hour at this time, only to get a bundle of thigh-thin wooden sticks.

Shi Lei supported the small tree with his hands, panting, stayed for a while, and calmed down his breathing, Shi Lei held the saber, stretched out his arms tremblingly to pick up the wooden stick.

If it wasn't for the support of perseverance, the saber in Shi Lei's hand would have fallen off and slipped on the ground. Turning around, he walked through the bushes that opened a passage again, and Shi Lei returned to the woman's side.

Shi Lei raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead, let out a sigh of relief, and said in a weak voice, "Phew—I'm exhausted."

Sitting down on the ground, in front of him was the small wooden stick he had cut just now, Shi Lei took out the saber again, cut a plane on one side of the branch, and dug out a small hole with the saber.

Shi Lei found a relatively straight branch from a pile of branches and cut it to a point. After finishing it, he put the branch aside. The small tree was dry and dead, it could be used as firewood.

Although Shi Lei doesn't know if the one he made is useful, if the woman wakes up before he comes over, this tool for drilling fire will be useful.

Shi Lei got up from the ground with some difficulty, walked to the side of the harpoon, took a fish from it, squatted down, wrapped it in sand, and placed it beside the firewood.

After finishing it, Shi Lei inserted all the remaining branches on the woman's side, that is, facing the direction of Shi Lei's camp.

Although this is of no use at all, Shi Lei has to make a clear mark, at least when he comes, he can look at it from a distance so that he can have a target.

"This beauty, if you have a soul in heaven... ah bah!" As he spoke, Shi Lei felt that something was wrong, he raised his hand and slapped his forehead, cursing himself for being starved and stupid.

After a pause, Shi Lei looked helplessly at the woman on the ground, and said in a low voice, "You must wait for me. After I finish it, I will bring food. You must hold back and don't hang up. !"

Pulling out the harpoon on the ground, taking a deep look at the woman on the ground, Shi Lei gritted his teeth, turned around and walked towards the camp, and walked quickly.

He just wanted to run now, but he didn't have the strength anymore, Shi Lei thought he couldn't use up all his strength now, and when he went back later, he had to collect firewood, find fresh water, make wooden frames, and grill fish, all of which required strength.If the flame fails, he still has to do it.

Shi Lei was thinking about what he should do for a while, thinking about arranging the order, when he thought about it, Shi Lei felt pain in his temple.

With so many things to do, when will that woman be dehydrated there? If it weren't for the woman's good physique and being soaked in seawater for so long, she would have already suffered from hypothermia.

"Yeah, I'd better find the water source first, and then process the water source while grilling the fish."

Speaking of which, Shi Lei and this woman are strangers, logically speaking, Shi Lei is hungry, risking the risk of starvation to get her up, it is not bad.

But Shi Lei knew that this woman was alive, and left her there alone, Shi Lei was really worried in his heart, he couldn't just watch her die, could he?

Back at the camp, Shi Lei saw at a glance that the wood had been burned into two long stakes, the flame on one end of the stake was extinguished, and one third of the other end was burned.

Seeing this, Shi Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief, inserted the harpoon into the ground, and firmly fixed it, Shi Lei did not sit down to rest.

He wanted to finish what he had to do quickly while he still had strength, Shi Lei pulled out the saber from his waist, held it in his right hand, and walked towards the deep forest.

According to the route of the harpoon before, Shi Lei came to the place where he found dry branches and leaves on the way, Shi Lei did not bend down to grab the leaves rashly.

Instead, he went to the side and broke off a thick branch more than one meter long. Holding the thicker end in his left hand, he swiped at the inside of the leaves twice.

This doesn't matter, Shi Lei saw a bunch of small black bugs crawling out of the leaves suddenly, with long tails, too small in size, Shi Lei was so hungry that he couldn't calm down and observe what these little bugs were.

"Fuck! There are scorpions!"

In the blink of an eye, Shi Lei saw a leaf start to undulate rhythmically. Looking in the direction, something crawled towards a group of small bugs. Then took two steps back.

I saw a black and blue scorpion crawling out of the dry leaves. The two pliers were about the size of two cloves of garlic, and they were very powerful. The crooked hook that adds luster.

It was clear that this guy was quite poisonous at first glance, Shi Lei swallowed, his body stiffened in place, he held his breath and stared at the scorpion, thinking, as long as it dares to come over, he will hit it flying with a wooden stick!
Unexpectedly, the scorpion didn't chase Shi Lei, but walked up to a bunch of small bugs, a group of small bugs climbed up one after another, Shi Lei suddenly realized that this is a female scorpion.

"Hehe, I'd better change the place to get the leaves." Shi Lei smiled awkwardly twice, stepped around the dry leaves, walked to the side of the dead tree that had been broken and half lying on the ground, and began to cut branches for firewood.

Shi Lei went back and forth twice to find enough firewood to start the fire. He picked out a few finger-thick branches and built them into brackets. As for the fixed things, Shi Lei used bark.

After it was done, Shi Lei dissected the sea fish with a saber, removed the internal organs, then divided the sea fish into two, threaded them with wooden sticks, and put them on the brackets. The brackets were placed above the fire, [-] cm away from the flame position.

Although the distance is a bit far, but this way, the fish is not easy to be burnt. Shi Lei first grilled the side with the scales, thinking that if one side is grilled, it will be cooked, and the other side will not be grilled. The meat of this sea fish is fresh and tender. Too old and not tasty.

"Hmm..." Shi Lei got up from the ground, looked at the grilled fish that was already steaming on the wooden rack with some reluctance, swallowed, pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "Go find fresh water next."

Picking up the harpoon in his left hand and the saber in his right, Shi Lei walked towards the forest on the other side without the beach, and got into the lush bushes. .

Every one or two trees, Shi Lei would use a saber to carve one, the carving was relatively obscure, not too deep, Shi Lei was not like the kind of caring person, after discovering this mark, he came to his camp.

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