Shi Lei opened his eyes and looked at the starry sky, his mind was empty without any thoughts, his thoughts gradually became empty, Shi Lei's eyelids began to fight, and he fell into a deep sleep after a while.

When Shi Lei woke up again, it was already the next morning, Shi Lei yawned, and looked around with tears in his eyes.

He stared at the unfamiliar environment in a daze, and stayed for a while, then Shi Lei recalled, oh, he fell off the cliff, and then came here.

Getting up from the ground a little irritably, he walked to the beach and looked at the endless sea. Shi Lei's eyes first moved to the left, from far to near.

What came into view was a lush green forest. The bushes were shorter than where Shi Lei and the others stayed. The big trees in the forest were all tall and thin trunks. Most of them were pine trees. In some places, the species of trees gradually changed to others.

Shi Lei turned his head to look at the situation on the right again. Looking into the distance, he saw a cliff. Shi Lei's brows twitched, his heart beat faster, and a bold guess emerged in his mind.

"Could that be where he fell off the cliff?" Shi Lei murmured, his eyes continued to scan the nearby, slowly descending slope, still the lush forest.

Shi Lei recalled the direction he saw the moon last night, looked up in the sky to look for the sun, the sky just turned fish belly white, the early sun slowly rose, the golden light was extraordinarily dazzling.

Shi Lei just scanned around, and found out which side is the east, squatting on the beach, Shi Lei drew the map in his mind, and first marked the location of the cliff.

"If the cliff I saw just now is where I fell off, then my current location should be on the west side of the island." Shi Lei muttered, confirmed his location, and then erased the map.

Picked up the clothes and put them on, left them overnight, the clothes were already dry, Shi Lei woke up today, only then remembered the mistake he made last night, resting on the beach where the tide might be high, Shi Lei didn't drown, it was Fortunately.

Shi Lei looked at the cliff with his hips on his hips, not optimistic at all, even if it was the place where he fell off the cliff, he would not be able to go back for a while.

I don't know what's going on with Jingyi and the others, thinking about it, Shi Lei raised his hand and touched his hungry stomach on his chest and back, and decided to set up camp here first.

"Let's find something to eat first, I'm almost starving to death." Shi Lei said lazily, turned around with his saber in hand, and walked towards the forest.

The direction Shi Lei went was the pine forest on the left. Pine trees have pine oil. If he could find a dry pine tree trunk, Shi Lei would waste his time looking for dry firewood that can sustain the flame for a long time.

As soon as he walked into the pine forest, Shi Lei was hit on the forehead by something, Shi Lei was startled, raised his hand to cover the pain, looked down, and saw the full pine cones on the dry yellow pine leaves.

Shi Lei bent down to pick them up, broke them open one by one, and put the fruits inside in his hands. When he was done, he opened his hands and looked, Shi Lei was overjoyed, "Haha, I ate pine nuts today!"

As he said that, Shi Lei broke open one vigorously, and accidentally crushed the pine nuts, Shi Lei looked down at the scum on his fingers, secretly annoyed in his heart.

Throwing it away, he got another one, Shi Lei carefully squeezed it open, and finally got a pine nut the size of a melon seed, threw it into his mouth, it didn't taste anything.

"Cut, this little thing is not enough to fit between teeth." Shi Lei looked at the thing in his hand with some distaste, lost interest and continued to peel it off, but Shi Lei was reluctant to throw it away and put it in his pocket.

Wandering around in the pine forest for a while, Shi Lei accidentally saw a few little squirrels jumping among the pine trees, probably gathering fruits for the winter.

"Is it autumn yet?" Shi Lei murmured a little confused, feeling that this word was very strange to him, looking around at the orange-yellow fallen leaves, Shi Lei felt as if he had passed away.

After wandering around for a while, Shi Lei felt his calves began to feel heavy. He found an open space and sat down with his back against the pine tree.

After resting for a while, Shi Lei reckoned it would be a quarter of an hour, he stood up reluctantly, and walked towards the edge of the pine forest near the sea.

There are few pine trees at the edge of the pine forest, and there are few pine leaves on the ground. Shi Lei didn't feel anything when he walked, but it's different here. When Shi Lei stepped on the ground covered with pine leaves, he felt like walking on the sea. .

"What can pine leaves be used for? To make a fire?" Shi Lei looked down at the dry yellow pine leaves, searching for knowledge about pine trees in his mind, and finally had to give up.

He didn't look at the road ahead, and bumped into a tree trunk while walking, Shi Lei raised his head to cover his painful forehead, the pine tree opposite shook for a while, and then a pile of pine cones fell from the tree, Shi Lei was still caught by this The pine cone was smashed many times.

"Damn it, if I don't take you back to eat today, I'll be sorry for the bun on my forehead!" Shi Lei said fiercely, staring at the opposite tree trunk, gnashing his teeth.

Shi Lei raised his hand to touch his forehead, there was a bulging lump, as soon as the ball of his finger touched it, Shi Lei couldn't help grinning, it hurt so much.

Take off the shirt and use it to hold the fruit, Shi Lei is wearing a tattered shirt, almost picked up, Shi Lei tied the clothes into a bundle shape, and carried it on his back.

Holding the ground with his hands, Shi Lei stood up from the ground with some difficulty. As soon as he stood up straight, Shi Lei felt back pain. He reached out and rubbed his lower back, and continued to walk forward.

Shi Lei wondered why he didn't come across any dry pine branches, so he walked out of the pine forest without knowing it, and arrived at the seaside, where there are quite a lot of bushes and plants.

Bending down and looking over one by one, Shi Lei saw a kind of vine, thinking that he could use this to weave a backpack, so he reached out to grab it, but Shi Lei's fingertips just touched the vine, and the vine shrank, blinking. There was no trace in sight.

Shi Lei was startled, he withdrew his hand abruptly, and subconsciously took two steps backwards. What Shi Lei didn't expect was that the next second, a plant emerged from the ground he was standing on just now, waving vines, exploring something.

"What is this?" Shi Lei was curious, he rolled his eyes, thought about it, took out a pine cone from the bag, and threw it at the vine.

Shi Lei took another two steps back, and saw that the vine caught the pine cone accurately, and a barb suddenly protruded from the place where the leaves grew, and the vine became a thorn.

The vines clung tightly to the pine cones, and in a short while the pine cones were entangled into dregs. The vines waved their small buds and explored around.

Shi Lei held his breath, seeing the vines waving desperately towards this side, he was startled, turned his head and ran towards the camp.

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