Feeling the tenderness behind Shi Lei, he couldn't help but fantasize about it. The flashed image was yesterday, Ji Lanlan's disheveled appearance, with a different kind of beauty, which made Shi Lei feel that his second brother was about to move.

"Let's go." He cleared his cough, turned his attention to the front, walked forward, and came to Ding Kai.

Seeing Ding Kai, Ji Lanlan suddenly turned her head away, her warm breath hit Shi Lei's neck, the numb feeling made her breath stagnant.

"Lan Lan, don't be afraid." Shi Lei turned his head to comfort him in a low voice, then turned his head and smiled apologetically at Ding Kai, "Let's continue walking."

Ding Kai waved his hands with a smile, indicating that it was all right, and turned to leave. Shi Lei lowered his head, thinking about countermeasures, the distance between Ding Kai and them was so close.

Rush into the bushes, in order not to get separated, everyone will definitely go in one direction, and Ding Kai and the others can chase and intercept them from different directions.

It seems that we can only play by ear, Shi Lei thought, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, secretly thinking that Ding Kai is really troublesome, if he knew that when he met him, he should have acted first.

"We have to find a way to get rid of Ding Kai and the others." Shi Lei muttered.


Ji Lanlan was startled, and raised her head from Shi Lei's shoulder, she was relieved to see Ding Kai gone, and looked at Shi Lei's side face in some confusion, thinking that Shi Lei was talking to her.

Shi Lei shook his head, said lightly: "It's fine."

After the crowd walked for less than a quarter of an hour, the terrain became more open. The wall-like rock piles on the left became shorter and shorter, and the number gradually decreased. In the end, only the edge of the cliff remained. , lush bushes.

The sound of waves came faintly, Shi Lei reckoned that he should have arrived at the entrance to the Northwest Region, and finally arrived at the destination, who would have thought that he would come back again?

Knowing that walking like this will lead to farther and farther distances, but he can't change the route, this sour feeling is really drunk, the corners of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, and he complained silently in his heart.

At this moment, Shi Lei saw that Ding Kai and the others in front stopped, but they all stood still, a bad premonition emerged in Shi Lei's heart.

He bent down to put Ji Lanlan down, the tenderness disappeared, Shi Lei sighed in his heart, tilted his head to look at the woman who was moving her body slightly, and said in a low voice: "Lanlan, go and stay in the team."

When Ji Lanlan heard this, she nodded obediently, turned around and left, her intuition told her that Shi Lei must be right, Taya and the others at the end of the line quickly walked to Shi Lei's side.

Shi Lei stared intently at Ding Kai's movement, and at the same time turned his head to lock Guo Jingyi's position from the corner of his eye, and said in a low voice: "Jingyi, come here."

Before he told the reason for calling Guo Jingyi over, Guo Jingyi reached out, secretly took out the saber and handed it to Shi Lei, "Shi Lei, be careful, this side is the cliff."

Hearing Guo Jingyi mention the word "cliff", Shi Lei's heart suddenly cleared up. He finally understood why Ding Kai had to run over and let them walk for a while. The relationship was based on this idea.

Fighting on the edge of a cliff is like fighting against the wall in the ancient art of war, there is no way out, even if Ding Kai and his team are not many and their combat power is lower than that of Shi Lei's, but the terrain is advantageous.

"Ding Kai is really insidious!" Shi Lei murmured.

Before he finished speaking, Shi Lei saw a man walking out from among the young men in front, holding a spear in his hand, all the young men raised their weapons at the same time, and took the bows and arrows hanging on their bodies. down.

Ding Kai walked to the opposite side of Shi Lei, and the young people quickly moved towards the surroundings of Shi Lei and his party, forming a semi-circular encirclement.

There is an archer in each of the two most important directions, forming cross-fire points with no dead ends, so that even if they are few in number, Shi Lei and his group can't run away. That hurts.

"Ding Kai, what do you mean?" Shi Lei narrowed his eyes, stared at Ding Kai expressionlessly, and asked coolly.

Ding Kai laughed loudly when he heard this, the laughter was a bit sharp and very ear-piercing, Shi Lei frowned uncomfortably, rubbed his aching ears from the shock, and gave Ding Kai a sideways glance with disgust.

"How dare you look at me like that?" Ding Kai's face changed from blue to black when he was angry with Shi Lei's eyes, similar to that of a ripe eggplant.

Shi Lei sneered, and looked at Ding Kai with a half-smile, "Why, can't hold it anymore?"

It's all like this now, neither of the two parties is interested in acting anymore, Ding Kai stared at Shi Lei fiercely, his eyes lingered on the women behind Shi Lei for a moment, and then he took it back.

"Before I suppressed my temper and invited you to join my team, I wanted you to surrender to me. Who knew that you group of people didn't know good from bad, and even fucking recognized this grandson as the boss."

Ding Kai stared at everyone with resentment, sending chills down their backs. The feeling of being targeted by a poisonous snake is really not good.

When his eyes fell on Shi Lei, Ding Kai's face turned into a color palette. He pointed at Shi Lei and squeezed out a few words, "You dare to touch my people, if that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!" It's useless."

As he said that, Ding Kai didn't talk nonsense, with a big wave of his hand, the two young men with bows and arrows immediately shot arrows towards Shi Lei, and the women behind were fine.

Tatu hid quickly, and I couldn't even aim at Tatu's figure. I saw it in this place just now, and the next second it was in another place. Every time I looked closely, I could only see Tatu's figure behind him. afterimage.

Luffy, on the other hand, danced the stick in his hand like a tiger, and shot the bow and arrow towards him, and he was knocked down by Luffy just before he reached his eyes.

Only Shi Lei hid in a bit of a panic, but fortunately, the bow and arrow always brushed the corner of Shi Lei's clothes and shot out without hurting Shi Lei at all.

While dodging the bow and arrow attack, Shi Lei looked around to assess the situation on the battlefield. Seeing that the bow and arrow were only aimed at the three men, Shi Lei knew what was going on.

He tilted his head towards the woman who was shooting down arrows, and reminded loudly: "Taya, take everyone over there, this is for us."

After finishing speaking, Shi Lei turned around and dodged a bow and arrow. He turned around and searched for Ding Kai on the battlefield. Ding Kai was standing next to a big tree. When he saw Shi Lei looking over, he immediately showed an arrogant look towards Shi Lei. smile.

However, Shi Lei saw that there was a person not far behind him, sneaking towards Ding Kai's back, holding a handful of bone spurs in his hand.

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