"You want to leave Ji Lanlan behind?" Shi Lei stared at Ding Kai with a bad expression, gritted his teeth and asked word by word, the anger in his chest gradually burning.

Seeing this, Ding Kai showed a helpless look on his face, "Shi Lei, I can't help it. There is no medicine here. You said that she has an injury on her body, it must be caused by the inflammation of the wound."

Shi Lei pursed his lips, still looked at Ding Kai with displeasure, and said nothing, even though what Ding Kai said was true and reasonable.

"You have nothing, how can you save her? Just rely on physics to cool down? Shi Lei and I are doing this for everyone's benefit. You can't let everyone starve here just because she is alone?" Ding Kai's eyes flickered when he saw Shi Lei like this. There was a trace of sullenness, but he still persuaded Shi Lei with good words.

While speaking, Ding Kai's tone unconsciously became condescending and arrogant, but Shi Lei didn't like it, he sneered, "You think it can't be saved, that's just what you think."

"Aren't you leaving?" Ding Kai looked at Shi Lei with flickering eyes, and asked with gritted teeth in his gloomy eyes.

Shi Lei curled his lips into a smile, raised his head and looked at Ding Kai firmly and said, "I, Shi Lei, don't do such things as abandoning my companions."

"Then you just wait here to die!" Ding Kai waved his hands angrily, turned around and walked towards Ji Lanlan, and when he turned around, the corners of his mouth flicked together in an imperceptible smirk.

It's fine if you don't leave, as long as I take the others away, I will have the final say on what to do!Here you are, waiting to be eaten by the beast.

Shi Lei heheed twice, followed closely by Ding Kai, walked up to Guo Jingyi and the others, gritted his teeth, and repeated what he said before, saying it was righteous, and then said that I am doing it for your own good, if you don't listen, you are an idiot, Only if you believe me and follow me will you have a way to survive and look at everyone.

"What do you guys think? I believe that as long as you all agree to leave, Shi Lei will not stay for a dying person."

"Where Shi Lei is, I will be there," Guo Jingyi firmly refused Ding Kai to leave.

Lu Fei laughed, walked to Shi Lei's side, raised his hand to hook Shi Lei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Master is waiting to die with you."

"I can find something to eat." Taya promised confidently, and Tatu and Tamo agreed.

Tian Mi'er raised her thin legs, ran to Shi Lei's left side, stretched her arm to hook Shi Lei's arm, and said to Ding Kai delicately, "Even if Shi Lei dies, I will stay with him!"

Shi Lei spread his hands at Ding Kai, and smiled very flatly. Ding Kai gritted his teeth and glanced gloomyly at everyone's faces, knowing clearly that his plan had failed.

Ding Kai suppressed the anger in his heart, a somewhat forced smile appeared on his face, and emphasized pointingly: "I'm not doing this for everyone." The implication is that Shi Lei is not reliable, if you believe him, just trust him. Big mistake.

As he said that, Ding Kai changed the subject and said again: "Since everyone doesn't want to leave, I, Ding Kai, am not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death. Today, I will risk my life to stay with the gentleman and stay. There are many people. At least I can help Brother Shi Lei. "

No one in the crowd spoke, because what he said just now made everyone's impression of him bad. In the end, it was Shi Lei who broke the awkward atmosphere, "Since Ding Kai has your heart, thank you very much. I know you too. You're right, I'm being irrational."

"Hey, it's not easy to survive here. I don't care about people dying. I..." Shi Lei said vaguely, Ding Kai suddenly realized that he completely misunderstood Shi Lei's meaning. He thought that Shi Lei had been a doctor for a long time. Our Lady of Heart attack.

Ding Kai waved his hand and didn't say anything else. After Ding Kai left, Shi Lei said to the crowd without changing his face: "Okay, let's go, Chu Yu, go and wipe Ji Lanlan's body to cool down."

There is no wine, so we can only replace it with water. Shi Lei has no other choice. After thinking about it for a while, he added: "Jingyi, you and Chu Yu, let Ji Lanlan check together to see if there is any inflammation."

What Shi Lei said meant something, Guo Jingyi responded with a bit of embarrassment, Ji Lanlan can be called a big beauty, she stayed in the hands of those perverts for a month, and she knew with her toes what cruel and inhuman things she suffered I'll, the cleanliness here is poor and who knows...inflamed.

"Taya, Tatu, Tian Mier and Lu Fei, go find food, dry firewood, leaves, as long as you can use it, get it back, pay attention to safety." They have nothing now. It's time to find it.

Shi Lei looked at Ta Mo again and said, "Come with me and take care of the fire."

There was only a little fresh water left, Shi Lei put it all on the fire shelf and boiled it in a bamboo tube, after a while, Guo Jingyi came over, it was really the reason.

Shi Lei sighed, handed the water to Guo Jingyi and said, "You guys wash her up."

Guo Jingyi took the bamboo tube and asked hesitantly, "Is there any water?"

"Use it first, Ji Lanlan's situation is urgent." Shi Lei didn't answer, but he frowned and said the answer.

Guo Jingyi lowered her eyes and went back with a heavy heart. By the time the four of Taya came back, it was almost dusk in the afternoon.

Everyone's arms were full of things, Shi Lei and Ta Mo saw this, they both got up and greeted them, Shi Lei stretched out his hand to take the things from Tian Mi'er's arms who were too tired to walk, while Ta Mo remained silent Taking Taya's things, the two women looked a little awkward, but they didn't speak.

"What are you doing here?" When walking towards the camp, Shi Lei looked back at the things in the arms of Tatu and Lu Fei, except for the bag of dry leaves wrapped in vines in the arms of the dry firewood carried by Tatu.

In Lufei's arms is... taro?And there is a pile of meat and mushrooms in Ta Mo's arms?What Shi Lei was holding was a bunch of unknown fruits the size of a baby's fist.

After Shi Lei and the others put down their things, Ding Kai came over. He glanced around at the things on the ground, with a look of surprise on his face, "I'll go, Shi Lei, why did you find so many things?"

I am envious and jealous of Shi Lei in my heart, you know, his subordinates went out today, but they got nothing, thinking of Ding Kai's eyes rolled, he didn't know what bad idea he was planning.

"Hehe, I guess I'm lucky today," Shi Lei said casually, thinking, is this Ding Kai still leaving?Waiting to stay and eat?
When Ding Kai heard this, he looked at Shi Lei with a smile on his face, with an expression of a good brother on his face, "Shi Lei, since we are a team and we have good things, we should share them, right?"

Shi Lei chuckled, didn't say a word, and thought: You really have a big face!I've never seen such a shameless person who still wants to sit back and enjoy the benefits?

"I know, you still have a patient here. I agreed with you to join the team before, but nothing was confiscated," Ding Kai said after a pause.

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