Indeed, the location of the camp chosen by the other party is too delicate. This terrain has both advantages and disadvantages. If Shi Lei and the others have many people, and the other party does not have Xi Chuyu in their hands, they can surround them all the time and trap this group of people.

But they didn't, and were still in a passive position.

The only way to go in is to go through the water, but Shi Lei still has to think about how to minimize the noise caused by swimming, and quietly lean over.

But on Taya's side, the atmosphere was a little weird. Hearing the voice, Taya felt something was wrong, and when she turned her head, she saw Tian Mier who was following at the end.

She stopped, turned around and squatted down, "Why did you come here?" Taya squinted her eyes, looked at Tian Mi'er with a half-smile, and asked softly.

Seeing this, Tatu squatted aside, taking on the task of guarding, while Tian Mier's face froze when she heard the words, she pursed her lips and said nothing, she squatted down, looked up at Taya, and sneered in a low voice.

Tian Mier curled her lips, and said with some disdain: "Why, let her die, and then Shi Lei will remember her forever? Just dream!"

Then, Tian Mier asked Taya again: "Why did you take the initiative to ask Ying to come here?"

"Oh, I thought you were worried about Xi Chuyu." Taya directly ignored Tian Mier's question, and it depended on who she wanted Taya to answer the question.

The corner of Tian Mi'er's mouth twitched, and she immediately argued: "Hmph, my aunt's legs are numb from squatting, and she's the only one who comes out for activities? Cut."

Taya hecked twice, but didn't say anything else. She pushed aside the bushes, revealing a gap where she could clearly see the situation on the other side.

She leaned over and looked around for a while, then turned around and whispered to the two of them, "I'll go into the water here to have a look."

"Your Highness, let me come, I am good at swimming." Seeing this, Tatu said quickly.

Taya thought for a while and agreed, Tatu got up and walked towards the water, Taya warned worriedly: "Be careful."

On Ding Kai's side, there was also some unrest.

"Fatty, what's the matter with you?" The skinny man leaned over to Fatty's side and asked dissatisfiedly, "Are we really going to help them?"

"Damn it, don't let the woman touch her before she touches her." Shi Lei and the others couldn't get used to the little skinny guy, especially that Luffy, who threw a bone spur in his hand and killed a little guy. Hey, it's dead, right in the center of the eye.

"Shut up!" Ding Kai glared at the skinny guy, he glanced at Shi Lei first, then tilted his head and lowered his voice and reprimanded: "Don't let them hear you."

The little thin man gave a shy smile and quickly covered his mouth. Seeing Ding Kai turn his head, he glanced at the fat man with envy. Even if the fat man made a rash decision, the boss would not scold him, but respect him instead.

Obviously he knew Ding Kai first, but Ding Kai yelled at him, it's really crazy!

Ding Kai didn't pay attention to the undercurrents here, or rather, he didn't care at all. Anyway, he was the boss, and it was a good thing that subordinates fought.

He glanced at Shi Lei again with vague eyes, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he thought, Shi Lei, today is your death day, don't blame me, who told you to get in the way.

"Fatty, let the brothers get ready later." Ding Kai pointedly said to the fatty.

Ding Kai was not that kind, when the fat man made the suggestion, he understood what the fat man meant in seconds, and immediately thought of a way to get rid of Shi Lei smoothly.

Since they want to save people, they will definitely be discovered. Even if there is no conflict and they are rescued safely, Ding Kai will make noise for him so that the other party can find them.

Because only in this way, Ding Kai can use the arrow to kill Shi Lei, and kill people with a knife. It is best, Ding Kai does not like to submit to others by force.

What he prefers is to let those women willingly rely on him, submit to him, and then kill her.

Especially Guo Jingyi, who always had a frosty face, was Ding Kai's first choice target. When Ding Kai thought of this scene, he couldn't help but get excited.

This increased his determination to kill Shi Lei.

"Yes, don't worry, boss." The fat man replied lightly.

But what Ding Kai didn't notice was that one of the gangsters beside him was staring at Ding Kai with resentment. It was the one who was stabbed by Shi Lei before.

Because Ding Kai didn't use medicine to save him, his hand was completely festered at this time, and if it wasn't wrapped, he could still smell the stench.

When the three of Taya came back, Tatu's figure was still a little staggering, but fortunately Taya and Tian Mier were supporting him on both sides, so they wouldn't make too much noise.

Hearing the rustling sound, both Shi Lei and Ding Kai tilted their heads to the right, and Tatu sat down on the ground in some embarrassment. Shi Lei quickly asked, "What's going on? Were you discovered?"

Saying that, Shi Lei took advantage of the faint moonlight to look at Tatu, and finally fixed his eyes on the shadowed legs that were blocked by the bushes.

"There are piranhas in the water." Tian Mier moved close to Shi Lei and whispered passing by, her voice was very low, except for Shi Lei who was the closest to Tian Mier, when the others listened attentively, they could only hear faint voices .

After Shi Lei finished listening, he told everyone what happened.

It turned out that Tatu quietly walked to the edge of the water, looking around and no one was thinking about getting into the water. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out a foot, a fish jumped out of the water and bit Tatu's foot.

Fortunately, Tatu is not the kind of cowardly man, otherwise he would have yelled out a long time ago, probably the blood from the wound dripped into the water.

Unknown fish jumped up one after another from the water under Tatu's feet, and bit them on Tatu's leg. Tatu endured the pain and crawled back with two or three fish hanging from his leg.

Taya also deliberately brought back three fish, and when Tian Mier told Shi Lei about the situation, she threw the fish stuck on the bone spur on the ground.

"Have you bandaged it?" Shi Lei asked with concern, and as he spoke, he leaned closer to Tatu, tilted his head to see the condition of Tatu's wound, stopped the bleeding with cloth strips, and Shi Lei felt relieved.

Ding Kai and the others also came over, picked up the fish on the ground by its tail, and couldn't help but exclaimed, it was the fat man, "Isn't this a piranha!"

"Keep your voice down!" Tian Mier gave Fatty a dissatisfied look.

Shi Lei also picked up a fish, looked at it for a while under the moonlight, and then sneered, "No wonder this group of people are so confident that they don't even patrol around the camp, that's how it is."

Using the piranhas in the water as a tool to defend against the enemy is more effective than putting a few mines under the water, Shi Lei felt that he should praise this group of people.

Shi Lei threw the piranha on the ground, he looked around at the people on both sides, "What do you think? Tell me."

No one said anything, and they didn't know what to say. Although the three natives of Piranha and Taya didn't know each other, they didn't dare to be careless because of Tatu's experience.

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