There was a reason why Ding Kai admired Shi Lei. They chose a place to camp and wanted to start a fire. Ding Kai's subordinates worked for a long time before there was a spark.

And Luffy has already lit the fire, and there are a few women who usually look weak and weak, all of them have a clear division of labor, and they can do whatever they need to do.

Compared to Ding Kai's side, Shi Lei and the others can be called orderly and well-organized. No matter how you describe it, this really caused a great shock to Ding Kai's heart.

But this also deepened, he wanted to get rid of Shi Lei, Ding Kai wanted to annex Shi Lei and the others, the biggest blocker was Shi Lei, he was the backbone of this group of people, and he had a high voice, everyone believed him.

Ding Kai will never admit it, in fact, he still has some jealousy and resentment against Shi Lei in his heart, if Shi Lei and the others don't know these things, why would he go through so much trouble.

Holding the warm bamboo tube, Shi Lei took a sip of the hot fruit and vegetable soup, anyway, it's fine without a piece of minced meat.

Most of the fruits collected today belong to him, and Guo Jingyi and the others share a few points. As for Ding Kai, what are you talking about?

Shi Lei looked at the surrounding environment, his brows gradually frowned. He turned his head and glanced at the way he came. Sure enough, the route made a lot of bends, and the forest gradually began to grow lush.

At this point, Shi Lei looked up at the treetops above the creek, and he could find that the treetops in the distance were sparse and did not even extend to the top of the creek.

On Shi Lei's side, the canopy of the tree had covered some of the sunlight, and there were patches of shadows falling on the ground. Shi Lei withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Ding Kai who was sitting by another fire.

"Shall we continue walking along the creek? The direction of the creek is towards the forest. If we go further inside, we will easily get lost."

Hearing the words, Ding Kai also observed the surrounding environment, thought for a while and said: "In the afternoon, let's go across the creek and walk directly towards the edge of the forest. What do you think?"

"Okay." Shi Lei nodded, turned his head, and said to everyone: "After eating, remember to fill all the diabolo tubes with water."

Everyone responded, Shi Lei and the others know what saving is, but Ding Kai's can't do it, the bamboo tubes of his subordinates are more than half empty, some even drank all the water in a bamboo tube.

You know, the clear water in this bamboo tube can last for three or four days for Shi Lei and the others, but Shi Lei didn't intend to remind him kindly, but he wasn't worried that the other party would grab some water source. The opponent's reasons.

For the convenience of drinking water, the clean water is boiled for more than ten minutes before putting it into the bamboo tube. Shi Lei and the others have backpacks, so it's okay to be a little hot.

Ding Kai and the others don't know how to do it, but there is a way. After everything is done, it is already afternoon, and the fire and traces will be dealt with as usual.

After it was done, the crowd came to the water, Ding Kai and the others got into the water first, the current here was relatively low, Shi Lei rolled his trouser legs up to his thighs, so he didn't get wet.

After Shi Lei got into the water, he didn't walk over directly, he turned around and reached out to Guo Jingyi who was squatting by the water: "Jingyi, I'll pull you over." There are moss on the water's edge, and the bottom is slippery, if you fall, you don't have any clothes to change .

Shi Lei was holding the shoe in his left hand, Guo Jingyi nodded, and handed it to Shi Lei, she bent down to take off the shoe, Shi Lei quickly turned his head, and at the same time stood in front of Guo Jingyi calmly.

Hmm...he saw a beautiful scenery just now, let's enjoy it slowly, and don't let the group of stinky men opposite see it.

"Chu Yu, let me hold you." After Guo Jingyi entered the water, she held the shoe with Shi Lei's left hand, and then turned around and handed it to Xi Chuyu.

Just like that, the three of them walked slowly to the other side of the water, Luffy and Tatu had already come over while they were talking, and Tayata Motian Mier, the three of them came over steadily on their own.

Not long after landing, the water on his legs was almost dry, Shi Lei's face darkened as soon as he turned around, for no other reason, Ding Kai and his group stared straight at the women, all white Thighs, eyes straightened.

"Cough cough!"

Shi Lei coughed heavily twice, waking up Ding Kai's group. Several women also noticed the situation here, gave Ding Kai and the others a blank look, and quickly put down their clothes. How strict.

"Okay, put on your shoes, we have to hurry up and try to find a safe place to camp before dark." Everyone stayed by the water for a while, waiting for the moisture on their legs to evaporate completely, Shi Lei greeted.

Along the way, whenever Ding Kai had anything to do, he would discuss it with Shi Lei, so they walked in the forest for two days, and they reached the edge of the forest around noon on the third day.

"It's finally here!" Ding Kai and Shi Lei exclaimed in unison.

Ding Kai was happy that Shi Lei would be eliminated in a short time, but Shi Lei heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he would finally not have to deal with Ding Kai.

God knows what's wrong with Ding Kai. He pretended to ask for advice on major and minor matters, and came to discuss with him. In fact, he was reminding him that the leader is Ding Kai.

Shi Lei really wanted to scold Ma De Zhi Zhang, but fortunately, after more than two days of effort, the bodies of the four people with stomach problems finally recovered a lot, so they can find a chance to leave as soon as possible.

"Shi Lei, let's make a fire and cook here." Ding Kai looked around at the surrounding scenery, then pointed to an empty road, and before Shi Lei could speak, he went to greet Guo Jingyi and the others, "Everyone is tired after walking for a long time. Come on, sit down and rest for a while."

Shi Lei's eyes twitched, this Ding Kai is so childish, has he graduated from kindergarten yet?
In the past two days, everyone has eaten up the stored fish, and there is no way to keep it, otherwise it will turn rancid, but today's lunch can only use local materials.

Ding Kai also knew at this time that Shi Lei knew edible plants, so Shi Lei, Guo Jingyi, and Taya walked towards the forest. Ding Kai didn't even respond, he just tilted his head at one of the young men. , beckoning him to follow.

The little guy said it nicely, he was Shi Lei's follower, he came to fetch something that was difficult, every time, Shi Lei got used to it, and he would not be polite if he called the little guy up.

"Jingyi, when we are on our way in the afternoon, tell everyone to get ready, let's find a chance to leave." The young man thought he hadn't been noticed, and stood aside, glancing at Shi Lei and the others from time to time, humming a little song .

What they collect here is edible purslane, nettle grass, dandelion, and some edible succulents.

Shi Lei didn't expect to find so many kinds of food here, but it just gave him a chance to tell Guo Jingyi what he thought.

Guo Jingyi calmly handed the collected plants to Shi Lei, and at the same time replied in a low voice: "Got it."

When Xiao Luo glanced over again, the brief exchange between the two of them was over.

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