It was the tall and thin leader's voice. Fatty and Huang Mao immediately stopped what they were doing when they heard the voice. Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it.

If the fight continues, Shi Lei can't be sure whether he can beat these two people. Thinking about it, Shi Lei went to see Tatu, and almost burst out laughing after seeing it.

No wonder this guy suddenly said to stop, he was caught by Tatu, the tip of the spear was facing the man's neck, and the little man with a bow and arrow beside him was aiming at Tatu.

Shi Lei stood up slowly from the ground, his ankle was still bleeding, Shi Lei casually took out a bandage from his pocket, strangled his ankle hard to stop the bleeding.

He glanced at the two people before and after, and sneered coldly: "Hey, Rang Rang, your boss said stop, don't you understand Chinese?"

"You boy, wait for me!" Huang Mao stared at Shi Lei fiercely, and threatened viciously.

The fat man hid his emotions better, at first Shi Lei glanced over and couldn't see what the fat man was thinking under his gloomy gaze.

A biting dog doesn't bark, this statement is not false at all, compared to the yelling yellow hair, the person Shi Lei is wary of is this fat man with an expressionless face.

Shi Lei took a deep look at the fat man, and walked towards Tatu. When he was one meter away from Tatu, just as Shi Lei stretched out his left foot, a bow and arrow slanted into the ground.

Looking in the direction, it was the little man, as thin as a monkey, seeing Shi Lei looking at him, he warned sinisterly: "One more step, and I'll kill you!"

At this moment, the people in the bushes came out one after another, and their walking steps were a little erratic.

They looked at the situation on the battlefield, and they all walked towards Shi Lei's direction, while the eyes of the yellow-haired and fat man were fixed on the women inside.

But before they could make a move, Taya and Tamo, who had been standing aside all the time, walked over, glared at the two of them warningly, and led the somewhat exhausted people to meet Shi Lei.

"Brother, I have something to discuss. Can you let the brother behind me put down the bone spur first?" At this moment, the leading man who was held hostage by Tatu suddenly spoke.

He looked at Shi Lei and said cautiously, his eyeballs rolled around, and he knew that he had malicious intentions at a glance, Shi Lei turned his head to look at him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's your name?"

"Ding Kai." He said, and asked tentatively, "Could it be that you fell from the plane crash too?" Shi Lei didn't speak, just held the wooden stick with one hand, and stared at him with his arms crossed.

"That was a misunderstanding just now. We thought you were kidnapping a few girls," Ding Kai said with a coy smile. "The beautiful women are pretty, with pale and weak faces. No matter how you look at them, they look like they are tired after the incident... ..."

As Ding Kai spoke, he showed a wretched smile. All the people present were adults. No one knew what he meant. The women frowned in disgust, but they didn't say anything.

But Tian Mier couldn't bear it any longer. She walked to Shi Lei's side with heavy steps, pointed at Ding Kai and yelled, "Fart! Auntie, I don't know that I've been kidnapped. It's clearly malicious, tsk tsk, The skill of opening your eyes and telling nonsense is really good, no wonder you have such a big face!"

"You!" Ding Kai stared at Shi Lei, gritted his teeth, his face was livid with anger, he didn't expect someone to come out to disrupt the stage, and then seemed to think of something, he lowered his head and laughed twice.

Then Ding Kai raised his head, his eyes became gloomy, and he looked at Shi Lei with a cold tone and said quietly: "Do you think there are only a few of us?"

Shi Lei was startled, and immediately thought of Ding Kai's cheating, but Ding Kai didn't look like he was lying, he stared at Ding Kai calmly, and said lightly: "Even if there are reinforcements, as long as you die, What does it matter."

"Hahaha——" Ding Kai raised his head and laughed loudly. After a while, the laughter gradually stopped, and his eyes fell on Shi Lei's face again, "Are you interested in joining us?"

Shi Lei frowned, staring at Ding Kai and before he could speak, he heard faint footsteps from the direction Ding Kai and the others ran towards.

"As long as you join, I, Ding Kai, will pat my chest and promise that I will never hurt you at all," Ding Kai asked while the iron was hot, seeing that everyone was focusing their attention on that side, with a smile that was sure to win.

At this time, the footsteps could be vaguely seen, and it turned out to be five people. They were still holding some things, so they walked a little slowly.

After seeing the situation here, one of them shouted loudly: "Boss! Here we come!"

Shi Lei turned his head and glanced at Guo Jingyi and the others. Their state, let alone fighting, even if they were running away, they would have to be caught up in a short while, not to mention the few people from Tian Mier, each of them had a gun in their hands. a bow and arrow...

"Tatu, let Ding Kai go." Shi Lei calmly said to Tatu, although it is easy for him to say, only Shi Lei knows in his heart how difficult and aggrieved it is to say these words.

Tatu hesitated for a moment, then withdrew the bone spur from Ding Kai's neck, then with a sudden force on his hand, pushed Ding Kai towards the little man.

This is so that he will not hurt himself and Shi Lei who is the closest to Ding Kai, Tatu returned to stand behind Taya, Taya looked at Shi Lei dissatisfied and asked in a low voice: "Just let them go like this?"

"Shi Lei, do we really want to join them?" Tian Mier gritted her teeth and asked holding her breath, "I'm not reconciled! There is a chance to kill Ding Kai."

"Bow your head, in order to raise your head higher in the future." Shi Lei said expressionlessly: "The other party has a lot of people, and if they fight, they will hurt themselves eight hundred times. This kind of thing can't be done."

After saying that, Shi Lei paused and added: "Tatu's chance of killing Ding Kai is not high now, this Ding Kai is very smart, he won't do it clearly."

At this point, Guo Jingyi nodded in agreement. It's not that she didn't miss Ding Kai's eyes at first, but after these few conversations, Ding Kai managed to cover it up very well, which shows that the city is not shallow.

Everyone can understand Shi Lei's meaning, but rationality is one thing, how to think is another. When I think of joining such a team of people, I feel very unwilling in my heart.

"Let's recharge our batteries and leave when we recover," Shi Lei comforted everyone.

He stared at the few people who were getting closer and closer to them, and said sharply: "If they want to seek death, even if they die, I, Shi Lei, will never let them hurt you at all!"

The hearts of the women felt warm, they knew that this was Shi Lei's guarantee with his life, the solemnity in his voice told them that Shi Lei was not joking.

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