Because there were two more people, Zhang Fugui and Chen Hongxia, and they hadn't gone out to hunt, so there was not much food left at this time.

Excluding today's noon food, there are only two meals left, that is to say, if you don't look for food, you will be hungry at noon tomorrow.

This morning, Shi Lei and the others did not forget to look left and right to find something to eat, but they found nothing. At this time, they found the fruit, which was like a timely gift.

However, what exactly is this red fruit tree?Is Taya so happy?This was the voice of Shi Lei and his group, and Shi Lei asked Taya this question for everyone.

"The red fruit tree is a tree planted by the people of our tribe as a road sign. All the trees here are not as tall as it, and no matter the leaves, branches or fruits, they are all red."

As Taya said, she got up and took out the map from her backpack and spread it on the ground beside her. Everyone leaned over and saw Taya raised her finger and pointed to the little red circle on the map and said: "I didn't understand before, why is there such a thing here? , now I understand, it refers to the red fruit tree."

"We're right here." Taya said, drawing a circle with her finger on the map, one point, she said with certainty.

Shi Lei's gaze was attracted by other small red dots on the map. According to what Taya said, they were still a third of the way to their destination. Others also noticed this situation, and their faces were all exposed A look of joy.

"Taya, is the fruit of this red fruit tree really edible?" Shi Lei asked suddenly, he looked at Taya with tangled eyes, and said to himself that it was the first time he had heard of the red tree growing so big. Poisonous, right?
Before Taya could speak, Tatu said proudly, "It's natural, and the taste is particularly good, but this fruit is very rare. The number of fruits produced by the red fruit tree, in your terms, can be counted on the fingers of your fingers."

"Eh... there are so many of us, is there enough food?" Luffy asked hesitantly.

"The red fruits are very big, not to mention people, animals in the forest love to eat them too." Tatu snorted, and said triumphantly, obviously seeing Shi Lei and his group shocked, it was very embarrassing .

There was food ahead, and upon receiving this news, everyone's tired faces returned to their fighting spirit again.

There is a goal, and the pace of walking is brisk. After a short break at noon, everyone is on their way again. In the forest, it is no different from the beach, and it gets dark much earlier than normal.

So everyone could only speed up their pace and hurried towards the direction of the red fruit tree. After walking about a mile, they saw the red fruit tree in sight.

The trunk of the red fruit tree soared into the sky, and the top could not be seen at a glance. In the middle of the big tree, there were more than ten red fruits the size of small leather balls.

Everyone watched and couldn't help swallowing, but none of the excited people noticed that the huge oval honeycomb was hidden by the leaves beside the fruit, it was too far from the ground, and they didn't hear it. The buzzing of bees.

The big tree seems to be quite old, and it is a bit difficult for a person to hug the trunk. The fruit is more than ten meters away from the ground, so the person who goes up to pick it must be good at climbing trees and good at skills, and at the same time, he must stay on the ground. The servants remain vigilant.

Shi Lei originally wanted to go up, but Taya thought it was okay, but Lu Fei raised his hand to shine on Shi Lei's chest, and punched Shi Lei right on the wound.

"Are you sure you can climb up? You won't fall upside down?" Lu Fei said, with a standard smile with eight teeth on his face, which was very flat.

Shi Lei gritted his teeth in pain, arched his body subconsciously, raised his finger to Lu Fei's nose, gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck you!"

In the end, the people who climbed the tree were determined to be Taya, Tatu and Luffy. Tamo climbed the tree well, but the atmosphere between her and Taya was embarrassing, so she didn't go.

Ta Mo and Taya have never communicated with each other, and they even treat each other as air, and as long as one of them is involved in the matter, the other will not go.

Everyone knew why, so every time, Shi Lei deliberately didn't let the two of them get together, no one would do anything except brain-dead and idiots.

"Remember to stay away, don't get hit." Before leaving, Taya turned her head and reminded everyone.

Shi Lei couldn't figure it out, Taya suddenly opened his mouth and explained well: "The red fruit has a hard shell on the outside and pulp inside, so it won't crack if you drop it, but that's the only way to open it when you eat it."

The three climbed up the tree one by one and climbed towards the goal. Although Luffy didn't have much skill, his climbing speed was not lower than that of Tatu and Taya.

After a while, they surpassed the two and climbed under the target branch first. Luffy found a thick branch to step on, stabilized his figure, and then raised his hand to pick the fruit. Taya reminded loudly: "Don't pick it, Just hit the red fruit directly on the ground."

Luffy had already climbed the tree before, and he didn't hear Tamo's explanation, but he also knew that Taya had to listen to this matter, so he didn't say anything.

He lifted a branch with his hand, and knocked the red fruit to the ground one by one from the place where the red fruit was connected to the branch of the big tree. Tatu and Taya each found a branch to step on, and fought with Luffy.

After a while, the faces of Tatu and Taya both changed, and Taya said anxiously to Luffy: "Get down!"

What, Luffy went to look at Taya for some reason, he didn't stop the movement of his hand, and repeated the movement of beating, this beating could poke the honeycomb.

The oval honeycomb fell from the lush branches, and the bee colony was disturbed in an instant. Luffy also heard the sound at this time. When he turned his head, he saw the bees gathering. At this time, he also understood what Taya was talking about. What.

The three hurriedly climbed down the tree, but no matter how fast they were, they were not as fast as the bee with wings. Luffy was so frightened that his voice changed: "Taya, what should we do?"


Luffy rolled his eyes, and said that it was the same as nothing, and Taya has nothing to do now, who would have thought that there are beehives in that kind of place.

On the way down, the skin of the three people exposed to the air was stung by bees several times, but fortunately the honeycomb fell quickly, and the bees were all taken down.

But the people below were not so lucky, Shi Lei stared at the falling red fruits, not to mention how happy he was, but at this moment, something with different shapes and colors appeared in his sight .

Shi Lei took a closer look, then quickly turned his head and yelled at everyone: "Get out the animal skin quickly! Hurry up!" Shi Lei took Guo Jingyi's things, so he distributed the animal skin to others.

It's too late to run now, and people can't run away from bees. The only thing we can do is to wrap people in animal skins as tightly as possible.

Everyone was stunned, and then they saw the bees flying out of the beehive. Guo Jingyi rushed to the package first, and threw two animal skins onto Tian Mier, Ta Mo, and Xi Chuyu with difficulty.

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