Only the wound on the waist remained, the part here is a bit special, Shi Lei snatched the wooden stick quickly, before the two of them could speak, he said quickly: "I'll do it myself, you go and see those two people."

Taya looked at Shi Lei with an ugly expression, her face turned dark instantly when she heard him say that, she snorted angrily, and turned her head to leave.

Seeing this, Shi Lei quickly lowered his voice, and whispered to the two of them: "I think they have a problem, you go and have a look, and think about how to deal with it."

Although what Zhang Fugui said sounded true, but Shi Lei's intuition told him that he wasn't telling the truth. This Zhang Fugui looked honest and honest, but in fact he spoke half truth and half lie. Shi Lei didn't dare to believe him easily.

Guo Jingyi nodded when she heard the words, looked at Shi Lei with concern and said, "You take the medicine well, don't worry." After a word of advice, Guo Jingyi walked towards the two people.

When Taya and Tatu saw Guo Jingyi approaching, they all let go of the person in their hands. They were worried that the two would cheat and run away. Shi Lei and the others escaped from the cage just as a warning.

The bodies of the two people were suddenly loosened, one of them lost his footing, and both fell to the ground. Chen Hongxia and Zhang Fugui both looked ugly, but they gritted their teeth and said nothing.

Guo Jingyi stopped not far from the two of them, looked at the two of them, the two sat up from the ground with difficulty, Zhang Fugui saw the slender legs in front of him at a glance, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and disappeared in the blink of an eye Yes, very well concealed.

Chen Hongxia raised her head to look at Guo Jingyi, and saw that Guo Jingyi was so beautiful, with a well-proportioned figure, and there was a look of jealousy in her eyes.

Guo Jingyi seemed to be aware of it, and took advantage of the situation to look over, and did not miss the momentary change of expression between the two of them. This kind of thing can be hidden from others.

In front of Guo Jingyi, no matter how well you pretend, you can tell who you are in your bones. There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and then she returned to her expressionless face. Without saying a word, she turned and left.

Shi Lei also wrapped the wound on his waist with a bandage, and Lu Fei came over. He rubbed his hands and looked at Shi Lei, hesitated for a moment before asking: "Shi Lei, can you also take a look at my back? Things..."

When it came to the end, Lu Fei shrank obviously, obviously a little scared, Xi Chuyu and Tian Mier were already checking each other at the side.

Shi Lei nodded, and quickly finished reading. Under Lu Fei's apprehensive gaze, Shi Lei shook his head lightly, and Lu Fei let out a sudden breath.

Seeing Guo Jingyi coming, Shi Lei rolled his eyes, looked up at Guo Jingyi, and asked solemnly: "Jingyi, do you need to check your back, if there are bugs, you can get them off early, don't be like me."

Shi Lei's eyes were full of malicious smiles, obviously teasing Guo Jingyi, but Guo Jingyi just gave him a blank look, and then said lightly: "Those two people can't stay." Obviously, Guo Jingyi also felt something was wrong, and She intends to get rid of the trouble forever.

"Speaking of which, you are not curious, what are the plans of these two people?" Luffy interrupted suddenly, and said, he raised his hand and touched his chin, "I feel that these two people are not sent by C Group. "

Seeing Guo Jingyi and Shi Lei looking at him in puzzlement, Lu Fei then explained: "I asked Taya just now, when I caught them, they didn't even know how to resist, and they didn't even know kung fu."

C Group, through Sha Xing and Lin Haining, Shi Lei has a vague concept of this term, people are either strong in force or high in IQ.

These two people always feel that it is impossible. These two people may have some cleverness, but they are not enough to compare with Sha Nai, and their tracking skills are scumbags.

"If this is the case, we can't kill innocent people indiscriminately," Shi Lei said after a moment of pondering, "Otherwise, Lu Fei, you go and call everyone over, let's discuss it."

Luffy nodded, got up and left, and after a while, everyone came back and forth, the purpose of which Luffy had already told them.

Shi Lei wasn't interested in talking nonsense, so he went straight to the point, glanced around the crowd, and said straight to the point: "Tell me, what should these two do."

"That man just now, look at my eyes," Tian Mi'er curled her lips, looked aggrieved, looked at Shi Lei with disgust, and said delicately: "So wretched, he must not be a good person! Shi Lei, if you let him go, what will happen to you?" Once he bears a grudge against us, how about revenge?"

When Guo Jingyi heard this, she remembered Zhang Fugui's appearance just now, and couldn't help frowning. Women are always the most sensitive to this kind of gaze.

Although she wasn't interested in caring about this look, this man was indeed quite lecherous. Shi Lei used to play hooligans sometimes, but it was different from this man's obscene gaze.

Xi Chuyu expressed his support for Shi Lei's decision, and Lu Fei and Taya were more concerned about whether they belonged to Group C or not.

After discussing for a long time, Shi Lei couldn't come up with an effective idea. Shi Lei couldn't help but touch his forehead. When he was worrying, Shi Lei suddenly thought that Zhang Fugui had said before that their camp was nearby.

"Let them go!" Shi Lei's sudden sentence stunned everyone, Shi Lei's attitude was obviously more inclined to kill these two people, why did he suddenly...

Shi Lei summarized the key points of what Zhang Fugui said just now, and briefly told everyone. Before Shi Lei finished speaking, Guo Jingyi said: "You want to follow them and see if what they say is true or not?"

Shi Lei nodded, and Guo Jingyi asked again: "What if they follow the plan and lead you into the battle?"

"The forest here is dense, as long as we run towards the high bushes, we will definitely be able to escape the pursuers." Shi Lei was worried about this.

"Shi Lei, I support you." Taya said suddenly, she glanced at Guo Jingyi out of the corner of her eye, the meaning was self-evident.

Guo Jingyi sneered, and directly ignored Taya's provocation, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, Shi Lei looked at the two women left and right, coughed, and changed the subject: "I'll go tell them, you guys come too."

Shi Lei first warned Zhang Fugui and Chen Hongxia a few words, and then said: "Remember, if we find you following you again, don't blame me for being rude, get out!"

Taya asked Tatu and Tamo to let them go, Tatu was surprised and agreed, but Tamo looked at Shi Lei, waiting for his intention, Shi Lei nodded, and then she untied Chen Hongxia.

The two looked at each other, and after looking at each other for a while, they didn't leave, the man walked towards Shi Lei's direction, Lu Fei and Taya on both sides raised the wooden stick in their hands quickly.

"Don't move!" Luffy scolded coldly.

Zhang Fugui quickly raised his hands, just now he was suddenly untied, so he moved his stiff arms, and then walked towards Shi Lei, as if he was about to roll up his sleeves and fight.

"Excuse me, can you take us with you?"

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