The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched, before he had time to explain, he raised his hand to take off the backpack. During the movement, Shi Lei felt a tightness on his back. When he was carrying the backpack before, he was fine.

"Chu Yu, help me lift up my clothes, I think there is something on my back." Shi Lei turned around, turned his back to Xi Chuyu, and said wrinkled.

Xi Chuyu was startled, looked at Shi Lei in disbelief, and muttered in a low voice: "Shi Lei, don't you want to use this opportunity to play hooligans?"

What time is this!Shi Lei couldn't help but hold his forehead, and complained weakly, "I feel like there's something on my back." Shi Lei paused, thought for a while and then said, "It's a strange feeling."

Seeing Shi Lei's seriousness, Xi Chuyu still didn't believe it, but since Shi Lei said so, Xi Chuyu couldn't help it.

She raised her hand to grab the skirt of Shi Lei's shirt behind, and pulled the skirt out of the trousers, this was to prevent any bugs from getting into the clothes, Shi Lei also tied up the trouser legs, although it looked ugly.

Xi Chuyu lifted Shi Lei's clothes up disapprovingly, thinking that the backpack must be tight, Shi Lei's bag is tighter than a rice dumpling, what can it fit in.

As soon as Xi Chuyu lifted the clothes up, Xi Chuyu glanced at them and couldn't help screaming, "Ah!" As soon as he let go of Shi Lei's clothes, Xi Chuyu subconsciously took two steps backwards.

Xi Chuyu's scream was quite loud, and Shi Lei was some distance away from her, so it was harsh to hear, and other people naturally heard it, as well as the person in the dark.

The others noticed Shi Lei's side just now, and thought they were going to start acting. When they heard Xi Chuyu's scream, they all praised Xi Chuyu's lifelike performance in their hearts, and they all ran over.

Quickly asking what happened, Guo Jingyi could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Xi Chuyu's expression, her face was pale, and the frightened expression in her eyes was not pretending at all. Guo Jingyi's heart skipped a beat when she thought of this.

"Chu Yu, what's going on?" Guo Jingyi hurriedly asked, she seemed to have seen Xi Chuyu lift Shi Lei's clothes just now, could it be that something happened to Shi Lei?He was not hurt?
When Xi Chuyu heard this, the picture she saw just now appeared in her mind again. Xi Chuyu swore that she would remember this disgusting scene for the rest of her life.

"There are... there are bugs!" Xi Chuyu raised his hand, pointed at Shi Lei's back, and said incoherently in a trembling voice: "There are a lot! Everyone, look! Bugs! On Shi Lei's back! It's densely packed!"

Shi Lei didn't turn around, and his complexion wasn't much better. Xi Chuyu was looking at his back. Hearing Xi Chuyu's words, Shi Lei had a vague guess in his mind, probably it was a bug in the tropics.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, Guo Jingyi walked up to Shi Lei's expression, frowned and said in a low voice, "Shi Lei, take off your shirt."

Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, then turned his head to glance at the women, and asked hesitantly: "You three women, why don't you avoid it?"

"Whispering!" Before the others could speak, Guo Jingyi's expression fell, and she scolded in a cold voice, "Hurry up! What time is this?"

Shi Lei raised his hand, swallowed, comforting himself in his heart, it's just a few bugs, it's okay, Shi Lei unbuttoned his shirt one by one to the last one, he grabbed the front of the shirt with both hands, and took off the shirt.

As soon as they got off their backs, the eyes of the three women and Lu Fei were all as big as bells. Even Guo Jingyi, who had always been calm, was full of shock in her eyes.

On Shi Lei's back, there was a black thing the size of a palm. If you looked closely, you would find that it was a combination of small, black bugs the size of fingernails.

The little bug stuck to Shi Lei's back, motionless, that scene, only those who have seen it will know, even those who have no fear, can't bear it.

"What exactly is it?" Shi Lei turned his head, looked at the four people and asked, seeing that the expressions of the four people were not right, he tilted his head curiously to look at his back, but he could only see his shoulders.

Lu Fei walked up to Shi Lei's side, hesitated for a moment and asked, "Shi Lei, do you feel any discomfort?"

Shi Lei shook his head, seeing Lu Fei staring at him hesitant to speak, he frowned and said, "Say what you want."

Lu Fei told Shi Lei what he saw, and Shi Lei's heart shuddered when he heard it, and his back felt uneasy, and his heart was uneasy. This insect will not have the same temper as the Gu ink snake, and it can parasitize in the flesh and blood, right?

At this moment, two screams were heard not far away, a man and a woman, the voices were very strange, and they came from the direction they passed by.

Shi Lei put his shirt on his arm, turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, and guessed that Taya and the others had caught that person. He felt a little strange in his heart, why did the C group send a man and a woman? to follow them.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw the bushes move slightly and was pulled away by a wheat-colored hand. It was Taya, and Tatu and Tamo, who were escorting a man and a woman, came out behind her.

The two people were restrained by their backhands, and they pushed and shoved to the front of the crowd. The place was full of bushes and there was no open space. In order to prevent the two people from taking the opportunity to escape, they cleared the surrounding bushes and made a small open space .

Shi Lei was shirtless all the time, he walked up to the two shivering people whose hands and feet were bound by tree bark, and looked at them, both of them looked to be in their 30s.

The man is a little gray-haired, with a Chinese character face, he looks honest and honest, but Shi Lei didn't miss it, his eyes flashed from time to time.

The woman's long hair was a little dirty, and it became a braid hanging behind her back. Her hair was a little messy, her face was still a little gray, her skin was well-maintained, without any wrinkles, her eyes were raised, her lips were red, her figure was also protruding. She is a pretty young woman.

The two of them were fairly clean, and it was okay to know at a glance, at least they were not hungry, and there was some dust on their knees, which was probably rubbed on by Taya and the others when they were arresting them just now.

While Shi Lei was sizing up the two of them, they were also observing Shi Lei. Seeing that Shi Lei had a kind expression on his face, and he didn't look like someone to be trifled with, his nervous expression eased obviously.

"Why are you following us? What's your purpose?" Shi Lei asked with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, in a cold tone.

As he spoke, he raised his hand and drew out the saber at his waist, looked at the two men whose expressions suddenly changed, and said murderously, "If you dare to tell a single word of lies, I'll cut you to pieces!"

The man who looked honest and honest said anxiously: "This is a misunderstanding! Brother, you are so arrogant, my wife and I didn't follow you on purpose, we are also desperate!"

"That's right, brother, we saw a fire by chance yesterday, so we went over to have a look," the woman quickly echoed, "My husband and I haven't eaten or drank all day, and we want to go and ask for food. I was worried that I would not give it, so I followed you all the time."

The two of them were talking, and they secretly looked at Shi Lei, their expressions were uneasy, for fear that Shi Lei would kill them if he was upset.

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