At this time, it is natural not to take risks and rush on the road. Luffy and Tatu visually inspected a relatively flat place covered with low plants, and cleaned everything up to expose the ground.

Although this is troublesome, relatively speaking, it is safer. Even if any snakes, rats, insects and ants come over, they can be found.

After the camp was cleaned up, Shi Lei got up and said to everyone: "Jingyi and Chu Yu, the three of you are here to make the wooden frame and prepare the food for tonight, Taya Lufei Tatu, you go find the firewood and be responsible for starting the fire, Ta Mo, Tian Mier, I, how about setting up the tent for today, and come over to help after you are done working?"

No one has any objections, division of labor and cooperation, busy but orderly, Shi Lei always remembered what Taya said, the further you go this way, the more dangerous it is, so he specially told everyone not to act alone.

The main supporting point of the tent was built quickly with the cooperation of Shi Lei and the other three. They folded many large leaves and placed them on top of the tent. Then they used dry leaves as an insulation layer, and then covered them with a large layer of Leaves.

After the tent is set up, today's dinner is also ready, today's wind is a bit strong, although Shi Lei is very curious, in this kind of dense forest, why there is such a thing that can make the flames jump three or four times grade wind.

The fire cannot be extinguished overnight. The fire is not only for lighting, but also for heating, and to warn the beasts who are holding in the dark. They are afraid of fire, and they will run away when they see the flames.

Therefore, after dinner, Shi Lei was not in a hurry to rest, he glanced around the people present, and finally fixed his eyes on Tian Mier, who was wearing a lot of clothes, and Tatu, who was already accustomed to the climate.

"Tatu, Tian Mier, you and I go there together and cut down some thick tree trunks. Let's make a windbreak, otherwise the branches will be used up before midnight."

With the help of the wind, the fire will burn much faster than usual, Shi Lei's worry is not unreasonable, the two of them both agreed that it is okay.

Others wanted to go, Shi Lei had no choice but to comfort him: "You guard the camp, with so little clothes on your body, if you catch a cold, the loss outweighs the gain."

"That's right, there must be a reason why Shi Lei didn't let you go." Tian Mi'er quickly echoed, but her words sounded awkward no matter how she heard them. Fortunately, everyone knows that this girl's temperament is straightforward.

It was a little troublesome to build the windbreak, but fortunately Shi Lei and the others went to cut down trees, and those who stayed in the camp built the windbreak, which saved a lot of time.

The windbreak wall is difficult to build, mainly because there is no way to fix the stacked tree trunks one by one. In the end, Guo Jingyi found a way to insert a few pairs of wooden sticks on both sides, put the trunks inside one by one, and tie the top with a bark rope .

In order to fix it, the inside of the wall was specially supported by wooden sticks on the ground. The wall is not too high, but as soon as it is finished, the effect is obvious. The temperature of the tent and the fire here has obviously risen a lot.

After finishing, everyone stayed for a while, and then went back to rest in the tent, except for the two guards, who sat by the windbreak wall, and it was quite warm.

After a busy day today, Shi Lei felt drowsy as soon as he lay down, and his consciousness became blurred after a while. When Shi Lei woke up again, it was just the time for him to change his guard. Today, he and Guo Jingyi went to guard, and the time was late at night.

There is a thick layer of leaves under the windbreak wall, and some wooden walls made of small tree trunks extend out on both sides. Except that there is no roof, it is not much worse than a tent, but it just cannot sleep.

Since he couldn't sleep, he could only divert his attention by talking, Shi Lei thought, yawned, and said vaguely: "Jingyi, are you cold?"

"It's not cold." Guo Jingyi said lightly.

After finishing speaking, the two fell silent again. Shi Lei looked at the fire not far away, his vision gradually blurred, and after a while, Shi Lei finally came back to his senses.

He stared at the fire in a somewhat disappointed mood, and murmured, "How long will it take to get out." He seemed to be asking Guo Jingyi, and also seemed to be talking to himself.

"Do you miss home?" Guo Jingyi asked softly, and as she spoke, Guo Jingyi's eyes showed a look of longing, "I don't know, what happened to them."

Shi Lei was silent for a while, then said in a cold tone: "I guess they will be happy to celebrate when they hear that something happened to me."

Guo Jingyi was startled, turned to look at Shi Lei, but saw Shi Lei staring at the fire with no expression on his face, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, which hadn't fallen.

"You..." Guo Jingyi opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but at this moment, out of the corner of Guo Jingyi's eyes, she suddenly saw the leaves of the bushes on the right shaking, and Guo Jingyi instantly became alert.

Shi Lei also noticed the changes in the people around him, Shi Lei glanced at Guo Jingyi in confusion, Guo Jingyi raised her finger and pointed to Shi Lei's right, signaling him to look over.

Shi Lei turned his head, but the bushes had already calmed down, Shi Lei knew that Guo Jingyi would not tease him, something must be wrong, his expression became serious.

"Jingyi, what's wrong?"

"I feel something over there." Guo Jingyi said what she saw just now.

Shi Lei narrowed his eyes, and after thinking about it, he lowered his voice and said, "Don't turn your head to look, get up, let's add branches to the fire, remember to take a peek."

Guo Jingyi nodded, got up at the same time as Shi Lei, and moved two steps towards the fire in front. While walking, Shi Lei inadvertently glanced around the camp.

It was pitch black behind him, he couldn't see anything, the reason why he could see the two sides was because the firelight had passed through, when he knelt down to grab the branches, Shi Lei observed carefully, but found nothing.

Shi Lei muttered to himself, could it be that Jing Yi is too sensitive and overthinking?It is also possible to say that the wind is so strong today, and the branches of the bushes are so light, it is very possible to be blown.

Thinking about it, Shi Lei raised his head and looked at the bushes on the right from the corner of his eye, but unexpectedly, he saw a bright and dark eye looking towards him.

Shi Lei was startled, and quickly looked away. The reason why he could see it just now was because the moonlight suddenly shone through. When Shi Lei looked again, calmness had returned.

Those eyes are too far away, Shi Lei is not sure whether it is a human or an animal, but what Guo Jingyi said is true, Shi Lei added a handful of branches, patted the ashes on his hands, and said to Guo Jingyi calmly: "Jingyi, go back, there are enough branches."

Guo Jingyi responded, but she didn't see it. After the two returned to the windbreak wall, Shi Lei raised his hand and hooked Guo Jingyi's shoulder, and put his head close to Guo Jingyi's neck, which shocked Guo Jingyi.

"Don't move." Shi Lei whispered in Guo Jingyi's ear, Shi Lei's voice was serious, it didn't seem like he wanted to play hooligans at all.

Guo Jingyi felt strange, when she was about to ask Shi Lei what happened, Shi Lei simply said what he saw just now.

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