Taya wrapped up the wound on her wrist with a bandage. In fact, she was thinking about opening the wound that she had inflicted with a hidden weapon before, so as to squeeze out some blood.

When Shi Lei heard this, his face turned dark immediately, and he explained a lot of reasons to Tayabalabala with a serious expression. Generally speaking, he asked her to take good care of her body and not allow her to hurt her wounds again.

The map was handed over to Tian Mier and Lu Fei. They didn't have anything in their hands, so they could only use their clothes as cloth strips, and use charcoal pencils with human blood as ink to draw the map on it.

The blood belonged to Taya. In fact, everyone wanted to use their own blood. After all, the lines drawn with charcoal were stored for a short time, but Taya disagreed. To borrow Shi Lei's words, let them not get injured again.

For the first time, Shi Lei experienced the feeling of lifting a rock and hitting his own foot, it's so fucking sour and wonderful.

Tian Mier and Lu Fei didn't take too long to draw. Drawing a map is simple, and the lines are simple, but it takes a lot of time to redraw the map route as it is on the parchment.

The two of them were busy, and the others were not idle either. Shi Lei asked them all to think about what else is possible to show the invisible text.

After the two finished the drawing, Shi Lei also summed up the ideas everyone said, then turned to look at Taya and asked, "Start?"

Taya nodded with heavy eyes, and when Shi Lei took the map, she raised her heart. Grandma told her since she was a child, to protect the map and the treasure, but Taya didn't know what her decision was. Right or wrong.

But... Taya thought, looking at Shi Lei who had already got her consent to go and get busy with Guo Jingyi, her heart was sweet.

Shi Lei can actually ignore it, seeing his sweetheart busy with her affairs seriously, how can his heart be sweet, but it would be better if he replaced the people around Shi Lei with himself, Taya thought silently.

"Jingyi, let's try a corner with water first." Shi Lei said to Guo Jingyi who was holding the map, and while speaking, he reached out and took the bamboo tube that was placed aside, and unscrewed it.

In fact, there are many ways for people to say it. In addition to the fire and blood that have been used, there are also words that are revealed with iodophor, special potions, and ultraviolet lamps.

However, due to the limited things around me, I can only do the simplest experiment first. The map is not afraid of fire, but it does not mean that it is not afraid of water.

Shi Lei didn't have that much confidence, he would appear when he touches the water, he is not a god, in order to prevent the map from being destroyed, Shi Lei made the most prudent choice.

"I'll hold it here, you can dip the corner in the water." Guo Jingyi suggested.

Shi Lei pinched a corner of the map, and slowly dipped it into the lid of the bamboo tube that had already been poured with water. At first, he quickly picked it up, but Shi Lei took a closer look, not even a drop of water got on it.

Well, it won't be waterproof, will it?As Shi Lei thought about it, he twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, feeling overwhelmed. Everyone was watching Shi Lei's every move nervously.

Shi Lei didn't feel good and gave up all of a sudden. After thinking about it, he comforted himself in his heart, but it was just a moment, so it didn't explain anything.

What's more, the material of this map is sheepskin. Shi Lei didn't do it like before this time, but pressed a corner of the sheepskin roll into the lid of the bamboo tube, and then used the thumb and index finger of his left hand to touch the water and pinch the corner.

Picking it up again and seeing that it was indeed covered with water, Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, but within two breaths, Shi Lei's heart lifted again.

The corner of the sheepskin roll was stained with water, the place Shi Lei was pinching was the boundary between the dry and wet parts, who knew that in the blink of an eye, Shi Lei felt that the dry part had also become wet.

Shi Lei quickly put the lid of the bamboo tube on the ground, and stretched out the corners of the map to have a look, Shi Lei almost jumped up from the ground, he was dumbfounded watching the water spread towards other places at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This water doesn't absorb much, does it?" Shi Lei muttered strangely, "Is this map perfect?" Taya's hand was cut by a hidden weapon last time, and it was also a little bit of blood, which made the map appear line.

To be honest, thinking about it now, the hidden weapon was probably put there on purpose by the person who set up the mechanism, so that the person who took the map would know how to check the map.

I just don't know if there is the limit of blood relationship in martial arts novels, Shi Lei thought wildly, his hands kept moving, thinking of wringing out the water in the corner of the map quickly, but it was of no use.

Soon, the entire map was soaked with water, and the area of ​​the map was not too large, just the size of a small square.

"Jingyi, don't you think this map is weird?" Shi Lei and Guo Jingyi held one side of the map, and they opened the map, Shi Lei asked quietly.

Guo Jingyi was silent, she pursed her lips and looked at the map in front of her, her clenched hands tightened subconsciously, Shi Lei felt a little strange, turned her head and saw Guo Jingyi's tense body.

"Are you afraid of ghosts?" Shi Lei asked a little funny.

Guo Jingyi glared at Shi Lei from embarrassment when she heard this, and said stiffly, "You're afraid of ghosts!"

Shi Lei pursed his lips, and looked at the map again. Seeing that Shi Lei was still in the mood to speak, the others thought it was all right. No one knew how nervous Shi Lei was.

Seeing this, Shi Lei's eyes widened involuntarily, he raised his hand and grabbed Guo Jingyi's clothes, exclaimed: "Look!"

"Ah!" Guo Jingyi was taken aback, she gritted her teeth, glanced unkindly at Shi Lei who hadn't noticed, gritted her teeth to hold back the anger in her heart, and went to look at the map.

The others also heard Shi Lei's exclamation, and hurriedly got up from the ground, ran behind Shi Lei, stretched their necks to look at the map.

Taya has been sitting next to Shi Lei, she doesn't need to get up, she just needs to turn her head to see that she has been in a daze just now, entangled in the consequences of the map.

Hearing the sound, Taya stretched her neck to take a look, Taya's eyes turned red, she raised her arms and hugged Shi Lei, cheering excitedly: "Shi Lei, thank you!"

After speaking, Taya said seriously to the others: "Thank you." Taya was so happy that she was so excited that she was a little incoherent.

Shi Lei patted Taya on the shoulder, without saying anything, Guo Jingyi pursed her lips, turned her head pretending not to care, and looked at the map, forcibly suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

After Taya's mood calmed down, she let go of Shi Lei, secretly wiped away the excited tears from her eyes, and then said to Shi Lei with a somewhat awkward expression: "Go and look at the map."

Shi Lei did the water test, but he didn't have any hope at all. It was a mistake, and it really succeeded. What's even more gratifying is that none of the previous routes and outlines disappeared.

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