The girl was put down by Shi Lei, and the native stood aside in surprise, looked at Shi Lei worriedly, hesitated for a while before saying: "This person is too dangerous, you..."

"I'll go and tell Taya myself, don't worry." Shi Lei smiled, he knew that the natives were worried, if this girl hurt someone, he, the guard, would be the one who was unlucky.

Hearing what Shi Lei said, the natives were relieved. Taya walked there a few steps away. On the way, Shi Lei turned to look at the girl beside him and asked, "My name is Shi Lei. How about you? Get to know me, my savior." .”

"My name is Tian Mier!" Tian Mier raised her hand, shook Shi Lei's hand, and then said arrogantly: "Hmph, now that you know, don't attack me in the future, you know? Let me tell you, I'm angry Come on, super fierce!"

Whether a person knows martial arts or not, sometimes a handshake can detect one or two, this Tian Mier, don't look soft and cute on the outside, as soon as she holds this hand, Shi Lei knows that this girl's kung fu is not low, and There is a big difference between people who know how to walk and those who can't, and experts can see it.

As soon as the two came to Taya's side, Taya turned her head when she heard the voice, saw Tian Mier at a glance, frowned, looked at Shi Lei, and asked calmly, "This is it?"

Taya's memory is not bad, and she recognized Tian Mier at a glance. She was the only woman among the captives, especially her weak appearance, which made Taya feel very uncomfortable when she first saw her. Like, too weak.

Shi Lei told Taya about the situation, and Taya's eyes changed from disapproval to surprise, she really didn't expect that this girl would... save Shi Lei and the others a few times.

Now that Shi Lei has said that, Taya can't say anything. Taya has experienced the pain of bereavement and has grown a lot. She will no longer be jealous of other women around Shi Lei as before.

Taya could clearly see Shi Lei's attitude towards them, there was no meaning of love at all, it was all posted by those women, since this was the case, Taya also changed the way of getting along.

Shi Lei and Tian Mier left the burning place together, Lin Haining was killed, so it's pointless to stay, Taya still has a lot of things to deal with, Shi Lei is too embarrassed to stay and disturb.

Just like that, Shi Lei led Tian Mier towards the resting place of Guo Jingyi and the others, Tian Mier followed closely beside Shi Lei.

"Tian Mier, do you have any plans?" Shi Lei asked suddenly while walking.

It is impossible for Tian Mier to stay in the tower tribe just after she was released from captivity by herself. No matter whether she has hurt the natives or not, she has stayed under Lin Haining's hands.

The natives have a blood feud with them, so it is impossible to accept Tian Mier. It is even more unrealistic for Tian Mier to leave alone. No matter how high her force value is, Tian Mier is still alone.

Coupled with her weak and deceitful appearance, how many troubles she will encounter, the more Shi Lei thinks about it, the more worried he becomes.

After much deliberation, the only option is to invite Tian Mier to join their team. After all, this girl saved him, and besides, with Tian Mier's skill, she can still contribute.

Shi Lei couldn't express his point directly, so he could only ask Tian Mier in a roundabout way, but Tian Mier suddenly stopped, gritted his teeth and asked him, "Are you going to take me in?"

"Eh..." Shi Lei looked at Tian Mier awkwardly, and said to himself, how do I know if you are happy or not?
"Bastard! I'll draw a circle and curse you, you'll have to eat grass all day today!" Tian Mier yelled at Shi Lei angrily, and then walked forward with heavy steps regardless of Shi Lei's reaction.

Shi Lei looked confused, what did he say?I have to eat grass today...

"Hey, you're going the wrong way, go this way."

"Stinky Shilei, don't talk to me, my aunt is very angry!"

When he returned to the place where the tent was set up, there was no one there. Shi Lei stopped the passing natives and asked them, only to find out that Guo Jingyi and the others had already been placed in the room.

Wasn't Shi Lei and the others in the tribe before, did the black snake bewitch? Just in case, the aborigines thoroughly checked the tribe, and then used a kind of herbal medicine to ignite the ashes, turned it into water, and sprinkled it in the tribe. It is said that it was the aborigines. The rules, like salt, are used to exorcise evil spirits.

After they were done, Guo Jingyi and the others were invited by the natives to the room that had been tidied up. It was a small courtyard with a very nice environment.

Shi Lei was led by the aborigines and walked into the small courtyard. The walls here are different from the previous ones. They are not fences but wooden walls. The room is taller and more spacious than before. In the courtyard, the aborigines have already built fire shelves , and piles of firewood in the corner, water and all kinds of things.

"Tian Mier, sit here for a while, I'll go and have a look." Shi Lei turned his head and said to Tian Mier who was looking at the courtyard.

There are a total of eight houses in the small courtyard, Shi Lei first went to the one closest to him, no one was there, the second, third, no one.

Shi Lei felt it was very strange, but he continued to search patiently from room to room. When he reached the sixth room, Shi Lei had just walked to the door when he heard voices and Xi Chuyu's suppressed crying.

"Chu Yu, just eat something. If you don't eat, your body will not be able to take it anymore. Lin Haining has been killed by Shi Lei," Lu Fei's voice sounded. The voice spoke, only to hear him continue: "Look, this is the little rabbit I made, do you see how beautiful it is?"

Xi Chuyu didn't speak, and the crying suddenly became louder. Shi Lei was worried about Chu Yu's situation, raised his hand and knocked on the door frame, then lifted the curtain and walked in.

Hearing the sound, everyone turned their eyes towards the door. Xi Chuyu saw that it was Shi Lei, and turned to face in, obviously not wanting to see Shi Lei.

Guo Jingyi walked to Shi Lei's side and said softly, "Chu Yu is in a bad mood, you..."

Shi Lei waved his hand to signal that he knew, Shi Lei took a step and walked to the bedside, Xi Chuyu kept pricking up his ears to listen to the movement, when he heard the footsteps, he raised his hand to pull up the quilt on his body and covered his head.

The quilts of the aborigines are made of animal skins, and the weather at this time is not too cold, not to mention that this is a tropical area, if Xi Chuyu stays stuffy in it like this, he will definitely suffer from heat stroke.

Shi Lei turned his head, waved at Lu Fei, Guo Jingyi, and Ta Mo, signaling them all to go out, and when there were only two people left in the room, Shi Lei raised his hand and grabbed the animal skin on Xi Chuyu's body, pulled it off vigorously, and Just throw it aside.

"What are you doing!" Xi Chuyu got up from the bed abruptly, looked up at Shi Lei angrily, a trace of resentment and entanglement flashed in his eyes.

How could Xi Chuyu not feel bad because her brother died, but she also knew that it was not Shi Lei's fault.

Shi Lei didn't speak, he pulled out the saber from his waist with his right hand, grabbed Xi Chuyu's right hand with his left hand, and put the handle of the saber on Xi Chuyu's hand.

"Chu Yu, if you hate me, you kill me now, and I, Shi Lei, will never move."

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