Shi Lei shared his guess with the three of them. After saying this, they also felt that it was too easy to get in, although the guess is not sure whether it is right or wrong.

Now, they have no way out, and they can't give up. The only thing they can do now is to find a map, and destroy it if they can't take it away!

"Taya, think about it, is there any special place here? For example, mechanism? Secret compartment?" Guo Jingyi moved to Taya's side, reminding Taya while thinking about the places where it is easy to have mechanism.

Taya lowered her eyes and pondered, and Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng were not idle either. They had never seen the agency, but the TV series, novels, miscellaneous books, Internet knowledge, etc. were not for nothing.

At this tense moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps at the door, and the four of them heard it clearly. Taya quickly extinguished the fire, and Guo Jingyi came to the wall, while Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng quietly walked to the two sides of the door, holding He was vigilant with the bone knife.

The visitor held a torch in his hand, and walked in as soon as he opened the door. He used the light of the fire to make a gesture to look to the right, and the light of the torch illuminated the entire tent.

Seeing this, Shi Lei made a gesture of wiping his neck at Xi Chupeng, rushed to the side of the neck of the visitor with a stride, raised his hand and stabbed at the neck of the visitor.

Who knows that this person is not a good person, he heard the wind, turned sideways, and dodged Shi Lei's attack, Xi Chupeng also rushed out when he saw this, and kicked the torch away, Taya quickly caught the torch with his eyes .

Guo Jingyi took out a bow and arrow from behind, drew the bow and set the arrow, pointed at this person with a bow and arrow, aimed at the chest of the visitor, and hit the abdomen.

This is a man with long hair, he is tall and strong, and his strength is not bad. However, Xi Chupeng has experienced many battles, and his legs have suppressed him. Seeing that something bad was going to happen, Shi Lei cut his throat with a bone knife.

Unexpectedly, before Shi Lei could make a move, a dart flew in from outside the door, just stuck in the back of the man's neck, puncturing a large blood vessel.

Blood flowed into the air duct, the man opened his mouth wide, whimpered a few times, his body swayed, and he fell to the ground, Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng went out of the door, but there was no sign.

Shi Lei instinctively glanced at the big tree, but unexpectedly saw a slender figure flash by with long hair fluttering, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Shi Lei, drag him in, eh? What are you doing? There's nothing there? Hurry up, don't look at it." Xi Chupeng dragged the corpse by the ankle, and dragged him towards the tent, seeing Shi Lei froze on the spot , hastily urged.

As he said that, Xi Chupeng glanced at the torch in Taya's hand, and muttered worriedly: "What should I do with this torch? It's so bright, it will be discovered."

After the door was closed, Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng turned the body over, raised their hands and pulled the dart off the neck, Shi Lei shook the dart twice in front of Xi Chupeng.

Looking at Xi Chupeng with a half-smile, he said meaningfully: "You didn't notice, someone help us?"

Xi Chupeng shrugged, and said calmly, "He doesn't want us to know who he is."

The corner of Shi Lei's mouth twitched slightly, he walked to the torch and looked at the dart in his hand, Taya had already inserted the torch by the wall, the dart was made of stone, rhombus in shape, and the edges and corners were polished very sharp.

Wrap the darts in cloth strips and put them in your pocket. When you looked up, you saw a chair with a big tent. Shi Lei walked over and knocked on the armrest of the chair.

A flash of light flashed in Shi Lei's mind, he turned his head and whispered to the three people who were bending over to find the trap, "Come quickly!"

The three of them thought that Shi Lei had discovered something, so they walked over excitedly, only to hear Shi Lei say: "Taya, the things in your big tent just now, is it true that the patriarch's chair is the only one that hasn't changed?"

"This chair is so big, it's not difficult to hide something, come and look for it quickly." After saying that, Shi Lei went around to the back of the chair. The chair of the aborigines is as big as the dragon chair that the ancient emperor sat on in TV dramas. .

Shi Lei knocked on the dragon chair little by little, listening to the sound, knocked the entire back, but there was nothing, Shi Lei had no choice but to walk to the side.

The carvings of this chair are arranged in a grand manner, and the shapes of the carvings are also very realistic, especially the totems on the back of the dragon chair are so beautiful.

Shi Lei raised his hand to touch it, but Taya saw it, raised his hand and slapped Shi Lei's hand, "Get up! Gods can't touch it."

Shi Lei muttered disdainfully, snorted, and didn't insist on touching, Shi Lei turned to the front of the chair, looked up and down, Shi Lei suddenly said: "Taya, can this chair be moved?"

"I asked Grandma before, and she said no." Taya denied it without thinking.

Guo Jingyi and Xi Chupeng kept pressing back and forth on the chairs, but Guo Jingyi's movements suddenly stopped, her body was stiff for a while.

Shi Lei felt that something was wrong, hurriedly walked over and asked anxiously: "Jingyi, what's wrong?" As he spoke, he looked towards the place Guo Jingyi was pressing, but he saw that the armrest on the left side of the chair could turn.

Taya and Guo Jingyi also came over. Guo Jingyi slowly twisted the armrest in a circle. This heavy-looking chair moved forward slowly by itself, and stopped after a while.

"Look!" Xi Chupeng saw the depression emerging from the back of the chair at a glance.

Taya rushed over first, and on top of it was a nine-piece jigsaw puzzle made of stones, with messy graphics. When Taya saw it, her eyes turned red.

"Taya, can you do it?" Shi Lei was anxious, and immediately asked,
Taya nodded, raised her hand and went to do the puzzle, but a sharp sword suddenly appeared and scratched her arm. Seeing this, Shi Lei quickly pulled Taya up, and he took Guo Jingyi's bow and arrow, and took With one head, go to poke the jigsaw puzzle.

"Taya, how do you fight? I'll move it for you and you can see how the wound is." Shi Lei said worriedly.

When Taya heard this, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and a warm current flowed through her heart, "It's okay."

"Grandma asked me to draw this pattern several times when I was young." Taya said, Shi Lei did it, and within a minute, the picture was assembled. The stone board made the sound of gears turning, and there were two clicks, and the stone board opened automatically. .

The four of them took a closer look and saw two rolls with their heads down, Shi Lei picked it up with a bow and arrow, Taya opened one of the rolls, but it was blank.


Everyone subconsciously thought of this.

However, at this moment, the blank parchment scroll changed, and one of them, because Taya accidentally rubbed the blood on her head, revealed the handwriting when everyone was wondering.

Guo Jingyi was the first to discover it. Seeing this, she quickly asked the three of them to look at it, while Taya squeezed out the blood from the wound, and the parchment scroll showed a map and a bunch of densely packed small indigenous characters.

Taya quickly browsed the contents of the parchment, while Shi Lei opened another scroll, at first glance, the contents were exactly the same as the one in Taya's hand.

At this moment, the door of the big tent was suddenly knocked open with a loud noise, waking up the four people who were in great surprise.

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