"Taya, where do you think the map you are looking for is stored?" Shi Lei touched it and said to himself.

Shi Lei and his team, Taya, Tatu and the doctor sat in a circle around the map drawn by Tamo and the two men. The Tashi tribe has a strange rule, the native doctors can only be called doctors, and their names cannot be mentioned. .

Taya didn't speak, but just stared at Shi Lei to signal him to shut up, obviously, Taya still didn't want everyone to know about this matter on a large scale.

Shi Lei shrugged, sat up straight, looked at Taya and said speechlessly: "Taya, you have time to struggle, don't think about where you put it, since everyone wants to protect you, you must know where it is. With a detailed plan, the success rate will be greater.”

Listening to Shi Lei's words, Taya glanced around the crowd, lowered her eyes and bit her lips for a while, then nodded and made a secret decision, "Grandma told me before that the sheepskin rolls are in the big tent, I don't know exactly where. , I have to go find it."

"Big tent? That Lin Haining lives in a place that is not a big tent," Shi Lei muttered with puzzled look in his eyes.

Shi Lei raised his head, put aside the thoughts in his head, and said seriously to everyone: "But I think they must not have found the map, otherwise they wouldn't need to set a trap to lure us in."

While talking, Tatu and the healer had filled up the incomplete map, but there was a blank space between everyone's routes.

Referring to the map drawn by Ta Mo, Shi Lei looked at the comprehensive map of the four of them. Shi Lei asked Xi Chuyu to mark the overlapping places and different points on Ta Mo's map, so that it would be clear at a glance.

"This time, there are two purposes. Even so, everyone can't act together. One team with the best kung fu will go to find the map, and the other team will have more people to sneak attack and kill the group. Only by cooperating inside and outside can we win. What do you think?"

This time it was Guo Jingyi who spoke. She has been studying the map and stayed here with Shi Lei for several months. Guo Jingyi summarized the strategies that Shi Lei usually used and came up with the simplest and feasible method.

The method was unanimously approved by everyone, and then everyone discussed, whoever looked for the map, who went to the large army outside, and finally, Shi Lei, Xi Chupeng, and Guo Jingyi were the ones who looked for the map with Taya, and the others were on the periphery with the indigenous people. Sneak attack.

"Tatu, wait for half an hour after we go in before you start a surprise attack," Shi Lei said to Tatu who had been listening, "Be careful not to let them surround you, and their bows and arrows are not weak." After thinking about it Thinking about it, I still said a few words of worry.

Shi Lei and the others talked for an entire afternoon, and when Shi Lei and the others settled down on everything they needed to decide, they realized that it was already afternoon.

Before departure, I can’t go on an empty stomach like last time. After lunch, I start to recharge my batteries. Anyway, there are no them on duty today, so go to sleep.

After waking up, Shi Lei walked out of the tent and found that it was already dusk, so don't expect to eat dinner, everyone brought two pieces of jerky and set off on the road.

The natives came out, except for the seniors and minors, as well as the people who protected the camp, all the others came out. The natives knew that they were going this time to avenge their clansmen. wind.

"Taya, take a deep breath and relax. After entering, you must calm down. Find the map first, and then go to revenge. He can't run away." Shi Lei and Taya walked in front of the team, and Shi Lei clearly sensed Taya's nervousness and restlessness. Mood, quickly comforted.

Taya nodded in response.

The route they took was the same route as last time. This time they didn't have to take advantage of the darkness, their sight was clear, and their walking speed was much faster than last time.

When they arrived, the sky was completely dark, and there was no place to hide outside the tribe. They brought a lot of people. If they wanted to achieve the effect of a surprise attack, they could not be noticed.
Shi Lei and the aborigines could only stop nearby, the aborigines spread out and hid behind the bushes scatteredly, the leader of the attack outside was Tatu.

"Let's go." Shi Lei got up from the ground, patted Tatu on the shoulder, and waved softly to several members of the team.

Taya is the leader, Shi Lei and Xi Chupeng stepped on it yesterday, they all know the rules and loopholes of the guard, just to be on the safe side, Shi Lei also specially observed if there is any change in the patrol method.

"Let's go!" There was no change, Shi Lei stood up first, holding the bone knife in his hand, Xi Chupeng, Guo Jingyi and Taya, all holding their own weapons in their hands, looked around vigilantly.

Evading the guards, he quickly walked into the tribe. Today is still dark clouds covering the moon, the surroundings are quiet, the quiet Shi Lei can clearly hear his own heartbeat.

The wind blew through the leaves, making rustling noises, but it made this place where patrols passed by occasionally, and it became eerie and eerie. Shi Lei just stayed there for a while, and a creepy feeling emerged in his heart.

Shi Lei shook his body, and when the patrol team disappeared from the sight of the four of them, the team quickly changed formation, led by Taya, and rushed directly to the big tent.

On the way, the four of Shi Lei and the others passed the wooden house where Shi Lei met Lin Haining yesterday, but today the wooden house was not lit up, and there were no guards.

Shi Lei deliberately glanced at it, and upon seeing this, a strange look flashed across his eyes, and then continued to follow Taya's footsteps ahead, speeding up.

The location of the big tent is the center of the tribe. From a distance, they saw the brightly lit big tent, and there were more guards around than what they saw in the wooden house yesterday.

Everyone couldn't move forward, so they could only find a corner and hide temporarily. After a while, Taya got up quietly and looked around, but there was no change at all.

Shi Lei pulled Taya down, leaned closer to Taya's ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Wait, don't worry."

Taya pouted, and reluctantly squatted down, Shi Lei silently counted the time in his heart, after waiting for half an hour, Shi Lei also became a little restless.

In another half an hour, a surprise attack will be launched on Tatu's side, and the tribe will be on alert at that time. If they want to leave and assassinate Lin Haining, it will be difficult.

"Chu Peng, what can you do?" Shi Lei approached Xi Chupeng who was in the corner and asked softly.

Unexpectedly, Xi Chupeng didn't speak, but grabbed Shi Lei's hand, which confused Shi Lei, and wanted to pull it back, but Xi Chupeng grabbed his palm and wrote a few words on his hand.

"I'll go?" Shi Lei organized the strokes drawn by Xi Chupeng, muttered, and Shi Lei quickly shook his head to veto it.

Too many patrols, no way.

Shi Lei used the same method to write in the palm of Xi Chupeng's hand, but Xi Chupeng just withdrew his hand, pointed to the direction of the big tent, and signaled Shi Lei to look.

He turned his head, looked at the patrol team that was coming, but suddenly saw a person walking towards the woods beside him, Shi Lei's heart moved slightly, and he had an idea.

"Let's grab a tongue." Shi Lei patted Xi Chupeng's shoulder, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly to the three of them.

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