"Really! What way?" Lin Ziqiang's eyes lit up, and he stared at Guo Jingyi with a look of great expectation.

Looking at Lin Ziqiang who was eager to know how to catch wild boars, Guo Jingyi's eyes flashed with disgust.

Since coming to this island, Guo Jingyi has been thinking about how to live a good life. She doesn't want to cause trouble, but she is definitely not afraid of trouble.She is not the kind of completely impartial saint, in this life and death, she only thinks about herself.If Lin Ziqiang's previous actions hadn't really angered her, she would never have taken the initiative to negotiate with her at the risk of her own life.

"We found that wild boar in the woods in the past few days, and we also thought of a way to set up a trap. We are absolutely confident that we can use this trap to catch the wild boar." Guo Jingyi blinked at him, "But the wild boar has skin It's rough and thick, even if we can catch it, we can't kill it. There are plants everywhere in the woods. I really want to wait until he starves to death. I guess we have to starve to death before that, so..." Guo Jingyi didn't finish her sentence, but Any fool knows what is not said.

"So, do you want to cooperate with us?"

"Cooperation?" Lin Ziqiang narrowed his eyes, "Would you consider cooperating with me? Don't you hate me?"

Lin Ziqiang was a little skeptical, Guo Jingyi's words sounded quite true, but they were only reasonable, and it would be a little strange to put it in a human sense.

"If you hate it, you hate it." Guo Jingyi did not deny it. Sometimes, admitting something that might be detrimental to the situation will make the other party trust you more, making people think that you are an honest person, and you probably won't lie.

"Although I hate it, we really need your help." Guo Jingyi raised her head and sighed, "Maybe this is fate. You are lucky. You picked up a knife, so you have the ability to threaten others. If you pick up a knife It's me, and maybe I'll do the same."

To increase the other party's sense of identity, Guo Jingyi continued to trick Lin Ziqiang subtly.Increasing the sense of identity and belonging can also better deceive others' trust.

"Oh, there's no way, this is your fate." Combined with Shi Lei's low voice and not daring to resist a few days ago, Lin Ziqiang couldn't help feeling a little elated, "It's okay to cooperate with you, but how will the wild boar be divided in the end..."

"It's still, how about dividing it into four parts, one for each person?" Guo Jingyi said, "After all, it took us a few days to dig this trap."

Of course Guo Jingyi knew that it was impossible for Lin Ziqiang to give them so much, but she just asked him to continue to relax his vigilance. If the conditions were too generous for him, everyone would doubt it.

"Return?" Lin Ziqiang laughed and said, "Okay, then pay back. But last time you were half of me and half of me, so this time it's still the same?"

Guo Jingyi thought for a long time, finally closed her eyes, and nodded in pain.

Lin Ziqiang was very satisfied with her reaction. In his eyes, as long as there were a few more cooperations like this, the three of them would subtly become his little followers. Human servility was inspired by this.

It's a pity that he never expected that these three people were definitely not masters who were willing to be slaves.

"That's how it is. Tomorrow we'll go catch wild boars together." Lin Ziqiang said, his eyes fell on Guo Jingyi's plump breasts.Seeing her take a step back unconsciously, she shook her head and said regretfully, "Mr. Guo, why are you so reluctant to go with that kid who has nothing? If you are willing to stay with me, I promise you will eat well and live well. "Living on the beach is definitely safer than living in the woods.

"Don't bother Lao Lin, I can live like this." Although she was pretending to be weak before, but being stared at by such eyes, Guo Jingyi really felt a little scared in her heart, and her mind was full of thoughts. Hurry up and get away from this person.

Although Lin Ziqiang was bold, he only dared to take a look at Guo Jingyi.In his heart, life on this island is only temporary, and he will eventually return to the bustling city, so he doesn't save much on food and water, always thinking that someone will come to rescue soon.Su Feifei is a pretty but powerless little stewardess, no matter how much trouble she makes, it's okay, but if she offends Guo Jingyi and gives her some real evidence, if she files a complaint after returning home, I'm afraid she and her family won't be able to afford it walking.

Lin Ziqiang could only watch helplessly as the beauty in front of him finally got into the woods again.

"How is it?" Seeing Guo Jingyi coming back, Shi Lei asked quickly.

Guo Jingyi waved her hands to indicate that she was fine, but her irregular breathing still revealed her actual mood.

"What did he do to you?" Shi Lei was furious.

"No, just a little scared. He promised to catch wild boars together tomorrow."

Shi Lei breathed a sigh of relief, and walked slowly towards the camp with Guo Jingyi.

The most critical part of this plan is that they have indeed grasped the traces of the wild boars and dug the traps, but Lin Ziqiang really doesn't know anything about the wild boars.

After several days of observation, the three people found that wild boars are very strong, and have rough skin and thick flesh. It is really difficult to kill without understanding.

And Lin Ziqiang is such a person who dares to respond without understanding.

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