After Lu Fei finished speaking, he stepped forward and left, but Taya couldn't help but stared blankly. She thought about Lu Fei's words over and over in her mind, and played back Shi Lei's words and expression in her mind.

Taya's heart moved, she affirmed what Luffy said, Luffy's reminder, as long as anyone with a bit of brain can understand, not to mention that Shi Lei didn't show any disgust towards Taya just now, just pure anger.

Seeing that Shi Lei and his group had left, Tatu and the other natives quickly surrounded Taya. Seeing that Tamo ignored Taya and walked past, they couldn't help but cast a disgusted look at Tamo's back. .

Tamer lowered her eyes, and it was a lie in her heart to say that she didn't feel bad about the reaction of the natives. However, she had expected this situation a long time ago, and she was prepared in her heart.

"Your Highness, this Taya is so unreasonable to you, it's too much!" The natives complained for Taya.

Tatu listened to the people's words and was silent for a while. Seeing that Taya hadn't spoken yet, he thought Taya thought the same way, and said quickly: "Your Highness, I think Shi Lei is rude to you because Guo Jingyi is his savior." , I don't think Shi Lei is that kind of ruthless person."

Taya lowered her eyes and did not speak. Seeing the aborigines start to argue, she regained her composure and glanced at the aborigines calmly.

Although she didn't say anything, the aborigines couldn't help showing a look of fear in their hearts, and they all left quietly.

Taya turned her head and glanced at Shi Lei who was talking to his friend, and couldn't help but ask in her heart: Shi Lei, am I really, less important than that Guo Jingyi?
Seeing the four people coming, Shi Lei quickly helped Guo Jingyi to do a good job and let her lean against the big tree. Ta Mo went to Guo Jingyi's side and squatted down, opened the lid of the bamboo tube, and handed the bamboo tube to Guo Jingyi, "Have a drink, I just had a drink." made soup."

Guo Jingyi glanced at Ta Mo, raised her hand to take the bamboo tube, and said softly: "Thank you." After taking a sip, Guo Jingyi's eyes couldn't help but light up. She hadn't had any water or rice all day and night, and she could drink a sip of hot soup to warm up the empty space. The stomach, the taste is beyond words to describe the enjoyment.

Everyone sat in a circle, Guo Jingyi drank the soup, and no one spoke. Gradually, Guo Jingyi also sensitively sensed that the atmosphere was not right. She used a bamboo tube as a cover, and while drinking the soup, she quietly looked at everyone from the corner of her eye.

Xi Chupeng has a calm personality, and it's normal to be unsmiling. Shi Lei may be angry because of what happened to Taya just now, and didn't smile.

However, Lu Fei and Xi Chuyu, one has an out-of-the-ordinary personality, no matter what crisis they encounter, they can complain about it, they are laughing all day long, and the other is extroverted, and they get bored after sitting quietly for a while. Seeing her wake up, if it is normal, they would have jumped happily I got up and cheered, but now my eyes are lowered, sitting in a daze.

"You guys, what are you keeping from me?" Guo Jingyi raised her eyebrows, glanced at a few people with half-smile eyes, and asked in a cool tone.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions became a little weird, especially Xi Chuyu, his eye circles turned red instantly, he opened his mouth to say something, glanced at it quietly, and closed his mouth again.

Guo Jingyi has an exquisite heart, she has sharp eyes, she can see it in the blink of an eye, if she wants to find out about this matter, she has to start with Shi Lei.

"Shi Lei, you don't want me to know? Why?" Guo Jingyi looked at Shi Lei calmly and asked.

Shi Lei raised his head and glanced at Guo Jingyi, although she didn't say anything, Shi Lei couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart.

"Okay, let me tell you, but you have to finish the soup first, you have to be mentally prepared, after listening, you must not get excited, promise me." Shi Lei said weakly, seeing Guo Jingyi put down the bamboo tube, he quickly added, At the same time, Guo Jingyi was specially vaccinated to prepare her mentally.

Seeing Shi Lei's serious expression, Guo Jingyi's heart sank suddenly. She finished drinking the soup calmly, put it down, and then looked at Shi Lei. Said a bit.

"This..." Guo Jingyi looked at the three of them in shock. Although the three of them had been trying their best to hide their expressions, the despair and unwillingness in their eyes made her not know what to say for a while.

Upon waking up, the changes are overwhelming, and the friends who have been together day and night may die at any time, Xi Chuyu listened to what Shi Lei said, and couldn't bear it anymore.

She burst into tears with a "wow", covered her head, and shouted in a broken voice, "Brother, what should I do if something happens to you?"

Xi Chupeng hugged Xi Chuyu distressedly, and comforted him softly. Hearing Xi Chuyu's sobbing voice, everyone felt as if a heavy stone had been crushed on their hearts, making them breathless.

At this moment, Shi Lei couldn't help coughing twice, Guo Jingyi looked over, but saw two blushes on Shi Lei's cheeks that were abnormal, Guo Jingyi raised her hand to touch Shi Lei's forehead, her complexion changed suddenly.

"Shi Lei, you have a fever!"

With an exclamation, Xi Chuyu's crying stopped abruptly, and everyone turned their attention to Shi Lei. At this moment, they also saw the abnormal blush on Shi Lei's face, and Shi Lei's blurred eyes.

Shi Lei's body swayed twice, suddenly tilted to the left, and fell to the ground, Lu Fei ran over quickly, and tested Shi Lei's body temperature with the back of his hand, it was already hot.

"Hurry up, Chu Peng gets the water, Ta Mo brings the bandage, Chu Yu, help Shi Lei, I'll check his wound." Lu Fei ordered quickly.

Everyone was confused by this sudden scene, and when they heard what Luffy said, they all got up and took action.

Guo Jingyi struggled to stand up from the laid floor, looked at Shi Lei worriedly, saw that Lu Fei helped Shi Lei up, and hurriedly urged: "Help him here and lie down."

"What about you?" Lu Fei originally wanted to help Shi Lei go back to the tent. Although Shi Lei has a fever now, he can't lie on the ground. He will be fine for a while, but after a long time, he will catch cold and his condition will worsen. Shi Lei is even more dangerous.

Guo Jingyi shook her head and quickly said that she was fine, Shi Lei was laid flat on the floor by Lu Fei, and Lu Fei and Xi Chuyu took off Shi Lei's upper body shirt.

Seeing that Shi Lei had a shoulder injury, Guo Jingyi subconsciously covered her trembling lips, her eyes were slightly red, this idiot with a shoulder injury actually pulled her, he is not afraid of the wound opening!Stupid Shi Lei.

At this time, the people who took the things also came back, Lu Fei took off all the cloths that bound Shi Lei's wound, and everyone saw the swollen wound at a glance.

"It's already been prescribed medicine, how could it be..." Xi Chuyu said in disbelief.

"How did Shi Lei get injured?" Guo Jingyi asked suddenly.

Xi Chuyu told Guo Jingyi what she had heard, and Guo Jingyi's face darkened in an instant, she gritted her teeth and said, "The wound needs to be washed with clean water, have you washed it?"

"..." Xi Chupeng's face froze, and after a long while, he said with a guilty and regretful face: "I don't have soap on my hand, I'm worried that it will cause inflammation if I directly use it, but who knows..." The medicine juice is useless.

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