Xi Chupeng really did what he said, the next day when it was dawn, Shi Lei was dragged out of the bed by his collar.

"Why don't I go pick some honey today too?" Shi Lei couldn't help shivering when he was blown by the cold wind in the morning. Seeing Xi Chupeng's serious expression, he said tentatively.

Xi Chupeng snorted coldly, and said with a smile: "Shi Lei, do you think I, Chu Peng, am the kind of person who holds grudges?"

"Let's stop discussing this issue, let's start." Seeing Xi Chupeng like this, Shi Lei couldn't help but open his eyes and talk nonsense, so he had to change the subject.

Although Xi Chupeng said he was angry, in fact, the exercise plan was carried out step by step according to Shi Lei's physique, and it was impossible to train like Xi Chupeng.

While Xi Chupeng was giving Shi Lei physical training, he also taught Shi Lei the skills of close combat, and how to use the weapons in his hand to quickly kill the enemy.

They trained like this for half a month, and Xi Chupeng decided to test Shi Lei. After staying on the island for so long, Shi Lei's physique was gradually changing. Although he was very tired every day at the beginning, Shi Lei gradually got used to it.

After passing the examination, Xi Chupeng was very satisfied. Shi Lei sat slumped on the ground, out of breath. After a while, Shi Lei suddenly said: "We've been here for a month, right?"

"Well," Xi Chupeng nodded, "what, are you leaving?"

Shi Lei got up from the ground, patted the soil on his buttocks, and said casually: "I can't stay here forever, relying on the natives is not a long-term solution, I'm really worried, staying here, I always have a feeling that what happened before, never The illusion that nothing happened, and the instinct of vigilance in the body are gradually disappearing."

"Let's go, go back and discuss with everyone." Xi Chupeng lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice. He also felt this way, which is not a good phenomenon.

Xi Chuyu looked around at the crowd, frowned and whispered, "Are you really going?"

To be honest, with such a safe haven, Xi Chuyu was really reluctant to leave, but she also knew that it was too embarrassing to stay in other people's territory all the time.

Guo Jingyi didn't have any unsteady reaction, seeing that everyone was silent, she asked Shi Lei: "Have you decided where to go?"

"Follow the sea to the north. The forest here is too lush. It's not safe to walk through the forest, and it's easy to get lost. The place we're staying now is the east of this small island."

Shi Lei took a blackened stick from the fire, and drew a simple map on the table, marking the locations one by one.

"You have to get your equipment ready. The temperature difference between day and night here is huge," Luffy said. "By the way, why did you come here? Isn't it good to stay on the opposite island? If it wasn't for the situation, I would have gone there long ago." Yes, the young master has won the runner-up in swimming."

"There's too little food over there, and later a pack of wolves attacked at night, so I had no choice but to come here." Shi Lei said simply.

If you want to leave, you have to make sufficient preparations, understand the general environment, the types of beasts that will appear, etc., are all necessary preparations, so Shi Lei asked Luffy to call Tatu over.

Shi Lei didn't hide anything, he told his purpose, Tatu was very shocked when he heard it, "Why did you leave? Isn't the tribe bad?"

Tatu also understood that Shi Lei and the others would leave sooner or later, but he was really reluctant to part with this group of people, especially Shi Lei, whom he admired the most. He couldn't persuade him, so he could only do his best to provide the most useful help.

Tatu saw the map on the table, picked up the stick, and added to them where there is water, food, where is the most dangerous, and so on.

"What else do you need, tell me, and I'll get it for you." Tatu asked.

That afternoon, Taya came to their residence, stopped Shi Lei directly and said: "I want to leave with you!"

Shi Lei was taken aback when he heard the words, but still hadn't recovered, "What?"

"Shi Lei, you need me. Take me with you. You will never regret it. Except for Grandma, no one knows this forest better than me." Taya said seriously and proudly.

Shi Lei didn't speak, just shook his head, he didn't think at all that the patriarch would agree to Taya's departure, but Taya also had good intentions, he didn't have to, so he argued with her.

At night, the natives said that the patriarch came to invite them to the big tent, Shi Lei and his group looked at each other, seeing the natives waiting for an answer, Guo Jingyi smiled and said: "Okay, please wait a moment."

"It seems that the patriarch knows that we are leaving." Lu Fei sneered, "The news is quite fast, Tatu has a big mouth."

Shi Lei thought for a while and said: "Call us at this time, I always feel that the person who came is not kind."

"Could it be that you're thinking too much?" Xi Chupeng didn't think so, "It's normal for the patriarch to call us over to have a chat when he heard we were leaving." Shi Lei shrugged.

A group of people followed the natives into the big tent. As soon as they entered, Shi Lei saw Taya smiling at him, and his heart skipped a beat.

After taking their seats, the patriarch first asked how they were doing in the tribe, and then said, "Listen to Taya, you are leaving? If there is anything missing, just ask."

"I am grateful for your care these days. On behalf of everyone, Shi Lei thanked the patriarch. We have everything. If you need anything, you will definitely not be polite."

"That's good," the patriarch nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly changed the subject, "Shi Lei, do you have a wife? Or, a fiancée?"

When Shi Lei heard this, the smile on the corner of his mouth froze, he smiled awkwardly, and instead of answering, he asked: "Master Patriarch, why do you suddenly care about your family affairs?" The implication is, you should stop asking, I don't want to talk about it.

However, the patriarch pretended to be stupid, looked at Shi Lei with a smile, and waited for his answer. Shi Lei had no choice but to keep the atmosphere awkward, so he said: "I am not married."

"That's good...my daughter..." The patriarch smiled with satisfaction when he heard the answer he wanted to hear.

Shi Lei looked at the patriarch smiling like the aunt in the company who likes to introduce people to people every day. She secretly thought that it was not good, and quickly added: "However, I already have a girlfriend." Saying this, Shi Lei grabbed Guo Jingyi's wrist .

What the patriarch said just now, although she was interrupted, but those who were present didn't know what she meant, and they exploded in an instant. Who would have thought that the patriarch would think of marrying his daughter to a foreigner.

Feeling the heat from her wrist, Guo Jingyi smiled calmly, held Shi Lei's hand behind her back, and the two of them held hands tacitly.

The atmosphere in the big tent instantly became solemn. After a while, Taya spoke first. She glanced at Guo Jingyi, then turned around and said to the patriarch seriously: "Grandma, I want to marry Shi Lei."

"Shi Lei, I don't care if you have a woman or not, because I love you so much. Since the first time I saved me, I have been paying attention to you. I will be your wife and take care of you. I don't care if there are other women."

Taya's words made Shi Lei silent, he didn't even know what expression to make.

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